Logcat 是一个命令行工具,用于转储系统消息日志,包括设备抛出错误时的堆栈轨迹,以及从应用使用 Log 类写入的消息。


  1. [adb] logcat [<option>] ... [<filter-spec>] ...
  2. adb logcat [选项] [过滤项]
  1. 日志等级,默认过滤项是“I
  2. VVerbose(明细)
  3. DDebug(调试)
  4. IInfo(信息)
  5. WWarn(警告)
  6. EError(错误)
  7. FFatal(严重错误)
  8. SSilentSuper all output)(最高的优先级,可能不会记载东西)


| ```bash


adb logcat -s System.out > d:/log.log

  1. |
  2. | --- |
  3. | ```sql
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. --------- beginning of main
  6. -----------------------------------这一列-----------------------------------------------
  7. 11-19 11:36:26.125 3769 3769 I System.out: try to read extra string from apk : /data/app/com.androidmarket.dingzhi-sWvP6vfR--6GOVWNs0EKYQ==/base.apk
  8. 11-19 11:36:26.127 3769 3769 I System.out: find V2 signature block Id : 1896449818
  9. 11-19 11:36:26.127 3769 3769 I System.out: getByteBufferValueById , destApk /data/app/com.androidmarket.dingzhi-sWvP6vfR--6GOVWNs0EKYQ==/base.apk IdValueMap = {1896449818=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=1173 cap=1173], -2012129793=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=49 cap=49], 1114793335=java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=2806 cap=2806]}
  10. 11-19 11:36:26.127 3769 3769 I System.out: getByteValueById , id = -2012129793 , value = java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=49 cap=49]


3.-v time

| ```java // -v:设置日志到输出格式,注意只能设置一项; adb logcat -v time

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 日期 时间 优先级/标签 (进程ID) : 进程名称 : 日志信息
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. 日期----时间--------优先级-----进程id:进程名----日志信息-------------------------------
  6. 01-22 01:32:08.472 I/QISL ( 592): QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started
  7. 01-22 01:32:08.473 I/QISL ( 592): QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully
  8. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): Call QSEECom_register_listener()
  9. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): Registered listener sucessfully!
  10. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32]
  11. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): Create thread
  12. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): Thread created sucessfully.
  13. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): spl_dispatch() started
  14. 01-22 01:32:08.474 D/SPL ( 592): ==== Wait For Request ======
  15. 01-22 01:32:08.730 I/vold ( 621): Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  16. 01-22 01:32:08.731 V/vold ( 621): Detected support for: ext4 vfat exfat
  17. 01-22 01:32:08.735 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop5: No such device or address
  18. 01-22 01:32:08.735 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop1: No such device or address
  19. 01-22 01:32:08.736 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop4: No such device or address
  20. 01-22 01:32:08.736 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop0: No such device or address
  21. 01-22 01:32:08.736 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop7: No such device or address
  22. 01-22 01:32:08.736 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop3: No such device or address
  23. 01-22 01:32:08.736 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop6: No such device or address
  24. 01-22 01:32:08.736 W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop2: No such device or address
  25. 01-22 01:32:08.737 E/vold ( 621): [libfs_mgr]Warning: unknown flag forceformat
  26. 01-22 01:32:08.738 D/vold ( 621): VoldNativeService::start() completed OK

| | —- |

4.-v brief

| ```java db logcat -v brief

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 优先级/标签 (进程ID) : 日志信息
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. 优先级/标签----进程id:------日志信息-----------------------------------------------------
  6. I/QISL ( 592): QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started
  7. I/QISL ( 592): QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully
  8. D/SPL ( 592): Call QSEECom_register_listener()
  9. D/SPL ( 592): Registered listener sucessfully!
  10. D/SPL ( 592): pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32]
  11. D/SPL ( 592): Create thread
  12. D/SPL ( 592): Thread created sucessfully.
  13. D/SPL ( 592): spl_dispatch() started
  14. D/SPL ( 592): ==== Wait For Request ======
  15. I/vold ( 621): Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  16. V/vold ( 621): Detected support for: ext4 vfat exfat
  17. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop5: No such device or address
  18. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop1: No such device or address
  19. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop4: No such device or address
  20. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop0: No such device or address
  21. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop7: No such device or address
  22. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop3: No such device or address
  23. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop6: No such device or address
  24. W/vold ( 621): Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop2: No such device or address
  25. E/vold ( 621): [libfs_mgr]Warning: unknown flag forceformat
  26. D/vold ( 621): VoldNativeService::start() completed OK

