所谓魔法函数(Magic Methods),是Python的一种高级语法,允许你在类中自定义函数,并绑定到类的特殊方法中。比如在类A中自定义__str__()函数,则在调用str(A())时,会自动调用__str__()函数,并返回相应的结果。

Python 的类以其神奇的方法而闻名,通常称为 dunder(双下划线)方法。下面先列举Python里面的魔术方法,挑一些常用的魔术方法进行学习。



  1. + object.__add__(self, other)
  2. - object.__sub__(self, other)
  3. * object.__mul__(self, other)
  4. // object.__floordiv__(self, other)
  5. / object.__div__(self, other)
  6. % object.__mod__(self, other)
  7. ** object.__pow__(self, other[, modulo])
  8. << object.__lshift__(self, other)
  9. >> object.__rshift__(self, other)
  10. & object.__and__(self, other)
  11. ^ object.__xor__(self, other)
  12. | object.__or__(self, other)


  1. += object.__iadd__(self, other)
  2. -= object.__isub__(self, other)
  3. *= object.__imul__(self, other)
  4. /= object.__idiv__(self, other)
  5. //= object.__ifloordiv__(self, other)
  6. %= object.__imod__(self, other)
  7. **= object.__ipow__(self, other[, modulo])
  8. <<= object.__ilshift__(self, other)
  9. >>= object.__irshift__(self, other)
  10. &= object.__iand__(self, other)
  11. ^= object.__ixor__(self, other)
  12. |= object.__ior__(self, other)


  1. - object.__neg__(self)
  2. + object.__pos__(self)
  3. abs() object.__abs__(self)
  4. ~ object.__invert__(self)
  5. complex() object.__complex__(self)
  6. int() object.__int__(self)
  7. long() object.__long__(self)
  8. float() object.__float__(self)
  9. oct() object.__oct__(self)
  10. hex() object.__hex__(self)
  11. round() object.__round__(self, n)
  12. floor() object__floor__(self)
  13. ceil() object.__ceil__(self)
  14. trunc() object.__trunc__(self)


  1. < object.__lt__(self, other)
  2. <= object.__le__(self, other)
  3. == object.__eq__(self, other)
  4. != object.__ne__(self, other)
  5. >= object.__ge__(self, other)
  6. > object.__gt__(self, other)


  1. str() object.__str__(self)
  2. repr() object.__repr__(self)
  3. len() object.__len__(self)
  4. hash() object.__hash__(self)
  5. bool() object.__nonzero__(self)
  6. dir() object.__dir__(self)
  7. sys.getsizeof() object.__sizeof__(self)


  1. len() object.__len__(self)
  2. self[key] object.__getitem__(self, key)
  3. self[key] = value object.__setitem__(self, key, value)
  4. del[key] object.__delitem__(self, key)
  5. iter() object.__iter__(self)
  6. reversed() object.__reversed__(self)
  7. in操作 object.__contains__(self, item)
  8. 字典key不存在时 object.__missing__(self, key)




这个方法很常见。它是一个类初始化器。 每当创建一个类的实例时,都会调用其 __init__()方法。 例如:

  1. class GetTest(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. print('Greetings!!')
  4. def another_method(self):
  5. print('I am another method which is not automatically called')

可以看到在实例在创建后会立即调用 __init__。 你还可以在初始化期间将参数传递给类。像这样:

  1. class GetTest(object):
  2. def __init__(self, name):
  3. print('Greetings!! {0}'.format(name))
  4. def another_method(self):
  5. print('I am another method which is not automatically called')


在类中实现 __getitem__ 允许其实例使用[](索引器)运算符。这是一个例子:

  1. class GetTest(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. self.info = {
  4. 'name':'Yasoob',
  5. 'country':'Pakistan',
  6. 'number':12345812
  7. }
  8. def __getitem__(self,i):
  9. return self.info[i]
  10. >>> foo = GetTest()
  11. >>> foo['name']
  12. 'Yasoob'
  13. >>> foo['number']
  14. 12345812


