




  1. // MnistDataset.cpp
  2. // 返回MNIST数据集中一张图片数据,及其对应的label
  3. Example MnistDataset::get(size_t index) {
  4. auto data = _Input({1, kImageRows, kImageColumns}, NCHW, halide_type_of<uint8_t>());
  5. auto label = _Input({}, NCHW, halide_type_of<uint8_t>());
  6. auto dataPtr = mImagePtr + index * kImageRows * kImageColumns;
  7. ::memcpy(data->writeMap<uint8_t>(), dataPtr, kImageRows * kImageColumns);
  8. auto labelPtr = mLabelsPtr + index;
  9. ::memcpy(label->writeMap<uint8_t>(), labelPtr, 1);
  10. auto returnIndex = _Const(index);
  11. // return the index for test
  12. return {{data, returnIndex}, {label}};
  13. }
  14. // 返回数据集大小,对于MNIST训练集是60000,测试集是10000
  15. size_t MnistDataset::size() {
  16. return mImages->getInfo()->dim[0];
  17. }



  1. //
  2. // ImageDatasetDemo.cpp
  3. // MNN
  4. //
  5. // Created by MNN on 2019/11/20.
  6. // Copyright © 2018, Alibaba Group Holding Limited
  7. //
  8. #include <iostream>
  9. #include "DataLoader.hpp"
  10. #include "DemoUnit.hpp"
  11. #include "ImageDataset.hpp"
  12. #include "RandomSampler.hpp"
  13. #include "Sampler.hpp"
  14. #include "Transform.hpp"
  15. #include "TransformDataset.hpp"
  16. #ifdef MNN_USE_OPENCV
  17. #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> // use opencv to show pictures
  18. using namespace cv;
  19. #endif
  20. using namespace std;
  21. /*
  22. * this is an demo for how to use the ImageDataset and DataLoader
  23. */
  24. class ImageDatasetDemo : public DemoUnit {
  25. public:
  26. // this function is an example to use the lambda transform
  27. // here we use lambda transform to normalize data from 0~255 to 0~1
  28. static Example func(Example example) {
  29. // // an easier way to do this
  30. auto cast = _Cast(example.first[0], halide_type_of<float>());
  31. example.first[0] = _Multiply(cast, _Const(1.0f / 255.0f));
  32. return example;
  33. }
  34. virtual int run(int argc, const char* argv[]) override {
  35. if (argc != 3) {
  36. cout << "usage: ./runTrainDemo.out ImageDatasetDemo path/to/images/ path/to/image/txt\n" << endl;
  37. // ImageDataset的数据格式,采用的是ImageNet数据集的格式,你也可以写一个自己的数据集,自定义格式
  38. cout << "the ImageDataset read stored images as input data.\n"
  39. "use 'pathToImages' and a txt file to construct a ImageDataset.\n"
  40. "the txt file should use format as below:\n"
  41. " image1.jpg label1,label2,...\n"
  42. " image2.jpg label3,label4,...\n"
  43. " ...\n"
  44. "the ImageDataset would read images from:\n"
  45. " pathToImages/image1.jpg\n"
  46. " pathToImages/image2.jpg\n"
  47. " ...\n"
  48. << endl;
  49. return 0;
  50. }
  51. std::string pathToImages = argv[1];
  52. std::string pathToImageTxt = argv[2];
  53. // ImageDataset可配置数据预处理
  54. auto converImagesToFormat = ImageDataset::DestImageFormat::RGB;
  55. int resizeHeight = 224;
  56. int resizeWidth = 224;
  57. std::vector<float> scales = {1/255.0, 1/255.0, 1/255.0};
  58. auto config = ImageDataset::ImageConfig(converImagesToFormat, resizeHeight, resizeWidth, scales);
  59. bool readAllImagesToMemory = false;
  60. // 构建ImageDataset
  61. auto dataset = std::make_shared<ImageDataset>(pathToImages, pathToImageTxt, config, readAllImagesToMemory);
  62. const int batchSize = 1;
  63. const int numWorkers = 1;
  64. // 构建DataLoader,这里会将一个batch数据stack为一个VARP(Tensor)
  65. auto dataLoader = std::shared_ptr<DataLoader>(DataLoader::makeDataLoader(dataset, batchSize, true, false, numWorkers));
  66. const size_t iterations = dataset->size() / batchSize;
  67. for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
  68. // 读取数据
  69. auto trainData = dataLoader->next();
  70. auto data = trainData[0].first[0]->readMap<float_t>();
  71. auto label = trainData[0].second[0]->readMap<int32_t>();
  72. cout << "index: " << i << " label: " << int(label[0]) << endl;
  73. #ifdef MNN_USE_OPENCV
  74. // only show the first picture in the batch
  75. Mat image = Mat(resizeHeight, resizeWidth, CV_32FC(3), (void*)data);
  76. imshow("image", image);
  77. waitKey(-1);
  78. #endif
  79. }
  80. // 每完整过一次数据集必须重置DataLoader
  81. // this will reset the sampler's internal state
  82. dataLoader->reset();
  83. return 0;
  84. }
  85. };
  86. DemoUnitSetRegister(ImageDatasetDemo, "ImageDatasetDemo");