| | —- |

5.-v process

| ```java adb logcat -v process

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 优先级 (进程ID) : 日志信息
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. 优先级(进程id):------------------日志信息------------------------
  6. I( 592) QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started (QISL)
  7. I( 592) QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully (QISL)
  8. D( 592) Call QSEECom_register_listener() (SPL)
  9. D( 592) Registered listener sucessfully! (SPL)
  10. D( 592) pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32] (SPL)
  11. D( 592) Create thread (SPL)
  12. D( 592) Thread created sucessfully. (SPL)
  13. D( 592) spl_dispatch() started (SPL)
  14. D( 592) ==== Wait For Request ====== (SPL)
  15. I( 621) Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up (vold)
  16. V( 621) Detected support for: ext4 vfat exfat (vold)
  17. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop5: No such device or address (vold)
  18. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop1: No such device or address (vold)
  19. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop4: No such device or address (vold)
  20. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop0: No such device or address (vold)
  21. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop7: No such device or address (vold)
  22. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop3: No such device or address (vold)
  23. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop6: No such device or address (vold)
  24. W( 621) Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop2: No such device or address (vold)
  25. E( 621) [libfs_mgr]Warning: unknown flag forceformat (vold)

| | —- |

6.-v tag

| ```java adb logcat -v tag

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 优先级/标签 : 日志信息
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. 优先级/标签:---------日志信息-------------------------
  6. I/QISL : QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started
  7. I/QISL : QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully
  8. D/SPL : Call QSEECom_register_listener()
  9. D/SPL : Registered listener sucessfully!
  10. D/SPL : pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32]
  11. D/SPL : Create thread
  12. D/SPL : Thread created sucessfully.
  13. D/SPL : spl_dispatch() started
  14. D/SPL : ==== Wait For Request ======
  15. I/vold : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  16. V/vold : Detected support for: ext4 vfat exfat
  17. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop5: No such device or address
  18. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop1: No such device or address
  19. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop4: No such device or address
  20. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop0: No such device or address
  21. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop7: No such device or address
  22. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop3: No such device or address
  23. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop6: No such device or address
  24. W/vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop2: No such device or address

| | —- |

7.-v raw

| ```java adb logcat -v raw

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 只输出日志信息, 不附加任何其他 信息, 如 优先级 标签等
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started
  6. QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully
  7. Call QSEECom_register_listener()
  8. Registered listener sucessfully!
  9. pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32]
  10. Create thread
  11. Thread created sucessfully.
  12. spl_dispatch() started
  13. ==== Wait For Request ======
  14. Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  15. Detected support for: ext4 vfat exfat
  16. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop5: No such device or address
  17. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop1: No such device or address
  18. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop4: No such device or address
  19. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop0: No such device or address
  20. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop7: No such device or address
  21. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop3: No such device or address
  22. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop6: No such device or address
  23. Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop2: No such device or address
  24. [libfs_mgr]Warning: unknown flag forceformat
  25. VoldNativeService::start() completed OK
  26. e4crypt_init_user0
  27. e4crypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 1
  28. adb logcat -v raw 只输出日志信息, 不附加任何其他 信息, 如 优先级 标签等
  29. adb logcat -v threadtime 日期 时间 进程 线程 优先级:日志信息
  30. adb logcat -v long 日期 时间 进程ID : 线程ID 优先级/标签:日志信息

| | —- |

8.-v threadtime

| ```java adb logcat -v threadtime

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 日期 时间 进程 线程 优先级:日志信息
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. 日期---时间----------进程--线程-优先级:日志信息
  6. 01-22 01:32:08.472 592 601 I QISL : QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started
  7. 01-22 01:32:08.473 592 601 I QISL : QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully
  8. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 592 D SPL : Call QSEECom_register_listener()
  9. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 592 D SPL : Registered listener sucessfully!
  10. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 592 D SPL : pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32]
  11. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 592 D SPL : Create thread
  12. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 592 D SPL : Thread created sucessfully.
  13. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 602 D SPL : spl_dispatch() started
  14. 01-22 01:32:08.474 592 602 D SPL : ==== Wait For Request ======
  15. 01-22 01:32:08.730 621 621 I vold : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
  16. 01-22 01:32:08.731 621 621 V vold : Detected support for: ext4 vfat exfat
  17. 01-22 01:32:08.735 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop5: No such device or address
  18. 01-22 01:32:08.735 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop1: No such device or address
  19. 01-22 01:32:08.736 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop4: No such device or address
  20. 01-22 01:32:08.736 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop0: No such device or address
  21. 01-22 01:32:08.736 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop7: No such device or address
  22. 01-22 01:32:08.736 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop3: No such device or address
  23. 01-22 01:32:08.736 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop6: No such device or address
  24. 01-22 01:32:08.736 621 621 W vold : Failed to LOOP_GET_STATUS64 /dev/block/loop2: No such device or address
  25. 01-22 01:32:08.737 621 621 E vold : [libfs_mgr]Warning: unknown flag forceformat
  26. 01-22 01:32:08.738 621 621 D vold : VoldNativeService::start() completed OK

