

官网 文档 GitHub命令速查

  1. amcache Print AmCache information
  2. apihooks Detect API hooks in process and kernel memory
  3. atoms Print session and window station atom tables
  4. atomscan Pool scanner for atom tables
  5. auditpol Prints out the Audit Policies from HKLM\SECURITY\Policy\PolAdtEv
  6. bigpools Dump the big page pools using BigPagePoolScanner
  7. bioskbd Reads the keyboard buffer from Real Mode memory
  8. cachedump Dumps cached domain hashes from memory
  9. callbacks Print system-wide notification routines
  10. clipboard Extract the contents of the windows clipboard
  11. cmdline Display process command-line arguments
  12. cmdscan Extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY
  13. connections Print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only]
  14. connscan Pool scanner for tcp connections
  15. consoles Extract command history by scanning for _CONSOLE_INFORMATION
  16. crashinfo Dump crash-dump information
  17. deskscan Poolscaner for tagDESKTOP (desktops)
  18. devicetree Show device tree
  19. dlldump Dump DLLs from a process address space
  20. dlllist Print list of loaded dlls for each process
  21. driverirp Driver IRP hook detection
  22. drivermodule Associate driver objects to kernel modules
  23. driverscan Pool scanner for driver objects
  24. dumpcerts Dump RSA private and public SSL keys
  25. dumpfiles Extract memory mapped and cached files
  26. dumpregistry Dumps registry files out to disk
  27. editbox Displays information about Edit controls. (Listbox experimental.)
  28. envars Display process environment variables
  29. eventhooks Print details on windows event hooks
  30. evtlogs Extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only)
  31. filescan Pool scanner for file objects
  32. gahti Dump the USER handle type information
  33. gditimers Print installed GDI timers and callbacks
  34. gdt Display Global Descriptor Table
  35. getservicesids Get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID
  36. getsids Print the SIDs owning each process
  37. handles Print list of open handles for each process
  38. hashdump Dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory
  39. hibinfo Dump hibernation file information
  40. hivedump Prints out a hive
  41. hivelist Print list of registry hives.
  42. hivescan Pool scanner for registry hives
  43. hpakextract Extract physical memory from an HPAK file
  44. hpakinfo Info on an HPAK file
  45. idt Display Interrupt Descriptor Table
  46. iehistory Reconstruct Internet Explorer cache / history
  47. imagecopy Copies a physical address space out as a raw DD image
  48. imageinfo Identify information for the image
  49. impscan Scan for calls to imported functions
  50. joblinks Print process job link information
  51. kdbgscan Search for and dump potential KDBG values
  52. kpcrscan Search for and dump potential KPCR values
  53. ldrmodules Detect unlinked DLLs
  54. lsadump Dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry
  55. machoinfo Dump Mach-O file format information
  56. malfind Find hidden and injected code
  57. mbrparser Scans for and parses potential Master Boot Records (MBRs)
  58. memdump Dump the addressable memory for a process
  59. memmap Print the memory map
  60. messagehooks List desktop and thread window message hooks
  61. mftparser Scans for and parses potential MFT entries
  62. moddump Dump a kernel driver to an executable file sample
  63. modscan Pool scanner for kernel modules
  64. modules Print list of loaded modules
  65. multiscan Scan for various objects at once
  66. mutantscan Pool scanner for mutex objects
  67. notepad List currently displayed notepad text
  68. objtypescan Scan for Windows object type objects
  69. patcher Patches memory based on page scans
  70. poolpeek Configurable pool scanner plugin
  71. printkey Print a registry key, and its subkeys and values
  72. privs Display process privileges
  73. procdump Dump a process to an executable file sample
  74. pslist Print all running processes by following the EPROCESS lists
  75. psscan Pool scanner for process objects
  76. pstree Print process list as a tree
  77. psxview Find hidden processes with various process listings
  78. qemuinfo Dump Qemu information
  79. raw2dmp Converts a physical memory sample to a windbg crash dump
  80. screenshot Save a pseudo-screenshot based on GDI windows
  81. servicediff List Windows services (ala Plugx)
  82. sessions List details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon sessions)
  83. shellbags Prints ShellBags info
  84. shimcache Parses the Application Compatibility Shim Cache registry key
  85. shutdowntime Print ShutdownTime of machine from registry
  86. sockets Print list of open sockets
  87. sockscan Pool scanner for tcp socket objects
  88. ssdt Display SSDT entries
  89. strings Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose)
  90. svcscan Scan for Windows services
  91. symlinkscan Pool scanner for symlink objects
  92. thrdscan Pool scanner for thread objects
  93. threads Investigate _ETHREAD and _KTHREADs
  94. timeliner Creates a timeline from various artifacts in memory
  95. timers Print kernel timers and associated module DPCs
  96. truecryptmaster Recover TrueCrypt 7.1a Master Keys
  97. truecryptpassphrase TrueCrypt Cached Passphrase Finder
  98. truecryptsummary TrueCrypt Summary
  99. unloadedmodules Print list of unloaded modules
  100. userassist Print userassist registry keys and information
  101. userhandles Dump the USER handle tables
  102. vaddump Dumps out the vad sections to a file
  103. vadinfo Dump the VAD info
  104. vadtree Walk the VAD tree and display in tree format
  105. vadwalk Walk the VAD tree
  106. vboxinfo Dump virtualbox information
  107. verinfo Prints out the version information from PE images
  108. vmwareinfo Dump VMware VMSS/VMSN information
  109. volshell Shell in the memory image
  110. windows Print Desktop Windows (verbose details)
  111. wintree Print Z-Order Desktop Windows Tree
  112. wndscan Pool scanner for window stations
  113. yarascan Scan process or kernel memory with Yara signatures


