React系列 —- virtualdom diff算法实现分析


React系列 —- 简单模拟语法(一)
React系列 —- Jsx, 合成事件与Refs(二)
React系列 —- virtualdom diff算法实现分析(三)
React系列 —- 从Mixin到HOC再到HOOKS(四)
React系列 —- createElement, ReactElement与Component部分源码解析(五)
React系列 —- 从使用React了解Css的各种使用方案(六)
React系列 —- 从零构建状态管理及Redux源码解析(七)
React系列 —- 扩展状态管理功能及Redux源码解析(八)




  • 性能消耗高
  • 无法保存状态(聚焦,滚动等)


  1. const div = document.createElement('div');
  2. let num = 0;
  3. for (let k in div) {
  4. num++;
  5. }
  6. console.log(num); // 241

然后浏览器根据CSS规则查找匹配节点,计算合并样式布局,为了避免重新计算一般浏览器会保存这些数据.但这是整个过程下来依然会耗费大量的内存和 CPU 资源.

Virtual DOM


  1. 用Javascript对象结构描述Dom树结构,然后用它来构建真正的Dom树插入文档
  2. 当状态发生改变之后,重新构造新的Javascript对象结构和旧的作对比得出差异
  3. 针对差异之处进行重新构建更新视图




  1. function type(obj) {
  2. return\[object\s|\]/g, "");
  3. }
  4. function isArray(list) {
  5. return type(list) === "Array";
  6. }
  7. function isObject(obj) {
  8. return type(obj) === "Object";
  9. }
  10. function isString(str) {
  11. return type(str) === "String";
  12. }
  13. function isNotEmptyObj(obj) {
  14. return isObject(obj) && JSON.stringify(obj) != "{}";
  15. }
  16. function objForEach(obj, fn) {
  17. isNotEmptyObj(obj) && Object.keys(obj).forEach(fn);
  18. }
  19. function aryForEach(ary, fn) {
  20. ary.length && ary.forEach(fn);
  21. }
  22. function setAttr(node, key, value) {
  23. switch (key) {
  24. case "style":
  25. = value;
  26. break;
  27. case "value":
  28. var tagName = node.tagName || "";
  29. tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
  30. if (tagName === "input" || tagName === "textarea") {
  31. node.value = value;
  32. } else {
  33. // if it is not a input or textarea, use `setAttribute` to set
  34. node.setAttribute(key, value);
  35. }
  36. break;
  37. default:
  38. node.setAttribute(key, value);
  39. break;
  40. }
  41. }
  42. function toArray(data) {
  43. if (!data) {
  44. return [];
  45. }
  46. const ary = [];
  47. aryForEach(data, item => {
  48. ary.push(item);
  49. });
  50. return ary;
  51. }
  52. export {
  53. isArray,
  54. isObject,
  55. isString,
  56. isNotEmptyObj,
  57. objForEach,
  58. aryForEach,
  59. setAttr,
  60. toArray
  61. };




  1. <div className="num" index={1}>
  2. <span>123456</span>
  3. </div>
  4. "use strict";
  5. React.createElement("div", {
  6. className: "num",
  7. index: 1
  8. }, React.createElement("span", null, "123456"));


  1. import {
  2. isObject,
  3. isString,
  4. isArray,
  5. isNotEmptyObj,
  6. objForEach,
  7. aryForEach
  8. } from "./util";
  9. import { NOKEY } from "./common";
  10. class Element {
  11. constructor(tagName, props, children) {
  12. // 解析参数
  13. this.tagName = tagName;
  14. // 字段处理,可省略参数
  15. this.props = isObject(props) ? props : {};
  16. this.children =
  17. children ||
  18. (!isNotEmptyObj(this.props) &&
  19. ((isString(props) && [props]) || (isArray(props) && props))) ||
  20. [];
  21. // 无论void后的表达式是什么,void操作符都会返回undefined
  22. this.key = props ? props.key : void NOKEY;
  23. // 计算节点数
  24. let count = 0;
  25. aryForEach(this.children, (item, index) => {
  26. if (item instanceof Element) {
  27. count += item.count;
  28. } else {
  29. this.children[index] = "" + item;
  30. }
  31. count++;
  32. });
  33. this.count = count;
  34. }
  35. render() {
  36. // 根据tagName构建
  37. const dom = document.createElement(this.tagName);
  38. // 设置props
  39. objForEach(this.props, propName =>
  40. dom.setAttribute(propName, this.props[propName])
  41. );
  42. // 渲染children
  43. aryForEach(this.children, child => {
  44. const childDom =
  45. child instanceof Element
  46. ? child.render() // 如果子节点也是虚拟DOM,递归构建DOM节点
  47. : document.createTextNode(child); // 如果字符串,只构建文本节点
  48. dom.appendChild(childDom);
  49. });
  50. return dom;
  51. }
  52. }
  53. // 改变传参方式,免去手动实例化
  54. export default function CreateElement(tagName, props, children) {
  55. return new Element( tagName, props, children );
  56. }