| | —- |

9.-v long

| ```java db logcat -v long

  1. ---
  2. ```sql
  3. -- 日期 时间 进程ID : 线程ID 优先级/标签:日志信息
  4. --------- beginning of system
  5. [ 01-22 01:32:08.472 592: 601 I/QISL ]
  6. QSEE Interrupt Service Listener Thread is started
  7. [ 01-22 01:32:08.473 592: 601 I/QISL ]
  8. QSEE Interrupt Service Listener was activated successfully
  9. [ 01-22 01:32:08.474 592: 592 D/SPL ]
  10. Call QSEECom_register_listener()
  11. [ 01-22 01:32:08.474 592: 592 D/SPL ]
  12. Registered listener sucessfully!
  13. [ 01-22 01:32:08.474 592: 592 D/SPL ]
  14. pipe read-fd [31] write-fd [32]
  15. [ 01-22 01:32:08.474 592: 592 D/SPL ]
  16. Create thread
  17. [ 01-22 01:32:08.474 592: 592 D/SPL ]

| | —- |

10.-v other

  1. -c:清空所有到日志缓存信息;
  2. adb logcat -c 可以将之前的日志信息清空,重新开始输出日志信息
  3. -d:将缓存到日志输出到屏幕上,之后退出命令,并且不会阻塞;
  4. -t:输出最近到几行日志,输出完退出,不阻塞;
  5. adb logcat -t 5 输出最近的5行日志
  6. -g:查看日志缓冲区信息;
  7. adb logcat -g
  8. wuhuaroudeMacBook-Pro:~ gokaniku$ adb logcat -g
  9. main: ring buffer is 256Kb (255Kb consumed), max entry is 5120b, max payload is 4068b
  10. system: ring buffer is 256Kb (237Kb consumed), max entry is 5120b, max payload is 4068b
  11. crash: ring buffer is 256Kb (0b consumed), max entry is 5120b, max payload is 4068b
  12. -b:加载一个日志缓冲区,默认是main,详解;
  13. adb logcat -b radio//查看radio缓冲区
  14. radio:过滤通信系统部分的log
  15. main:所有java层的log 注意:它不包含其他缓冲区的java
  16. system:系统组件的log
  17. eventsevent模块的log
  18. crash:崩溃的log
  19. kernel:内核日志 可以看到rc文件中服务启动情况
  20. default:主要输出mainsystemcrash三个缓冲区中的日志
  21. all:以上所有缓冲区的日志全部输出
  22. -B:以二进制形式输出日志;