  1. >>> foo['name']
  2. Traceback (most recent call last):
  3. File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  4. TypeError: 'GetTest' object has no attribute '__getitem__'


__del__()是delete的缩写,这是析构魔术方法。当一块空间没有了任何引用时 默认执行__del__回收这个类地址,一般我们不自定义__del__ 有可能会导致问题。

  • 触发时机:当对象被内存回收的时候自动触发,有下面两种情况:
    1. 页面执行完毕回收所有变量
    2. 当多个对象指向同一地址,所有对象被del的时候
  • 功能:对象使用完毕后资源回收
  • 参数:一个self接受对象
  • 返回值:无



  1. class Cat:
  2. def eat(self):
  3. print("我嘎嘎能吃")
  4. def __del__(self):
  5. print("ohohoh,我被销毁了")


  1. print("<=======start======>")
  2. cat1 = Cat()
  3. print("<=======ends======>")


<=======start======> <=======ends======> ohohoh,我被销毁了



  1. cat1 = Cat()
  2. cat2 = cat1
  3. print("<=======start======>")
  4. del cat1
  5. print("<=======ends======>")


<=======start======> <=======ends======> ohohoh,我被销毁了



  1. cat1 = Cat()
  2. cat2 = cat1
  3. print("<=======start======>")
  4. del cat1
  5. del cat2
  6. print("<=======ends======>")


<=======start======> ohohoh,我被销毁了 <=======ends======>





  • 触发时机:把对象当作函数调用的时候自动触发
  • 功能:模拟函数化操作
  • 参数:参数不固定,至少一个self参数
  • 返回值:看需求

其使用方式为:对象后面加括号,触发执行。即:对象() 或者 类()()

  1. class A(object):
  2. def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  3. print('call....')
  4. a = A()
  5. a() # 自动调用__call__()


  1. class Fibonacci(object):
  2. def __call__(self, num):
  3. a, b = 1, 1
  4. lst = []
  5. if num <= 2:
  6. lst.append(a)
  7. lst.append(b)
  8. else:
  9. for i in range(num):
  10. lst.append(a)
  11. a, b = b, a + b
  12. return lst
  13. >>> f = Fibonacci()
  14. >>> print(f(5))
  15. [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]




  1. class Person(object):
  2. def __init__(self, name, age):
  3. self._name = name
  4. self._age = age


  1. from types import MethodType
  2. def fly(self):
  3. print('I can fly~')
  4. >>> p1 = Person('王大锤', 18)
  5. >>> p2 = Person('爱丽丝', 16)
  6. >>>
  7. >>> p1.fly = MethodType(fly, p1)
  8. >>> p1.fly()
  9. I can fly~
  10. >>>
  11. >>> p2.fly() # p1绑定的属性和方法对p2无效
  12. Traceback (most recent call last):
  13. File "D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3331, in run_code
  14. exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  15. File "<ipython-input-31-07b12cf8c526>", line 1, in <module>
  16. p2.fly()
  17. AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'fly'



  1. class Person(object):
  2. __slots__ = ('_name', '_age', '_gender')
  3. def __init__(self, name, age):
  4. self._name = name
  5. self._age = age


  1. >>> p = Person('陆七岁', 7)
  2. >>> p._gender = '男'
  3. >>> p._gender
  4. '男'
  5. >>> p._school = 'Q小学'
  6. Traceback (most recent call last):
  7. File "D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3331, in run_code
  8. exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  9. File "<ipython-input-36-c90af696bffa>", line 1, in <module>
  10. p._school = 'Q小学'
  11. AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute '_school'


  1. >>> Person._school = 'Q小学'
  2. >>> Person._school
  3. 'Q小学'
  4. >>> p1._school
  5. Traceback (most recent call last):
  6. File "D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3331, in run_code
  7. exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  8. File "<ipython-input-38-f12357d4471f>", line 1, in <module>
  9. p1._school
  10. AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute '_school'


