Driving gives you the freedom to get around — but it also involves certain risks.
When you’re in the driver’s seat, you need to focus on the task of driving, make good driving decisions and look out for the safety of others.
This chapter will help you think about the choices you can make as a driver to help keep yourself and others safe.

Be a thinking driver成为思想驱动者

You in the driver’s seat – part 1
You’ve had your driver’s licence for eight months now, and you’ve become a pretty good driver. This morning you need to take the car in by 9 a.m. for an oil change, and then pick up a friend who lives in the country. You both need to be back in town by noon. You’re not sure if you have enough time.
As you were leaving the house, you had an argument with your roommate. Now you’re feeling angry and pressed for time.

您已经有八个月的驾照了,而且您已经成为一名非常出色的司机。 今天早上您需要在早上9点前把车上来换油,
然后接一个住在乡下的朋友。 您都需要在中午之前回到镇上。 您不确定是否你有足够的时间。
当你离开家时,你有一个争论和你的室友。 现在你生气了时间紧迫。

You have to make many choices as a driver. You have to choose the best route to get to your destination, and decide how much time you need to get there. You have to make decisions about the safety of your passengers, especially if you’re caught in a dangerous situation. You have to decide how much risk to take. And you need to make sure you can focus on driving before you get behind the wheel. A thinking driver puts safety first. Smart driving is about making choices that help keep you and others safe. The choices you make determine what kind of driver you will be.

作为司机,您必须做出许多选择。 你必须选择到达目的地的最佳路线,并决定多少您需要到达那里的时间。 您必须做出以下决定乘客的安全,特别是如果您被困在危险情况。 您必须决定承担多少风险。而且您需要确保可以专注于驾驶之前你会落后。有思想的驾驶员将安全放在第一位。 智能驾驶是关于有助于您和他人安全的选择。 您的选择确定您将成为哪种类型的驾驶员。

A thinking driver chooses to:
• be fit to drive
• make good decisions
• take responsibility.

• 承担责任。

Be fit to drive适合开车

You in the driver’s seat – part 2
It usually takes you 25 minutes to drive across town to the garage. When you leave home, it’s 8:45 a.m. To make matters worse, the traffic is heavy, slowing you down even more. You find yourself swearing under your breath. And you are getting angrier about what your roommate said. You feel so frustrated that you notice you’re having trouble concentrating on your driving.
What choice would you make?

通常,您驾车25分钟即可到达市区车库。 当您离开家时,是上午8:45,更糟糕的是,交通繁忙,减慢了您的速度下降更多。 你发现自己在你的下咒骂呼吸。 而且您对自己的所作所为感到愤怒,室友说。 你感到非常沮丧,以至于注意到您无法专心驾驶。

You need to be in good shape to drive — alert and able to focus. Feeling angry or frustrated can cloud your judgment and slow down your reaction time. You also need to avoid driving if you have an injury or illness that makes it hard for you to think clearly or quickly. Never drive when you are overtired. Even if you don’t fall asleep, it’s hard to respond quickly when you feel tired. A driver who is impaired by drugs or alcohol is one of the worst driving hazards. This is because drugs and alcohol cause mental confusion and slow reaction times. Impaired drivers are much more likely to cause crashes that lead to serious injury or death.

您需要保持良好状态才能开车-机警并能够焦点。 感到生气或沮丧会掩盖您的判断力,减慢您的反应时间。
如果您受伤或生病,也需要避免开车,这使您难以清晰或快速地思考。 永不开车,当你劳累的时候。 即使您没有入睡,也很难,感到疲倦时迅速做出反应。受到毒品或酒精伤害的驾驶员是最严重的驾驶员之一驾驶危险。 这是因为毒品和酒精会导致精神混乱和反应时间慢。 受损的司机很多更有可能导致坠机事故,从而导致严重伤害或死亡。

Make good decisions做出正确的决定

You have to make quick and accurate decisions when you drive. Will you be tempted to run a yellow light because you are in a hurry? Will you take your eyes off the road, to send a text message while driving? Will you take a chance and drive after you’ve been drinking? Being a safe driver requires learning, planning, predicting and thinking for yourself.

着急? 您能否将视线移开,发送短信
开车时留言? 你会抓住机会开车吗
你一直在喝酒吗? 做一个安全的驾驶员需要学习,

Keep learning保持学习

You in the driver’s seat – part 3
As you’re driving, you spot a playground sign. You know you have to slow down, but you can’t remember when the playground speed limits are in effect. The sign doesn’t say. Is the playground speed limit in effect today as you are driving through the playground? You can’t remember for certain.
What choice would you make next time?

在驾车时,您会看到一个游乐场标志。 您
当运动场速度限制生效时。 标志
不说。 操场限速今天生效吗
当您开车穿过操场吗? 你不能

You’re reading this guide to learn about driving. This is the first step in becoming a good driver. You’ll also spend time practising your driving skills, and may even take professional driver training to enhance your learning. But it’s important to keep on learning even after you have your licence. It will take time for you to gain driving experience. You’ll continually learn how to handle new driving situations and conditions and will need to keep informed about changing vehicle technology. You’ll also need to learn about changes that are made to the rules and regulations of the road. Your skills as a driver will also change. As you gain experience, your skills will increase, but you may become overconfident and too automatic in your driving. Health problems could affect your ability to drive safely. Throughout your driving years, it’s important for you to be honest with yourself about your skills and your readiness to drive. Remember that driver education courses are available for beginning and experienced drivers. Choose one that is right for you (see chapter 9 — your licence).