| ```sql adb shell logcat “|grep -i com.autonavi.amapauto” > d:/log.log

  1. |
  2. | --- |
  3. | ```sql
  4. 11-19 13:58:29.093 11589 11589 I MapApplication: Process Is :11589 :com.autonavi.amapauto:locationservice myPid:11589
  5. 11-19 13:58:29.094 11589 11589 D MapApplication: com.autonavi.amapauto mMainApp=false
  6. 11-19 13:58:29.113 11589 11589 I MapApplication: Process Is :11428 :com.autonavi.amapauto myPid:11589
  7. 11-19 13:58:29.113 11589 11589 I MapApplication: Process Is :11589 :com.autonavi.amapauto:locationservice myPid:11589
  8. 11-19 13:58:29.121 11589 11589 D AutoLibraryLoader: addLibrary priority = -1,path = /data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/cpplibs/
  9. 11-19 13:58:29.125 11589 11589 D SelfUpdate: /data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/UpdateVerInfo.dat (No such file or directory)
  10. 11-19 13:58:29.126 11589 11589 D SelfUpdate: getLibPath libpath :/data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/AutoUpdate/run/lib/
  11. 11-19 13:58:29.128 11589 11589 D AutoLibraryLoader: addLibrary priority = 3,path = /data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/app_version/
  12. 11-19 13:58:29.128 11589 11589 D AutoLibraryLoader: addLibrary priority = 4,path = /data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/lib/arm/
  13. 11-19 13:58:29.135 11589 11589 E DumpCrash: 此appimportace =100,context.getClass().getName()=com.autonavi.amapauto.app.MapApplicationProxy
  14. 11-19 13:58:29.135 11589 11589 E DumpCrash: 处于前台com.autonavi.amapauto
  15. 11-19 13:58:29.136 11589 11589 E DumpCrash: BASE_APK_VERSION =,BASE_LIB_PATH/data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/app_version
  16. 11-19 13:58:29.143 1233 7437 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.SecurityException: com.autonavi.amapauto was not granted this permission: android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS.
  17. 11-19 13:58:29.172 11589 11656 I locationservic: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.telephony.TelephonyManager$CellInfoCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/lib/arm, /system/fake-libs, /data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]
  18. 11-19 13:58:29.172 11589 11656 I locationservic: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.telephony.TelephonyManager$CellInfoCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/lib/arm, /system/fake-libs, /data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]
  19. 11-19 13:58:29.210 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  20. 11-19 13:58:29.339 11428 11667 I chatty : uid=10153(com.autonavi.amapauto) identical 1 line
  21. 11-19 13:58:29.339 11428 11667 I chatty : uid=10153(com.autonavi.amapauto) identical 3 lines
  22. 11-19 13:58:29.339 11428 11667 I chatty : uid=10153(com.autonavi.amapauto) identical 3 lines
  23. 11-19 13:58:29.339 11428 11667 I chatty : uid=10153(com.autonavi.amapauto) identical 5 lines
  24. 11-19 13:58:29.537 1233 1339 D Boost : hostingType=service, hostingName=com.autonavi.amapauto/com.autonavi.mqtt.service.PushService, callerPackage=com.autonavi.amapauto, isSystem=false, isBoostNeeded=false.
  25. 11-19 13:58:29.538 1233 1339 I ActivityManager: Start proc 11697:com.autonavi.amapauto:push/u0a153 for service com.autonavi.amapauto/com.autonavi.mqtt.service.PushService caller=com.autonavi.amapauto
  26. 11-19 13:58:29.587 11697 11697 W i.amapauto:pus: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  27. 11-19 13:58:29.612 11697 11697 D SelfUpdate: appProcess.processName:com.autonavi.amapauto context.getPackageName: com.autonavi.amapauto
  28. 11-19 13:58:29.613 11697 11697 D SelfUpdate: appProcess.processName:com.autonavi.amapauto:push context.getPackageName: com.autonavi.amapauto
  29. 11-19 13:58:29.613 11697 11697 D SelfUpdate: appProcess.processName:com.autonavi.amapauto:locationservice context.getPackageName: com.autonavi.amapauto
  30. 11-19 13:58:29.616 11697 11697 I MapApplication: Process Is :11428 :com.autonavi.amapauto myPid:11697
  31. 11-19 13:58:29.616 11697 11697 I MapApplication: Process Is :11697 :com.autonavi.amapauto:push myPid:11697
  32. 11-19 13:58:29.616 11697 11697 I MapApplication: Process Is :11589 :com.autonavi.amapauto:locationservice myPid:11697
  33. 11-19 13:58:29.616 11697 11697 D MapApplication: com.autonavi.amapauto mMainApp=false
  34. 11-19 13:58:29.636 11697 11697 I MapApplication: Process Is :11428 :com.autonavi.amapauto myPid:11697
  35. 11-19 13:58:29.636 11697 11697 I MapApplication: Process Is :11697 :com.autonavi.amapauto:push myPid:11697
  36. 11-19 13:58:29.636 11697 11697 I MapApplication: Process Is :11589 :com.autonavi.amapauto:locationservice myPid:11697
  37. 11-19 13:58:29.644 11697 11697 D AutoLibraryLoader: addLibrary priority = -1,path = /data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/cpplibs/
  38. 11-19 13:58:29.647 11697 11697 D SelfUpdate: /data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/UpdateVerInfo.dat (No such file or directory)
  39. 11-19 13:58:29.647 11697 11697 D SelfUpdate: getLibPath libpath :/data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/AutoUpdate/run/lib/
  40. 11-19 13:58:29.648 11697 11697 D AutoLibraryLoader: addLibrary priority = 3,path = /data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/app_version/
  41. 11-19 13:58:29.648 11697 11697 D AutoLibraryLoader: addLibrary priority = 4,path = /data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/lib/arm/
  42. 11-19 13:58:29.655 11697 11697 E DumpCrash: 此appimportace =100,context.getClass().getName()=com.autonavi.amapauto.app.MapApplicationProxy
  43. 11-19 13:58:29.655 11697 11697 E DumpCrash: 处于前台com.autonavi.amapauto
  44. 11-19 13:58:29.659 11697 11697 E DumpCrash: BASE_APK_VERSION =,BASE_LIB_PATH/data/user/0/com.autonavi.amapauto/app_version
  45. 11-19 13:58:29.673 1233 3599 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.SecurityException: com.autonavi.amapauto was not granted this permission: android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS.
  46. 11-19 13:58:32.851 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  47. 11-19 13:58:36.706 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  48. 11-19 13:58:39.867 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  49. 11-19 13:58:43.631 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  50. 11-19 13:58:47.394 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  51. 11-19 13:58:51.244 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  52. 11-19 13:58:55.081 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  53. 11-19 13:58:58.849 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  54. 11-19 13:59:02.671 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  55. 11-19 13:59:06.450 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  56. 11-19 13:59:10.220 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  57. 11-19 13:59:14.007 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  58. 11-19 13:59:17.909 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  59. 11-19 13:59:21.717 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  60. 11-19 13:59:25.491 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  61. 11-19 13:59:29.344 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  62. 11-19 13:59:29.541 11428 11428 I chatty : uid=10153(com.autonavi.amapauto) identical 4 lines
  63. 11-19 13:59:33.171 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  64. 11-19 13:59:37.034 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  65. 11-19 13:59:40.870 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  66. 11-19 13:59:44.615 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  67. 11-19 13:59:48.476 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list
  68. 11-19 13:59:52.329 1233 2157 D MiuiScanRequestProxy: Package com.autonavi.amapauto is in white list



