
  1. NA ^ 0
  2. #> [1] 1
  3. NA | TRUE
  4. #> [1] TRUE
  5. NA & FALSE
  6. #> [1] FALSE

3. Attributes

  1. matrices, arrays, factors, or date-times.是在atomic vectors的基础上添加属性完成的
  2. Individual attributes can be retrieved and modified with attr(), or retrieved en masse with attributes(), and set en masse with structure(). ```r a <- 1:3 attr(a, “x”) <- “abcdef” attr(a, “x”)

    > [1] “abcdef”

attr(a, “y”) <- 4:6 str(attributes(a))

> List of 2

> $ x: chr “abcdef”

> $ y: int [1:3] 4 5 6

Or equivalently

a <- structure( 1:3, x = “abcdef”, y = 4:6 ) str(attributes(a))

> List of 2

> $ x: chr “abcdef”

> $ y: int [1:3] 4 5 6

  1. 属性通常应该被认为是短暂的。例如,大多数操作都会丢失大多数属性:
  2. ```r
  3. attributes(a[1])
  4. #> NULL
  5. attributes(sum(a))
  6. #> NULL

如果你想要保留其他属性,您需要创建自己的 S3 类

3.1 summary

Vector Matrix Array
names() rownames()
length() nrow()
c() rbind()
t() aperm()
is.null(dim(x)) is.matrix() is.array()

4. S3 atomic vectors

最重要的向量属性之一是class,拥有一个类属性(class)会将一个对象变成一个S3 对象,
S3 对象被传递给一个通用函数(generic function)时,它的行为将与一个常规向量不同。


four important S3 vectors used in base R:

  • Categorical data, where values come from a fixed set of levels recorded in factor vectors.
  • Dates (with day resolution), which are recorded in Date vectors.
  • Date-times (with second or sub-second resolution), which are stored in POSIXct vectors.
  • Durations, which are stored in difftime vectors.
  • image.png