ip-masq-agent 是一个用来管理 IP 伪装的扩展,即管理节点中 IP 网段的 SNAT 规则。

ip-masq-agent 配置 iptables 规则,以便将流量发送到集群节点之外的目标时处理 IP 伪装。默认情况下,RFC 1918 定一个的三个私有 IP 范围是非伪装网段,即、 和。另外,链接本地地址(也被视为非伪装网段。

ip-masq-agent - 图1


首先,标记要运行 ip-masq-agent 的 Node

  1. kubectl label nodes my-node beta.kubernetes.io/masq-agent-ds-ready=true

然后部署 ip-masq-agent:

  1. kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-incubator/ip-masq-agent/master/ip-masq-agent.yaml

部署好,查看 iptables 规则,可以发现

  1. iptables -t nat -L IP-MASQ-AGENT
  2. RETURN all -- anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: cluster-local traffic should not be subject to MASQUERADE */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL
  3. RETURN all -- anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: cluster-local traffic should not be subject to MASQUERADE */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL
  4. RETURN all -- anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: cluster-local traffic should not be subject to MASQUERADE */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL
  5. RETURN all -- anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: cluster-local traffic should not be subject to MASQUERADE */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL
  6. MASQUERADE all -- anywhere anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: outbound traffic should be subject to MASQUERADE (this match must come after cluster-local CIDR matches) */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL


自定义 SNAT 网段的方法:

  1. cat >config <<EOF
  2. nonMasqueradeCIDRs:
  3. -
  4. resyncInterval: 60s
  5. EOF
  6. kubectl create configmap ip-masq-agent --from-file=config --namespace=kube-system

这样,查看 iptables 规则可以发现

  1. $ iptables -t nat -L IP-MASQ-AGENT
  2. Chain IP-MASQ-AGENT (1 references)
  3. target prot opt source destination
  4. RETURN all -- anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: cluster-local traffic should not be subject to MASQUERADE */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL
  5. RETURN all -- anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: cluster-local
  6. MASQUERADE all -- anywhere anywhere /* ip-masq-agent: outbound traffic should be subject to MASQUERADE (this match must come after cluster-local CIDR matches) */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type !LOCAL