  • __slots__是针对类实例的限制,要添加属性或方法仍可以通过类去添加;
  • __slots__定义的属性仅对当前类实例起作用,对继承的子类是不起作用的。



  • 触发时机:使用print(对象)str(对象)时触发。 ```python class Cat: def init(self, name, sex):

    1. self.name = name
    2. self.sex = sex

    def str(self):

    1. return f"我是一只可爱的小{self.sex}猫咪,我的名字是{self.name}"

cat = Cat(“小白”, “公”) print(cat) 我是一只可爱的小公猫咪,我的名字是小白 ```



  • 此方法是__str__()的“备胎”,如果找不到__str__()就会找__repr__()方法。
  • %r默认调用的是__repr__()方法,%s调用__str__()方法
  • repr()方法默认调用__repr__()方法 ```python class A(object): def init(self, name, age):

    1. self.name = name
    2. self.age = age

    def str(self):

    1. msg = 'name:{},age:{}'.format(self.name, self.age)
    2. return msg

    def repr(self):

    1. msg = 'name--->{},age--->{}'.format(self.name, self.age)
    2. return msg

a = A(‘za’, 34)

print(‘%s’ % a) name:za, age:34 print(‘%r’ % a) # 用 %r,默认调用repr()方法 name—>za, age—>34 print(a) # 有str()方法就会调用str()方法,没有就调用repr()方法 name:za, age:34 print(repr(a)) # repr()方法默认调用repr()方法 name—>za, age—>34 `` 注意:如果将几个对象扔到一个容器中(比如:列表),那么在打印这个容器的时候,会依次调用这个容器中的元素的repr方法。如果没有实现这个repr`方法,那么得到的将是一个类名+地址的形式,这种形式的是不好理解的。



触发时机: 在实例化对时触发
参数:至少一个cls 接收当前类



  1. class Person(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. print('__init__(): 我也被调用啦~')
  4. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # 重写后,不再创建对象
  5. print('__new__(): 哈哈我被调用啦~')
  6. >>> per = Person()
  7. __new__(): 哈哈我被调用啦~
  8. >>> print(per)
  9. None



  1. class Person(object):
  2. def __init__(self):
  3. print('__init__(): 我也被调用啦~')
  4. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  5. print('__new__(): 哈哈我被调用啦~')
  6. ret = super().__new__(cls) # 调用父类object的__new__方法创建对象
  7. return ret
  8. >>> per = Person()
  9. __new__(): 哈哈我被调用啦~
  10. __init__(): 我也被调用啦~
  11. >>> print(per)
  12. <__main__.Person object at 0x0000020FA3892848>



  • is 比较两个对象的 id值是否相等,是否指向同一个内存地址;
  • == 比较的是两个对象的内容是否相等,即内存地址可以不一样,内容一样就可以了。



  1. >>> list1 = [1, 2, 3]
  2. >>> list2 = [1, 2, 3]
  3. >>> print(id(list1))
  4. 1759352803720
  5. >>> print(id(list2))
  6. 1759352804232
  7. >>> print(list1 == list2)
  8. True
  9. >>> print(list1 is list2)
  10. False


  1. class Cat:
  2. def __init__(self, name, sex):
  3. self.name = name
  4. self.sex = sex
  5. >>> c1 = Cat('小白', 2)
  6. >>> c2 = Cat('小白', 2)
  7. >>> print(c1.__dict__)
  8. {'name': '小白', 'sex': 2}
  9. >>> print(c2.__dict__)
  10. {'name': '小白', 'sex': 2}
  11. >>> print(c1 == c2) # ==比较时默认调用object.__eq__方法,默认比较两个对象的地址
  12. False
  13. >>> print(c1 is c2)
  14. False