  1. // 1. 构建虚拟DOM
  2. const tree = createElement("div", { id: "root" }, [
  3. createElement("h1", { style: "color: blue" }, ["Tittle1"]),
  4. createElement("p", ["Hello, virtual-dom"]),
  5. createElement("ul", [
  6. createElement("li", { key: 1 }, ["li1"]),
  7. createElement("li", { key: 2 }, ["li2"]),
  8. createElement("li", { key: 3 }, ["li3"]),
  9. createElement("li", { key: 4 }, ["li4"])
  10. ])
  11. ]);
  12. // 2. 通过虚拟DOM构建真正的DOM
  13. const root = tree.render();
  14. document.body.appendChild(root);









  1. // 3. 生成新的虚拟DOM
  2. const newTree = createElement("div", { id: "container" }, [
  3. createElement("h1", { style: "color: red" }, ["Title2"]),
  4. createElement("h3", ["Hello, virtual-dom"]),
  5. createElement("ul", [
  6. createElement("li", { key: 3 }, ["li3"]),
  7. createElement("li", { key: 1 }, ["li1"]),
  8. createElement("li", { key: 2 }, ["li2"]),
  9. createElement("li", { key: 5 }, ["li5"])
  10. ])
  11. ]);


tree diff

传统 diff 算法的复杂度为 O(n^3),但是一般Dom跨层级的情况是非常少见的。所以React 只针对同层级Dom节点做比较,将 O(n^3) 复杂度的问题转换成 O(n) 复杂度的问题。


component diff

  • 某个组件发生变化,会导致自其从上往下整体替换
  • 同一类型组件会进行Virtual DOM进行比较
  • React提供了一个shouldComponentUpdate决定是否更新


element diff


  1. const REPLACE = "replace";
  2. const REORDER = "reorder";
  3. const PROPS = "props";
  4. const TEXT = "text";
  5. const NOKEY = "no_key"
  6. export {
  9. PROPS,
  10. TEXT,
  11. NOKEY
  12. }

其中NOKEY就是专门给那些没有定义key的组件做默认,React对同一层级的同组子节点,添加唯一 key 进行区分进行位移而不是直接替换,这点对于整体性能尤为关键


  1. import { isString, objForEach, aryForEach, isNotEmptyObj } from "./util";
  2. import { REPLACE, REORDER, PROPS, TEXT } from "./common";
  3. import listDiff from "list-diff2";
  4. /**
  5. *
  6. * @param {旧Dom树} oTree
  7. * @param {新Dom树} nTree
  8. * 返回差异记录
  9. */
  10. function diff(oTree, nTree) {
  11. // 节点位置
  12. let index = 0;
  13. // 差异记录
  14. const patches = {};
  15. dfsWalk(oTree, nTree, index, patches);
  16. return patches;
  17. }
  18. function dfsWalk(oNode, nNode, index, patches) {
  19. const currentPatch = [];
  20. // 首次渲染
  21. if (nNode === null) return;
  22. // 都是字符串形式并且不相同直接替换文字
  23. if (isString(oNode) && isString(nNode)) {
  24. oNode !== nNode &&
  25. currentPatch.push({
  26. type: TEXT,
  27. content: nNode
  28. });
  29. // 同种标签并且key相同
  30. } else if (oNode.tagName === nNode.tagName && oNode.key === nNode.key) {
  31. // 至少一方有值
  32. if (isNotEmptyObj(oNode.props) || isNotEmptyObj(nNode.props)) {
  33. // 计算props结果
  34. const propsPatches = diffProps(oNode, nNode);
  35. // 有差异则重新排序
  36. propsPatches &&
  37. currentPatch.push({
  38. type: PROPS,
  39. props: propsPatches
  40. });
  41. }
  42. // children对比
  43. if (
  44. !(!isNotEmptyObj(nNode.props) && nNode.props.hasOwnProperty("ignore"))
  45. ) {
  46. (oNode.children.length || nNode.children.length) &&
  47. diffChildren(
  48. oNode.children,
  49. nNode.children,
  50. index,
  51. patches,
  52. currentPatch
  53. );
  54. }
  55. } else {
  56. // 都不符合上面情况就直接替换
  57. currentPatch.push({ type: REPLACE, node: nNode });
  58. }
  59. // 最终对比结果
  60. currentPatch.length && (patches[index] = currentPatch);
  61. }


  1. /**
  2. *
  3. * @param {旧节点} oNode
  4. * @param {新节点} nNode
  5. */
  6. function diffProps(oNode, nNode) {
  7. let isChange = false;
  8. const oProps = oNode.props;
  9. const nProps = nNode.props;
  10. // 节点属性记录
  11. const propsPatched = {};
  12. // 替换/新增属性
  13. objForEach(oProps, key => {
  14. if (nProps[key] !== oProps[key] || !oProps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  15. !isChange && (isChange = true);
  16. propsPatched[key] = nProps[key];
  17. }
  18. });
  19. return !isChange ? null : propsPatched;
  20. }


