
  1. static IFreeSql fsql = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder()
  2. .UseConnectionString(FreeSql.DataType.MySql, "Data Source=;Port=3306;User ID=root;Password=root;Initial Catalog=cccddd;Charset=utf8;SslMode=none;Max pool size=10")
  3. .Build(); //请务必定义成 Singleton 单例模式
  4. class Topic {
  5. [Column(IsIdentity = true)]
  6. public int Id { get; set; }
  7. public string Title { get; set; }
  8. public int Clicks { get; set; }
  9. public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }
  10. public int CategoryId { get; set; }
  11. public Category Category { get; set; }
  12. }
  13. class Category {
  14. [Column(IsIdentity = true)]
  15. public int Id { get; set; }
  16. public string Name { get; set; }
  17. public int ParentId { get; set; }
  18. public CategoryType Parent { get; set; }
  19. public List<Topic> Topics { get; set; }
  20. }
  21. class CategoryType {
  22. public int Id { get; set; }
  23. public string Name { get; set; }
  24. }


  1. fsql.Select<Topic>()
  2. .LeftJoin(a => a.Category.Id == a.CategoryId)
  3. .LeftJoin(a => a.Category.Parent.Id == a.Category.ParentId)
  4. .Where(a => a.Category.Parent.Id > 0)
  5. .ToList();
  6. //SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Title`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CreateTime`, a.`CategoryId`, a__Category.`Id` as6, a__Category.`Name`, a__Category.`ParentId`
  7. //FROM `Topic` a
  8. //LEFT JOIN `Category` a__Category ON a__Category.`Id` = a.`CategoryId`
  9. //LEFT JOIN `CategoryType` a__Category__Parent ON a__Category__Parent.`Id` = a__Category.`ParentId`

提示:正确配置 【导航关系】后,不需要手工调用 LeftJoin


  1. fsql.Select<Topic, Category, CategoryType>()
  2. .LeftJoin((a,b,c) => a.CategoryId == b.Id)
  3. .LeftJoin((a,b,c) => b.ParentId == c.Id)
  4. .Where((a,b,c) => c.Id > 0)
  5. .ToList((a,b,c) => new { a,b,c });
  6. //或者
  7. fsql.Select<Topic>().From<Category, CategoryType>((s, b, c) => s
  8. .LeftJoin(a => a.CategoryId == b.Id)
  9. .LeftJoin(a => b.ParentId == c.Id))
  10. .Where((a,b,c) => c.Id > 0)
  11. .ToList((a,b,c) => new { a,b,c });
  12. //减少定义 a,b,c 写法
  13. fsql.Select<Topic, Category, CategoryType>()
  14. .LeftJoin(w => w.t1.CategoryId == w.t2.Id)
  15. .LeftJoin(w => w.t2.ParentId == w.t3.Id)
  16. .Where(w => w.t3.Id > 0)
  17. .ToList(w => new { w.t1,w.t2,w.t3 });
  18. //SELECT ...
  19. //FROM `Topic` a
  20. //LEFT JOIN `Category` b ON a.`CategoryId` = b.`Id`
  21. //LEFT JOIN `CategoryType` c ON b.`ParentId` = c.`Id`
  22. //WHERE c. `Id` > 0


  1. fsql.Select<Topic, Category, CategoryType>()
  2. .WithSql(
  3. "select * from Topic where id=?id1",
  4. "select * from Category where id=?id2",
  5. null, //不设置 CategoryType 对应的 SQL
  6. new { id1 = 10, id2 = 11, id3 = 13 }
  7. )
  8. .LeftJoin((a,b,c) => a.CategoryId == b.Id)
  9. .LeftJoin((a,b,c) => b.ParentId == c.Id)
  10. .ToList();
  11. //SELECT ...
  12. //FROM ( select * from Topic where id=?id1 ) a
  13. //LEFT JOIN ( select * from Category where id=?id2 ) b ON a.`CategoryId` = b.`Id`
  14. //LEFT JOIN `CategoryType` c ON b.`ParentId` = c.`Id`


  1. fsql.Select<Topic>()
  2. .LeftJoin("Category b on b.Id = a.CategoryId and b.Name = ?bname", new { bname = "xxx" })
  3. .ToList();
  4. //SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Title`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CreateTime`, a.`CategoryId`
  5. //FROM `Topic` a
  6. //LEFT JOIN Category b on b.Id = a.CategoryId and b.Name = ?bname

延伸问题:SQL联表 b 表的字段如何在 ToList 中指定?