  1. class Cat:
  2. def __init__(self, name, sex):
  3. self.name = name
  4. self.sex = sex
  5. def __eq__(self, other):
  6. return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
  7. >>> c1 = Cat('小白', 2)
  8. >>> c2 = Cat('小白', 2)
  9. >>> print(c1.__dict__)
  10. {'name': '小白', 'sex': 2}
  11. >>> print(c2.__dict__)
  12. {'name': '小白', 'sex': 2}
  13. >>> print(c1 == c2) # ==比较时默认调用object.__eq__方法,默认比较两个对象的地址
  14. True
  15. >>> print(c1 is c2)
  16. False




在Python中有内置的哈希函数hash(),返回一个对象的哈希值。示例代码如下 :

  1. >>> hash("djifc")
  2. -2043476019875189555
  3. >>> hash([1,2])
  4. Traceback (most recent call last):
  5. File "D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3331, in run_code
  6. exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  7. File "<ipython-input-6-9ce67481a686>", line 1, in <module>
  8. hash([1,2])
  9. TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

必须要注意:hash()只能输入数字或者字符串,不能直接用于 list、set、dictionary。


  1. >>> sets = {1, 'v', [1, 2, 3, 32]}
  2. >>> print(set)
  3. Traceback (most recent call last):
  4. File "D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3331, in run_code
  5. exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  6. File "<ipython-input-7-382668131d05>", line 1, in <module>
  7. sets = {1, 'v', [1, 2, 3, 32]}
  8. TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'


  1. >>> hash((1, 2, 3, 32))
  2. 485696758965239209
  3. >>> sets = {1, 'v', (1, 2, 3, 32)}
  4. >>> print(set)
  5. <class 'set'>




  1. class People(object):
  2. def __init__(self, name, age):
  3. self.name = name
  4. self.age = age
  5. >>> hash(People)
  6. -9223371873168924114
  7. >>> hash(object)
  8. 8795472504755
  9. >>> id(object) / 16
  10. 8795472504755.0



  1. >>> person1 = People('zz', 23)
  2. >>> person2 = People('zs', 23)
  3. >>> sets = {person1, person2}
  4. >>> sets
  5. {<__main__.People at 0x261c7a6ed48>, <__main__.People at 0x261c7a6ed88>}



  1. class People(object):
  2. def __init__(self, name, age):
  3. self.name = name
  4. self.age = age
  5. def __eq__(self, other):
  6. return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
  7. def __hash__(self):
  8. return hash(self.name) + hash(self.age)
  9. >>> person1 = People('zz', 23)
  10. >>> person2 = People('zz', 23)
  11. >>> set1 = {person1}
  12. >>> set1.add(person2)
  13. >>> print(set1)
  14. {<__main__.People object at 0x00000261C7A8C7C8>}


  1. class People(object):
  2. def __init__(self, name, age):
  3. self.name = name
  4. self.age = age
  5. def __eq__(self, other):
  6. return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
  7. >>> person1 = People('zz', 23)
  8. >>> person2 = People('zz', 23)
  9. >>> set1 = {person1}
  10. Traceback (most recent call last):
  11. File "D:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\IPython\core\interactiveshell.py", line 3331, in run_code
  12. exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  13. File "<ipython-input-23-af8600420087>", line 3, in <module>
  14. set1 = {person1}
  15. TypeError: unhashable type: 'People'


  • 触发时机:使用bool(对象)的时候自动触发
  • 功能:强转对象
  • 参数:一个self接受当前对象
  • 返回值:必须是布尔类型 ```python class Cat: def init(self, name, sex):

    1. self.name = name
    2. self.sex = sex

    def bool(self):

