title: 简历模板
    tags: 工作
    categories: 工作
    id: -7
    aside: false
    cover: https://pic1.afdiancdn.com/user/8a7f563c2e3811ecab5852540025c377/common/2ba45c2d6e9e4b3841fbb3cbda5d3b2b_w2240_h1260_s2469.jpg
    translate_title: resume-template
    subtitle: Resume Template
    date: 2020-09-13 16:40:33
    updated: 2020-09-13 16:40:33


    178XXXXXX46 | anli150151@foxmail.com



    成都工业学院 国际商务本科 2015.9 2019.7

    l GPA:3.24/5.0(专业排名17/153)

    l 荣誉/奖项:校级乙等奖学金2次(6%)、丙等奖学金1次(10%)、挑战赛校级赛2等奖、解说员风采大赛2等奖。


    瑞禾英语 外教老师助理 2018.4-2018.6

    l 社群日常管理:协助外教负责5个班级群管理,包括发放教学资料、组织班级学习,收集整理课程资料,记录30位学生单独的成长记录,形成文档保存;

    l 用户答疑解惑:协调外教老师和5个班级在课堂中出现的各种问题并及时翻译。及时解答学生关于发音的疑问,最终有效地纠正了口语发音。

    l 调动课堂气氛:为提高学生课程参与度,调动课堂气氛,策划小游戏等;

    l 课后辅导:密切跟踪关注学生课后的复习情况和学习上遇到的困难,向学生介绍一些更有效的学习方法来提高英语水平;

    l 用户调研:利用Word协助制作并回收50份家长调查问卷,调查17位家长的意见反馈,及时和老师们交流,对6次课程内容进行修改,优化教学内容和服务质量;

    中信银行郫都支行 零售部客户经理助理 2018.1-2018.2

    l 维护客户:扩大客户群和完成贷款任务,维护和链家、中信地产和Q房网3家房产机构的业务关系。负责买卖及银行3方贷款资料等10份资料的收集和完善,进行贷款资料整理核实,协助初审等;

    l 后续跟踪:处理客户还款申请及贷后管理,包括资料补办、跟踪贷款进度。维护客户关系,协助客户签署3份贷款合同文件。一个半月的实习里,完成53笔贷款业务。

    嘉祥九思教育 晚辅老师 2017.3-2017.6

    l 课堂纪律:负责对23位同学日常签到和考勤,监督学生按时参加晚辅,是学生的签到率提到14%。

    l 答疑解惑:辅导小学生和初中生的语文、数学和英语作业,实时解决学生作业中遇到的困惑,及时与家长沟通并解决学生学业问题。所负责的学生,成绩提高到了85分,获得了家长的好评。


    经济与管理学院实践部 骨干成员 2015.09-2016.10

    l 组织 “三月学雷锋”颁奖仪式,负责活动策划,组织协调活动人员。活动有486人观看,仪式圆满成功。

    l 协助经济与管理学院“首届创新创业大赛”,负责人员组织和宣传工作。邀请了光谷创业咖啡的代表作为点评嘉宾,吸引了103同学参加。


    技能: Office办公(熟练)

    证书/执照: acess数据库(二级)、英语(六级490分、四级450分)

    语言: 英语口语(熟练)


    l 大四国际商务专业在读,分别在嘉祥九思、瑞和英语教育机构担任晚辅老师和助教,参与11次英语课程内容的制作,在线解答各种学习困惑。负责30人社群运营,包括调动课堂气氛、及时答疑、组织课堂纪律等;

    l 个人荣誉:3次校级奖学金,全国大学生电子商务挑战赛校级赛2等奖等;

    l 职业规划:在教育领域深入发展,当前职业定位是用户运营岗位


    1. 13722222457 | [22222222@163.com](mailto:22222222@163.com)
    2. 求职意向:人力实习生


    浙江科技学院 英语专业本科 2016.09 – 2020.07

    l GPA:3.67/5.0(综合排名7/60)

    l 荣誉/奖项:校级三等奖学金2次、国家励志奖学金2次、优秀学生干部1次

    l 相关课程:高级口译、高级英语视听说、商务英语、英美文学


    浙江科技学院外国语学院学生会 正主席 2018.10-2019.01

    l 活动策划:担任总策划人,负责院学生运动会开幕式的策划以及排演,召开2次学生会议后,在老师的指导下确定最终方案。

    l 活动执行:负责现场彩排,组织3个班级共计60余人进行现场有序演练,耗费2天达成方阵表演效果,最终运动会开幕式圆满完成。

    浙江科技学院外国语学院英语162班 班长 2017.09-2019.06

    l 协调分工:带领班干部筹办班级迎新晚会,经过多次开会讨论,2天之内形成具体方案,将任务细化分配到个人,督导晚会各环节进程,最终成功举办班级晚会,参与人数27/31,获得班级同学的认可。

    l 组织彩排:在学校开展校特优学风班评比比赛时,与老师班委一起策划现场评比表演,分配规划任务。赛前与比赛工作人员协商彩排时间并组织了4次彩排,在17个强劲班级中,取得了总分第二的好成绩。