Plan your driving计划您的驾驶

You in the driver’s seat – part 4
Now you’re definitely going to be late. You start worrying about missing your appointment for the oil change and being late to pick up your friend. You think about going faster. What choice would you make?

现在您肯定要迟到了。 你先来
改变和迟到来接你的朋友。 您认为

Part of good driving is planning ahead. This means planning enough time to get to your destination and knowing the shortest and safest route. It may mean equipping your vehicle for winter driving conditions. Can you think of other driving plans you may need to make?

良好驾驶的一部分是提前计划。 这意味着计划
最短最安全的路线。 这可能意味着装备您的车辆
适用于冬季驾驶条件。 你能想到其他驾驶吗

Predict the scene预测现场

You in the driver’s seat – part 5 You’re driving too fast, and you forget to watch the traffic lights at the next intersection. Suddenly you find yourself coming up to the intersection and the light has already turned yellow. What choice would you make next time?

您开得太快,却忘了看路况,下一个十字路口亮起。 突然你发现自己来到十字路口,灯光已经变成黄色。

As a driver, you need to be aware of cues in the driving
environment: signs, signals and road markings.

Paying attention to these cues helps you predict what could happen so you’re prepared to respond.

It’s also important to predict what other road users —pedestrians, other drivers, motorcycle riders and cyclists — might do.

You can predict what might happen by carefully observing
the driving scene around you.

Being aware of what others around you are doing will help you to make better driving choices.


Think for yourself为自己考虑;为自己想

You in the driver’s seat – part 6
There’s one more intersection before the garage.
You have to turn left and there is no advance green arrow.
You’ve sat through this light at other times because the traffic is always heavy here.
You become more frustrated as you wait to turn. Cars are lined up behind you with their left-turn signals flashing.
The driver behind is starting to honk at you.
You see a space but hesitate because you’re not sure if the gap is big enough for you to make your turn.
What choice would you make?

等待转弯时,您会变得更加沮丧。 汽车在您身后排成一列,其左转弯信号闪烁。

Another part of making good choices is knowing yourself and understanding the influences that shape your driving.
Influences from other drivers — at times you will feel pressure
from other drivers, and you’ll have to decide what to do.
Will you base your driving decisions on safety or will you allow other drivers to pressure you into doing something that might be unsafe?


Influences from the media
— think of the images of cars and driving in ads and movies. Do these images generally promote safe driving?
驾驶广告和电影。 这些图像通常会促进吗安全驾驶?

Influences from peers
— other people can influence your driving. Your friends may pressure you to drive faster or to race away from stoplights. You may think it will impress them if you turn up the volume on your car stereo system.
来自同龄人的影响-其他人可以影响您的驾驶。 您的朋友可能会迫使您开车或比赛
远离红绿灯。 您可能会认为,如果您这样做会给他们留下深刻的印象调高汽车立体声系统的音量。

Take responsibility承担责任

Becoming licensed to drive means you are taking on new responsibilities to yourself, your passengers and other road users.

You, the driver你,司机

You in the driver’s seat – part 7
You’ve been to the garage and now you’re on your way to your friend’s place. You’re relieved because it seems you have enough time after all. Then you notice a large truck ahead that’s going pretty slowly. You hate passing trucks, especially on a narrow road like this one.
What choice would you make?

您松了一口气,因为毕竟您似乎有足够的时间。 然后,您会注意到前方的一辆大型卡车行驶非常缓慢。

It’s important to know and accept the limits of your driving abilities and your vehicle.
You also need to take responsibility for developing your driving skills and ensuring your own safety.

Your passengers您的乘客

You in the driver’s seat – part 8
You greet your friend as he climbs into the car. You’re happy to see him, but you’re surprised when he doesn’t put on his seatbelt.
What choice would you make?

当您的朋友爬上车时,您向他打招呼。 很高兴见到他,但是当他没有系上安全带时,您会感到惊讶。

You’re responsible for the safety of your passengers.
Make sure they are all wearing seatbelts. Children need special care and attention.
Are they properly restrained with the right safety devices for their size?
Remember, when you speed or take a chance at an intersection, you are putting your passengers as well as yourself in danger.
确保他们都系好安全带。 儿童需要特别的照顾和照顾。

It’s illegal to smoke in any motor vehicle when there are any passengers under 16 years old.
Children travelling in cars are especially vulnerable to second-hand smoke. These harmful effects are heightened in small enclosed places such as motor vehicles and can have immediate and serious, longlasting health consequences.

乘汽车旅行的儿童特别容易受到二手烟的侵害。 这些有害影响在较小的封闭场所(例如汽车)中会加剧,并且可能对健康产生直接而严重的持久影响。

Other road users其他道路使用者

You in the driver’s seat – part 9
You and your friend are almost back in town. As you approach an intersection, you notice a skateboarder heading along the sidewalk but near to a crosswalk. What choice would you make?

You share the roadway with cars, trucks, trains, motorcyclists and cyclists. Pedestrians need to cross your driving path.
Ambulances need you to move to the side of the road so they
can respond to life-threatening situations.
You never know when an animal may dart into your path.
Use the information in this guide and in Tuning up for drivers to help you make responsible driving choices — choices that can help prevent many dangerous situations.