| ```java adb shell logcat -v threadtime :E “|grep —color=auto -i com.autonavi.amapauto” > d:/log.log // (1)-v threadtime 日期 时间 进程 线程 优先级:日志信息 // (2):E 正则提取日志等级为error的 // (3)”|grep —color=auto -i com.autonavi.amapauto” 查找相关包的日志 // (4)> d:/log.log 输出到指定路径下

  1. |
  2. | --- |
  3. | ```sql
  4. 11-19 03:36:30.353 +0000 3588 4108 W dmarket.dingzh: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  5. 11-19 03:36:33.669 +0000 3588 4108 W dmarket.dingzh: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  6. 11-19 03:36:36.075 +0000 3931 4571 W doujia.phoenix: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  7. 11-19 03:39:49.651 +0000 7875 7906 W d.process.medi: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  8. 11-19 03:41:21.738 +0000 4169 8232 W zhi:PushServic: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  9. 11-19 03:47:59.147 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  10. 11-19 03:52:44.232 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  11. 11-19 04:06:59.385 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  12. 11-19 04:11:44.460 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  13. 11-19 04:16:29.562 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  14. 11-19 04:21:14.665 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  15. 11-19 04:25:59.723 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  16. 11-19 04:30:44.821 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  17. 11-19 04:44:13.062 +0000 4169 9774 W zhi:PushServic: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  18. 11-19 04:44:59.844 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  19. 11-19 04:49:44.957 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  20. 11-19 04:54:30.019 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  21. 11-19 04:59:15.131 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  22. 11-19 05:04:00.137 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  23. 11-19 05:08:45.191 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  24. 11-19 05:13:30.251 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  25. 11-19 05:18:15.285 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  26. 11-19 05:23:00.358 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  27. 11-19 05:27:45.459 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  28. 11-19 05:42:00.665 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.autonavi.amapauto-xDlWsH1n0hXR06Mu7-0BwQ==/base.apk' is compressed.
  29. 11-19 05:46:45.652 +0000 8394 8452 W plorer:pushcor: resources.arsc in APK '/data/app/com.auto


| ```sql 1.查看进程id:adb shell ps | grep “com.autonavi.amapauto” 2.adb logcat -s 11428

  1. |
  2. | --- |
  3. | ```sql
  4. adb logcat -v time HwUidTcpMonitor:I *:S
