1. Prometheus支持两种类型的规则,他们可以配置,然后定期评估规则:记录规则和报警规则。要在Prometheus中包含规则,请创建一个包含必要规则语句的文件,并让Prometheus通过Prometheus配置中的`rule_files`字段加载该文件。rule 文件用YAML格式。<br />通过向Prometheus进程发送`SIGHUP`消息,可以在运行时重新加载规则文件。仅当所有规则文件的格式都正确时,才应用更改。



  1. promtool check rules /path/to/example.rules.yml


记录规则 recording rules

记录规则和警报规则都存在于规则组中。组中的规则以相同的时间间隔定期运行。记录规则的名称必须是有效的metric name。警报规则的名称必须是有效的标签值


  1. groups:
  2. [ - <rule_group> ]
  1. 一个简单的rule文件示例:
  1. groups:
  2. - name: example
  3. rules:
  4. - record: job:http_inprogress_requests:sum
  5. expr: sum by (job) (http_inprogress_requests)

  1. # The name of the group. Must be unique within a file.
  2. name: <string>
  3. # How often rules in the group are evaluated.
  4. [ interval: <duration> | default = global.evaluation_interval ]
  5. rules:
  6. [ - <rule> ... ]

recording rules的语法为:

  1. # The name of the time series to output to. Must be a valid metric name.
  2. record: <string>
  3. # The PromQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
  4. # evaluated at the current time, and the result recorded as a new set of
  5. # time series with the metric name as given by 'record'.
  6. expr: <string>
  7. # Labels to add or overwrite before storing the result.
  8. labels:
  9. [ <labelname>: <labelvalue> ]
  1. alerting rules的语法为:
  1. # The name of the alert. Must be a valid label value.
  2. alert: <string>
  3. # The PromQL expression to evaluate. Every evaluation cycle this is
  4. # evaluated at the current time, and all resultant time series become
  5. # pending/firing alerts.
  6. expr: <string>
  7. # Alerts are considered firing once they have been returned for this long.
  8. # Alerts which have not yet fired for long enough are considered pending.
  9. [ for: <duration> | default = 0s ]
  10. # Labels to add or overwrite for each alert.
  11. labels:
  12. [ <labelname>: <tmpl_string> ]
  13. # Annotations to add to each alert.
  14. annotations:
  15. [ <labelname>: <tmpl_string> ]