  1. /**
  2. * 同级对比
  3. * @param {*} oChildren
  4. * @param {*} nChildren
  5. * @param {*} index
  6. * @param {*} patches
  7. * @param {*} currentPatch
  8. */
  9. function diffChildren(oChildren, nChildren, index, patches, currentPatch) {
  10. // 得出相对简化移动路径
  11. const diffs = listDiff(oChildren, nChildren, "key");
  12. // 保留元素
  13. nChildren = diffs.children;
  14. // 记录排序位移
  15. diffs.moves.length &&
  16. currentPatch.push({ type: REORDER, moves: diffs.moves });
  17. // 深度遍历
  18. let leftNode = null;
  19. let currentNodeIndex = index;
  20. aryForEach(oChildren, (_item, _index) => {
  21. const nChild = nChildren[_index];
  22. currentNodeIndex =
  23. leftNode && leftNode.count
  24. ? currentNodeIndex + leftNode.count + 1
  25. : currentNodeIndex + 1;
  26. _item !== nChild && dfsWalk(_item, nChild, currentNodeIndex, patches);
  27. leftNode = _item;
  28. });
  29. }



Diff two lists in time O(n). I The algorithm finding the minimal amount of moves is Levenshtein distance which is O(n*m). This algorithm is not the best but is enougth for front-end DOM list manipulation.

This project is mostly influenced by virtual-dom algorithm.


  1. // 4. 比较两棵虚拟DOM树的不同
  2. const patches = diff(tree, newTree);





  1. import {
  2. isString,
  3. isObject,
  4. objForEach,
  5. aryForEach,
  6. setAttr,
  7. toArray
  8. } from "./util";
  9. import { REPLACE, REORDER, PROPS, TEXT, NOKEY } from "./common";
  10. function patch(node, patches) {
  11. const walker = { index: 0 };
  12. dfsWalk(node, walker, patches);
  13. }
  14. // 深度遍历更新
  15. function dfsWalk(node, walker, patches) {
  16. const currentPatches = patches[walker.index];
  17. node.childNodes &&
  18. aryForEach(node.childNodes, item => {
  19. walker.index++;
  20. dfsWalk(item, walker, patches);
  21. });
  22. currentPatches && applyPatches(node, currentPatches);
  23. }


  1. // 更新类型
  2. function applyPatches(node, currentPatches) {
  3. aryForEach(currentPatches, item => {
  4. switch (item.type) {
  5. case REPLACE:
  6. const nNode = isString(item.node)
  7. ? document.createTextNode(item.node)
  8. : item.node.render();
  9. node.parentNode.replaceChild(nNode, node);
  10. break;
  11. case REORDER:
  12. reorderChildren(node, item.moves);
  13. break;
  14. case PROPS:
  15. setProps(node, item.props);
  16. break;
  17. case TEXT:
  18. if (node.textContent) {
  19. // 使用纯文本
  20. node.textContent = item.content;
  21. } else {
  22. // 仅仅对CDATA片段,注释comment,Processing Instruction节点或text节点有效
  23. node.nodeValue = item.content;
  24. }
  25. break;
  26. default:
  27. throw new Error("Unknown patch type " + item.type);
  28. }
  29. });
  30. }


  1. // 修改属性
  2. function setProps(node, props) {
  3. objForEach(props, key => {
  4. if (props[key] === void NOKEY) {
  5. node.removeAttribute(key);
  6. } else {
  7. setAttr(node, key, props[key]);
  8. }
  9. });
  10. }


  1. // 列表排序渲染
  2. function reorderChildren(node, moves) {
  3. const staticNodeList = toArray(node.childNodes);
  4. const maps = {};
  5. aryForEach(staticNodeList, node => {
  6. // Element
  7. if (node.nodeType === 1) {
  8. const key = node.getAttribute("key");
  9. key && (maps[key] = node);
  10. }
  11. });
  12. aryForEach(moves, move => {
  13. const index = move.index;
  14. // 0:删除 1:替换
  15. if (move.type === 0) {
  16. // 找到对应节点删除
  17. staticNodeList[index] === node.childNodes[index] &&
  18. node.removeChild(node.childNodes[index]);
  19. staticNodeList.splice(index, 1);
  20. } else if (move.type === 1) {
  21. let insertNode;
  22. if (maps[move.item.key]) {
  23. // 删除并返回节点
  24. insertNode = node.removeChild(maps[move.item.key]);
  25. // 获取删除节点位置
  26. staticNodeList.splice(, maps[move.item.key]), 1);
  27. } else {
  28. // 创建节点
  29. insertNode = isObject(move.item)
  30. ? move.item.render()
  31. : document.createTextNode(move.item);
  32. }
  33. // 同步staticNodeList信息
  34. staticNodeList.splice(index, 0, insertNode);
  35. // 操作Dom
  36. node.insertBefore(insertNode, node.childNodes[index] || null);
  37. }
  38. });
  39. }
  40. export default patch;


  1. // 4. 比较两棵虚拟DOM树的不同
  2. const patches = diff(tree, newTree);
  3. // 5. 在真正的DOM元素上应用变更
  4. patch(root, patches);

virtualdom - 图1