我司选用盈世 Coremail 邮件系统,使用过程中有问题,
2、致电 客服电话: 400-888-2488
3、 邮件给客服人员: support@coremail.cn
若客服需要相关服务器连通参数,复制如下内容,打开记事本文档另存为 mail.bat
运行后将桌面上生成的 Mail_collection.txt 发送给客服进行诊断。
@Title Mail data collection
@echo Testing the connectivity of the mail server
@echo Do not close the program in log collection,just wait.
tracert -d mail.absen.com >%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Mail_collection.txt
tracert -d hw.icoremail.net >>%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Mail_collection.txt
ping mail.absen.com >>%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Mail_collection.txt
ping hw.icoremail.net >>%USERPROFILE%\desktop\Mail_collection.txt
@echo Log collection finished
@echo .
@echo Send the desktop Mail_collection.txt file to support@coremail.cn
pause >nul