  1. clipboard
  2. hivelist
  3. imageinfo
  4. lsadump
  5. malfind
  6. memdump
  7. pslistpsscanpstree


JarvisOJ 取证 2(磁盘解密)

https://www.jarvisoj.com/challenges > MISC > 取证 2 还记得取证那题吗?既然有了取证神器,这里有一个可疑文件以及该存储该文件电脑的一个内存快照,那么接下来我们实战一下吧。 由于文件比较大,请大家至百度云盘下载: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2BIGLE 密码: 9v2z

附件 suspicion.7z 解压出来有两个文件:

  • suspicion :这个不知道是啥文件
  • mem.vmem :这个是内存映像

volatility.exe -f .\mem.vmem imageinfo 查看操作系统类型是 WinXP

  1. Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
  2. INFO : volatility.debug : Determining profile based on KDBG search...
  3. Suggested Profile(s) : WinXPSP2x86, WinXPSP3x86 (Instantiated with WinXPSP2x86)
  4. AS Layer1 : IA32PagedMemoryPae (Kernel AS)
  5. AS Layer2 : FileAddressSpace (D:\Users\DP\Downloads\mem.vmem)
  6. PAE type : PAE
  7. DTB : 0xb18000L
  8. KDBG : 0x80546ae0L
  9. Number of Processors : 1
  10. Image Type (Service Pack) : 3
  11. KPCR for CPU 0 : 0xffdff000L
  12. KUSER_SHARED_DATA : 0xffdf0000L
  13. Image date and time : 2016-05-03 04:41:19 UTC+0000
  14. Image local date and time : 2016-05-03 12:41:19 +0800

volatility.exe -f .\mem.vmem pslist 查看进程

  1. Offset(V) Name PID PPID Thds Hnds Sess Wow64 Start Exit
  2. ---------- -------------------- ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ ------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
  3. 0x821b9830 System 4 0 62 253 ------ 0
  4. 0x81fb9210 smss.exe 552 4 3 19 ------ 0 2016-05-03 04:32:10 UTC+0000
  5. 0x81c14da0 csrss.exe 616 552 10 328 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:12 UTC+0000
  6. 0x81f81880 winlogon.exe 640 552 18 449 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:12 UTC+0000
  7. 0x8208fda0 services.exe 684 640 16 260 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:12 UTC+0000
  8. 0x81c32b10 lsass.exe 696 640 18 333 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:12 UTC+0000
  9. 0x820a19a0 vmacthlp.exe 852 684 1 25 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:13 UTC+0000
  10. 0x81c30458 svchost.exe 864 684 18 201 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:13 UTC+0000
  11. 0x81c67020 svchost.exe 948 684 11 238 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:13 UTC+0000
  12. 0x81ce7da0 svchost.exe 1040 684 55 1103 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:13 UTC+0000
  13. 0x81c25020 svchost.exe 1096 684 4 66 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:13 UTC+0000
  14. 0x82002b28 svchost.exe 1256 684 13 194 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:14 UTC+0000
  15. 0x81f6c988 explorer.exe 1464 1448 12 329 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:14 UTC+0000
  16. 0x82085550 spoolsv.exe 1576 684 13 140 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:14 UTC+0000
  17. 0x81f64560 vmtoolsd.exe 1712 1464 5 145 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:15 UTC+0000
  18. 0x820a3528 ctfmon.exe 1736 1464 1 78 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:15 UTC+0000
  19. 0x81f7d3c0 vmtoolsd.exe 2020 684 7 273 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:23 UTC+0000
  20. 0x8207db28 TPAutoConnSvc.e 512 684 5 99 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:25 UTC+0000
  21. 0x81c26da0 alg.exe 1212 684 6 105 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:26 UTC+0000
  22. 0x81f715c0 wscntfy.exe 1392 1040 1 39 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:26 UTC+0000
  23. 0x81e1f520 TPAutoConnect.e 1972 512 1 72 0 0 2016-05-03 04:32:26 UTC+0000
  24. 0x81f9d3e8 TrueCrypt.exe 2012 1464 2 139 0 0 2016-05-03 04:33:36 UTC+0000

发现可疑进程 TrueCrypt.exe,搜索得知是磁盘加密工具,那么 suspicion 应该是被加密的文件
搜索 TrueCrypt 破解软件,找到 EFDD(Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor),下面开始破解
volatility.exe -f .\mem.vmem memdump -p 2012 -D . 将进程 dump 出来

  1. ************************************************************************
  2. Writing TrueCrypt.exe [ 2012] to 2012.dmp

打开 EFDD,选择 suspicion2012.dmp 文件,开始破解密钥
image.png image.png
image.png image.png
直接用密钥解密磁盘并挂载,发现 flag
image.png image.png image.png


  1. https://ctf-wiki.org/misc/disk-memory/introduction/
  2. Elcomsoft.Forensic.Disk.Decryptor.2.17.916.zip
  3. Elcomsoft.Forensic.Disk.Decryptor.CracKed.By.Hmily.LCG.rar
  4. https://blog.csdn.net/qq_45836474/article/details/109540832 - CTF取证小集合
  5. https://www.cnblogs.com/sesefadou/p/11804566.html - Volatility取证使用笔记