  1. .ToList(a => new {
  2. bid = Convert.ToInt32("b.Id"),
  3. bName = "b.Name"
  4. })


  1. fsql.Select<Topic>()
  2. .Where(a => fsql.Select<Topic>().As("b").Where(b => b.Id == a.Id).Any())
  3. .ToList();
  4. //SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Title`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CreateTime`, a.`CategoryId`
  5. //FROM `Topic` a
  6. //WHERE (exists(SELECT 1
  7. // FROM `Topic` b
  8. // WHERE (b.`Id` = a.`Id`)
  9. // limit 0,1))

提示:由于子查询的实体类与上层相同,使用 As(“b”) 指明别名,以便区分


  1. fsql.Select<Topic>()
  2. .Where(a => fsql.Select<Topic>().As("b").ToList(b => b.Id).Contains(a.Id))
  3. .ToList();
  4. //SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Title`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CreateTime`, a.`CategoryId`
  5. //FROM `Topic` a
  6. //WHERE (((a.`Id`) in (SELECT b.`Id`
  7. // FROM `Topic` b)))


v1.8.0+ string.Join + ToList 实现将子查询的多行结果,拼接为一个字符串,如:”1,2,3,4”

  1. fsql.Select<Topic>().ToList(a => new {
  2. id = a.Id,
  3. concat = string.Join(",", fsql.Select<StringJoin01>().ToList(b => b.Id))
  4. });
  5. //SELECT a.`Id`, (SELECT group_concat(b.`Id` separator ',')
  6. // FROM `StringJoin01` b)
  7. //FROM `Topic` a

提示:子查询 string.Join + ToList 适配了 sqlserver/pgsql/oracle/mysql/sqlite/firebird/达梦/金仓 #405


  1. fsql.Select<Category>().ToList(a => new {
  2. all = a,
  3. first = fsql.Select<Topic>().Where(b => b.CategoryId == a.Id).First(b => b.Id),
  4. count = fsql.Select<Topic>().Where(b => b.CategoryId == a.Id).Count(),
  5. sum = fsql.Select<Topic>().Where(b => b.CategoryId == a.Id).Sum(b => b.Clicks),
  6. max = fsql.Select<Topic>().Where(b => b.CategoryId == a.Id).Max(b => b.Clicks),
  7. min = fsql.Select<Topic>().Where(b => b.CategoryId == a.Id).Min(b => b.Clicks),
  8. avg = fsql.Select<Topic>().Where(b => b.CategoryId == a.Id).Avg(b => b.Clicks)
  9. });


  1. fsql.Select<Category>()
  2. .Where(a => a.Topics.AsSelect().Any(b => b.Title.Contains("xx")))
  3. .ToList();


  1. fsql.Select<Category>()
  2. .Where(a => fsql.Select<Topic>().Any(b => b.Title.Contains("xx")))
  3. .ToList();

将集合属性快速转换为 ISelect 进行子查询操作。




  1. fsql.Select<t1>()
  2. .LeftJoin<t2>(...)
  3. .WhereCascade(x => x.IsDeleted == false)
  4. .ToList();

得到的 SQL:

  1. SELECT ...
  2. FROM t1
  3. LEFT JOIN t2 on ... AND (t2.IsDeleted = 0)
  4. WHERE t1.IsDeleted = 0



  • 子查询,一对多、多对多、自定义的子查询;
  • Join 查询,导航属性、自定义的Join查询;
  • Include/IncludeMany 的子集合查询;