  1. /**
  2. First: data: a vector of input tensors (for single input dataset is only one)
  3. Second: target: a vector of output tensors (for single output dataset is only one)
  4. */
  5. typedef std::pair<std::vector<VARP>, std::vector<VARP>> Example;


RandomSampler : public Sampler


  1. public:
  2. // size: 采样序列长度
  3. // shuffle: 是否生成随机采样序列
  4. explicit RandomSampler(size_t size, bool shuffle = true);
  5. // 重置采样器内部状态
  6. void reset(size_t size) override;
  7. // 采样器长度
  8. size_t size() override;
  9. // 返回内部生成的采样序列
  10. const std::vector<size_t> indices();
  11. // 返回已经使用的采样序列数量
  12. size_t index();
  13. // 获取下一个长度为batchSize的采样序列
  14. std::vector<size_t> next(size_t batchSize) override;
  15. private:
  16. std::vector<size_t> mIndices;
  17. size_t mIndex = 0;
  18. bool mShuffle;



  1. // 返回数据集的大小,例如1000张图片的数据集,其大小为1000
  2. virtual size_t size() = 0;
  3. // 返回数据集中指定index的数据,如给定123,返回第123张图片数据
  4. virtual Example get(size_t index) = 0;
  5. // 返回数据集中指定index的一批数据,为一个batch
  6. std::vector<Example> getBatch(std::vector<size_t> indices);





StackTransform : public BatchTransform

Stack( (c, h, w), (c, h, w), (c, h, w)… ) —> (n, c, h, w)

LambdaTransform : public Transform


TransformDataset : public Dataset




batchSize: 指定batch大小 numWorkers: 多线程预读取的线程数



  1. // 构造函数
  2. DataLoader(std::shared_ptr<BatchDataset> dataset, std::shared_ptr<Sampler> sampler,
  3. std::shared_ptr<DataLoaderConfig> config);
  4. // 构造DataLoader,无Transform
  5. static DataLoader* makeDataLoader(std::shared_ptr<BatchDataset> dataset,
  6. const int batchSize,
  7. const bool stack = true, // 是否将一个batch数据叠加为一个VARP(Tensor)
  8. const bool shuffle = true,
  9. const int numWorkers = 0);
  10. // 构造DataLoader,有Transform,Transform可多个叠加
  11. static DataLoader* makeDataLoader(std::shared_ptr<BatchDataset> dataset,
  12. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BatchTransform>> transforms,
  13. const int batchSize,
  14. const bool shuffle = true,
  15. const int numWorkers = 0);
  16. // 指定batch size后,迭代多少次用完全部数据,最后一个batch不足batchsize也会输出
  17. size_t iterNumber() const;
  18. // 数据集大小
  19. size_t size() const;
  20. // 输出一个batch的数据
  21. std::vector<Example> next();
  22. // 清空内部数据队列,重置内部采样器
  23. void clean();
  24. // clean(),并重新预读取,Dataset每次数据全部输出完毕,必须reset
  25. void reset();