    1. return True

cat = Cat(“小白”, “公”) print(bool(cat)) True ```



  • 触发时机:使用对象进行运算相加的时候自动触发
  • 功能:对象运算
  • 参数:两个对象参数
  • 返回值:运算后的值


  1. class Sum:
  2. def __init__(self, num):
  3. self.num = num
  4. def __add__(self, other): # 对象在加号+的左侧时,自动触发
  5. return self.num + other
  6. >>> value = Sum(7)
  7. >>> res = value + 8
  8. >>> print(res)
  9. 15


  1. class Sum():
  2. def __init__(self, num):
  3. self.num = num
  4. def __radd__(self, other):
  5. return self.num + other
  6. >>> value = Sum(7)
  7. >>> res = 10 + value
  8. >>> print(res)
  9. 17


  1. class Sum1:
  2. def __init__(self, num):
  3. self.num = num
  4. def __add__(self, other):
  5. return self.num + other
  6. class Sum2:
  7. def __init__(self, num):
  8. self.num = num
  9. def __radd__(self, other):
  10. return self.num * 2 + other
  11. >>> value1 = Sum1(10)
  12. >>> value2 = Sum2(7)
  13. >>> res = value1 + value2
  14. >>> print(res)



  • 触发时机:使用len对象的时候自动触发
  • 功能:用于检测对象中或者类中成员个数
  • 参数:一个self接收当前对象
  • 返回值:必须是整型 ```python class List: def init(self):

    1. self.num = []

    def add(self, x):

    1. self.num.append(x)

    def len(self):

    1. return len(self.num)

l = List() l.add(2) print(len(l)) ```



  1. class MyClass():
  2. name1 = "Lsir"
  3. name2 = "Wsir"
  4. name3 = "Zsir"
  5. def task1(self):
  6. print("task1")
  7. def task2(self):
  8. print("tesk2")
  9. def task3(self):
  10. print("task3")
  11. >>> print(MyClass.__dict__)
  12. {'__module__': '__main__', 'name1': 'Lsir', 'name2': 'Wsir', 'name3': 'Zsir', 'task1': <function MyClass.task1 at 0x0000020C16385558>, 'task2': <function MyClass.task2 at 0x0000020C16385D38>, 'task3': <function MyClass.task3 at 0x0000020C16385708>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'MyClass' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'MyClass' objects>, '__doc__': None}




  1. class MyClass():
  2. """
  3. 我是一个类,这里说明一些有用的信息
  4. """
  5. def __init__(self):
  6. pass
  7. print(MyClass.__doc__)
  8. 我是一个类,这里说明一些有用的信息



  1. class Class1:
  2. pass
  3. class MyClass:
  4. def task1(self, func1):
  5. print(func1.__name__)
  6. def func():
  7. print("我是func1函数")
  8. >>> obj = MyClass()
  9. >>> obj.task1(func)
  10. func
  11. >>> obj.task1(Class1)
  12. Class1



  1. class Class1:
  2. pass
  3. >>> obj = Class1()
  4. >>> print(obj.__class__)
  5. <class '__main__.Class1'>
  6. >>> print(obj.__class__.__name__)
  7. Class1



  1. class Class1:
  2. pass
  3. class Class2:
  4. pass
  5. class MyClass(Class1, Class2):
  6. pass
  7. >>> print(MyClass.__bases__)
  8. (<class '__main__.Class1'>, <class '__main__.Class2'>)


  1. class Base:
  2. n = 0
  3. class Point(Base):
  4. z = 6
  5. def __init__(self, x, y):
  6. self.x = x
  7. self.y = y
  8. def show(self):
  9. print(self.x, self.y)
  10. def __getattr__(self, item):
  11. return item
  12. >>> p1.x
  13. 4
  14. >>> p1.z
  15. 6
  16. >>> p1.n
  17. 0
  18. >>> p1.t
  19. 't'



