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  1. ......
  2. <!---
  3. Currently there are some temporary syscalls that have been used for early bringup work,
  4. which will be going away in the future as the long term syscall API/ABI surface is finalized. The expectation is that
  5. there will be about 100 syscalls.
  6. --->
  7. 当前,有一些用于项目早期孵化的临时系统调用,随着长期支持的调用API/ABI稳定
  8. 下来,在未来将会被剔除。到时预期会有100个左右的系统调用。
  9. <!---
  10. Zircon syscalls are generally non-blocking.
  11. The wait_one, wait_many port_wait and thread sleep being the notable exceptions.
  12. --->
  13. Zircon的系统调用通常是非阻塞方式的(non-blocking),但值得一提的是,
  14. `wait_one``wait_many``port_wait`和线程休眠则是例外。
  15. ......