基础框架的持久化层使用的是MyBatis Plus 插件,一般我们的查询时单表查询,

    [!TIP|label: 定义mapper]
    其中 Page page 参数是最关键的,是MP会自动解析的,会在SQL后面自动加上分页语句

    1. @Mapper
    2. public interface IntentMapper extends AdminBaseMapper<IntentEntity> {
    3. List<IntentEntity> queryPage(Page<IntentEntity> page, @Param("userId") Long userId,@Param("botId") Long botId);
    4. }

    [!TIP|label: 编写SQL]
    将复杂的业务SQL可以自定义mapper.xml 文件编写

    1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
    3. <mapper namespace="com.ustcinfo.ishare.eip.chat.rest.mapper.IntentMapper">
    4. <select id="queryPage" resultType="com.ustcinfo.ishare.eip.chat.rest.entity.IntentEntity">
    5. select *
    6. from chat_intent intent, chat_bot_skill_mapping skill_mapping
    7. where intent.del_flag = 0 and skill_mapping.del_flag = 0 and
    8. intent.user_id = #{userId} and skill_mapping.user_id = #{userId} and
    9. intent.skill_id = skill_mapping.skill_id and skill_mapping.bot_id = #{botId}
    10. </select>
    11. </mapper>

    [!TIP|label: 编写Service]

    1. public PageUtils<IntentEntity> queryPage(MapUtils mapUtils) {
    2. // 获取查询第几页
    3. Integer currentPage = mapUtils.getInteger("page");
    4. // 限制每页大小
    5. Integer limit = mapUtils.getInteger("limit");
    6. Page<IntentEntity> page = new Page();
    7. page.setCurrent(currentPage);
    8. page.setSize(limit);
    9. String userId = UserUtils.getCurrentUserId();
    10. Long botId = mapUtils.getLong("botId");
    11. // 调用mapper自定义的方法
    12. List<IntentEntity> list = baseMapper.queryPage(page, userId, botId);
    13. // 设置结果大分页对象中
    14. page.setRecords(list);
    15. // 封装分页
    16. return new PageUtils(page);
    17. }

    [!TIP|label: 说明]
    上述进行完毕后,会发现执行的SQL后面自动加上了 limit currentPage,limit 【在MySQL数据库中】