  1. class Base:
  2. n = 0
  3. class Point(Base):
  4. z = 6
  5. def __init__(self, x, y):
  6. self.x = x
  7. self.y = y
  8. def show(self):
  9. print(self.x, self.y)
  10. def __getattr__(self, item):
  11. return item
  12. def __setattr__(self, key, value):
  13. print(key, value)
  14. # --------------------------------------------------
  15. >>> p1 = Point(4, 5)
  16. x 4
  17. y 5
  18. >>> print(p1.x)
  19. x
  20. >>> print(p1.z)
  21. 6
  22. >>> print(p1.n)
  23. 0
  24. >>> print(p1.t)
  25. t
  26. # --------------------------------------------------
  27. >>> p1.x = 50
  28. >>> print(p1.x)
  29. x
  30. >>> print(p1.__dict__)
  31. {}
  32. >>> p1.__dict__['x'] = 60
  33. >>> print(p1.__dict__)
  34. {'x': 60}
  35. >>> p1.x
  36. 60



  1. class Base:
  2. n = 200
  3. class A(Base):
  4. z = 100
  5. d = {}
  6. def __init__(self, x, y):
  7. self.x = x
  8. setattr(self, 'y', y)
  9. self.__dict__['a'] = 5
  10. def __getattr__(self, item):
  11. print(item)
  12. return self.d[item]
  13. def __setattr__(self, key, value):
  14. print(key, value)
  15. self.d[key] = value
  16. >>> a = A(4, 5)
  17. x 4
  18. y 5
  19. >>> print(a.__dict__)
  20. {'a': 5}
  21. >>> print(A.__dict__)
  22. A.__dict__
  23. mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__',
  24. 'z': 100,
  25. 'd': {'x': 4, 'y': 5},
  26. '__init__': <function __main__.A.__init__(self, x, y)>,
  27. '__getattr__': <function __main__.A.__getattr__(self, item)>,
  28. '__setattr__': <function __main__.A.__setattr__(self, key, value)>,
  29. '__doc__': None})
  30. >>> print(a.x, a.y)
  31. x
  32. y
  33. 4 5
  34. >>> print(a.a)
  35. 5


  1. class Point:
  2. z = 5
  3. def __init__(self, x, y):
  4. self.x = x
  5. self.y = y
  6. def __delattr__(self, item):
  7. print(item)
  8. p = Point(14, 5)
  9. >>> p = Point(3, 4)
  10. >>> del p.x
  11. x
  12. >>> p.z=15
  13. >>> del p.z
  14. z
  15. >>> del p.Z
  16. Z
  17. >>> print(Point.__dict__)
  18. {'__module__': '__main__', 'z': 5, '__init__': <function Point.__init__ at 0x0000019E93B01318>, '__delattr__': <function Point.__delattr__ at 0x0000019E93B013A8>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Point' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Point' objects>, '__doc__': None}


  1. class Base:
  2. n = 0
  3. class Point(Base):
  4. z = 6
  5. def __init__(self, x, y):
  6. self.x = x
  7. self.y = y
  8. def __getattr__(self, item):
  9. return item
  10. def __getattribute__(self, item):
  11. return item
  12. >>> p1 = Point(4, 5)
  13. >>> print(p1.__dict__)
  14. __dict__
  15. >>> print(p1.x)
  16. x
  17. >>> print(p1.z)
  18. z
  19. >>> print(p1.n)
  20. n
  21. >>> print(p1.t)
  22. t
  23. >>> print(Point.__dict__)
  24. {'__module__': '__main__', 'z': 6, '__init__': <function Point.__init__ at 0x000001F5EB7063A8>, '__getattr__': <function Point.__getattr__ at 0x000001F5EB706558>, '__getattribute__': <function Point.__getattribute__ at 0x000001F5EB706168>, '__doc__': None}
  25. >>> print(Point.z)
  26. 6


  • 该方法的返回值将作为属性查找的结果。
  • 如果抛出AttributeError异常,则会直接调用__getattr__方法,因为属性没有找到,__getattribute__方法中为了避免在该方法中无限递归,它的实现应该永远调用基类的同名方法以访问需要的任何属性。