    浙江科技学院外国语学院勤工助学处 负责人兼辅导员助理 2018.09-2019.06

    l 沟通协调:在从事勤工助学时,主要负责招聘岗位与人数的拟定,以及每隔两个月一次的薪酬统计。初始期间与院负责老师以及其他老师多次沟通协商,协调出最适合的用工人数及用工岗位,获得了负责老师的认可。

    多项志愿活动 志愿者

    l 人员接待:在世界医药健康信息学大会中担任酒店志愿者,负责与外宾沟通并迎接入住,大会信息咨询,会场班车引导,因服务细致热心,还收到了澳大利亚与会嘉宾的感谢与礼物。

    l 英语翻译:在世界地理信息学大会中担任餐饮组志愿者,给参会国家部长及其家属提供餐饮服务,并担任翻译。



    技能: Office办公(熟练)


    语言: 英语口语(熟练),日语(一般掌握)

    个人荣誉:“we talent”优秀学子;院学生会主席;优秀学生干部;全国大学生英语竞赛校二等奖;浙江省LSCAT笔译大赛二等奖;优秀志愿者


    [Phone Number] | [Email Address] | [Physical Address (make it short; just highlight where you are now)]

    (Reminder: 中英文简历各一页!改完后记得删除所有中括号)


    [University Name] [City], [State/Country]

    Bachelor of [Arts/Science]; Major in [Major] [Start date (month/year)] – [End date (expected)]

    · GPA: [xx] / 4.0; [If you’re outside the US, list grades under your system here instead]

    · Honors/Awards: [xx]

    · Major Coursework: [Economics / Accounting / Finance classes, only the “hardcore” courses; highlight what content you learnt from the courses, rather than only list the official names of the courses]


    [Company Name 1] [City], [State/Country]

    Explanation of the company (if it is not “big name”)

    [Position Title], [Group Name] [Start Date] – [End Date]

    · [Summary sentence stating what you did and the overall results of your work]

    · [Conducted research on the xx industry, covering market size, growth, trends and key success factors, which was used in the external study part of the strategic planning report for a xxx client]

    · [Collected such financial data as revenue, margin and cost breakdown of 10+ competitors of a client in XX industry through desktop research, analyzed the data through modeling, and the results were used for the competitor benchmarking and strategic recommendations report]

    · [Led a team of xxx members to organize a marketing campaign, which attracted xxx customers within xx days, and increased the sales of the month by xx% ]

    [Company Name 2] [City], [State/Country]

    Explanation of the company (if it is not “big name”)

    [Position Title], [Group Name] [Start Date] – [End Date]

    · [Summary sentence stating what you did and the overall results of your work]

    · [Conducted research on the xx industry, covering market size, growth, trends and key success factors, which was used in the external study part of the strategic planning report for a xxx client]

    · [Collected such financial data as revenue, margin and cost breakdown of 10+ competitors of a client in XX industry through desktop research, analyzed the data through modeling, and the results were used for the competitor benchmarking and strategic recommendations report]

    · [Led a team of xxx members to organize a marketing campaign, which attracted xxx customers within xx days, and increased the sales of the month by xx% ]


    [Student Club Name] [City], [State/Country]

    [Position Title] [Start Date] – [End Date]

    · [Summary sentence stating what you did and the overall results of your work]

    · [Led a team of xx people to organize xx activities to recruit xx new members, increasing the overall membership from xx to xx within xx months]

    · [Organized xx conference, which invited xx speakers and attracted xx audience]

    [Volunteer Work Name] [City], [State/Country]

    [Position Title] [Start Date] – [End Date]

    · [Summary sentence stating what you did and the overall results of your work]

    · [Organized xx activities …, which attracted xx participants / xx audience / helped xx people to xxx]

    · [Led a team of xx people to xxx]


    Languages: TOEFL [xx] / 120; IELTS [xx] / 9; CET-4/6 [xx] / 710; xx years’ overseas study and living experience

    Technical Skills: [List any programming languages – including MS Office/Excel]

    Certifications & Training: [Any extra courses or programs relevant to your target, e.g., CPA, CFA]

    Interests: [Keep this to 1-2 lines and be specific, e.g. Travelling (backpacked to 20 countries); Piano (Grade 10)]