React Core

The “core” of React includes all the top-level React APIs, for example:

  • React.createElement()
  • React.Component
  • React.Children

React core only includes the APIs necessary to define components. It does not include the reconciliation algorithm or any platform-specific code. It is used both by React DOM and React Native components.


React was originally created for the DOM but it was later adapted to also support native platforms with React Native. This introduced the concept of “renderers” to React internals.Renderers manage how a React tree turns into the underlying platform calls.


Even vastly different renderers like React DOM and React Native need to share a lot of logic. In particular, the reconciliation algorithm should be as similar as possible so that declarative rendering, custom components, state, lifecycle methods, and refs work consistently across platforms.

To solve this, different renderers share some code between them. We call this part of React a “reconciler”. When an update such as setState() is scheduled, the reconciler calls render() on components in the tree and mounts, updates, or unmounts them.

Reconcilers are not packaged separately because they currently have no public API. Instead, they are exclusively used by renderers such as React DOM and React Native.

When the reconciler encounters a host element, it lets the renderer take care of mounting it. For example, React DOM would create a DOM node.If the host element has children, the reconciler recursively mounts them following the same algorithm as above.

Fiber Reconciler

The “fiber” reconciler is a new effort aiming to resolve the problems inherent in the stack reconciler and fix a few long-standing issues. It has been the default reconciler since React 16.
Its main goals are:

  • Ability to split interruptible work in chunks.
  • Ability to prioritize, rebase and reuse work in progress.
  • Ability to yield back and forth between parents and children to support layout in React.
  • Ability to return multiple elements from render().
  • Better support for error boundaries.
    Its source code is located in packages/react-reconciler.