
details 目录

JavaFX Scene 对象是 JavaFX 场景图的根(root)。换句话说,JavaFX 场景中包含所有可视的 JavaFX GUI 组件。JavaFX 场景由 javafx.scene.Scene 类表示。必须在 Stage(舞台)上设置 Scene 对象才能使其可见。在本 JavaFX Scene 教程中,我将向您展示如何创建 Scene 对象并向其添加 GUI 组件。

The JavaFX Scene object is the root of the JavaFX Scene graph. In other words, the JavaFX Scene contains all the visual JavaFX GUI components inside it. A JavaFX Scene is represented by the class javafx.scene.Scene. A Scene object has to be set on a Stage to be visible. In this JavaFX Scene tutorial I will show you how to create a Scene object and add GUI components to it.

创建 Scene

您可以通过 JavaFX Scene 的构造函数创建一个它的对象。您必须传递一个根 JavaFX GUI 组件作为参数,该组件将充当要在 Scene 中显示的根视图。以下是创建 JavaFX Scene 对象的示例:

You create a JavaFX Scene object via its constructor. As parameter you must pass the root JavaFX GUI component that is to act as the root view to be displayed inside the Scene. Here is an example of creating a JavaFX Scene object:

  1. VBox vBox = new VBox(); // 创建一个 VBox 布局组件
  2. Scene scene = new Scene(vBox); // 将此 VBox 布局组件作为参数传递给 Scene 的构造函数

Stage 上设置 Scene

为了使 JavaFX Scene 可见,必须在 JavaFX Stage 上设置它。以下是在 Stage 上设置 JavaFX Scene 的示例:

In order to make a JavaFX Scene visible, it must be set on a JavaFX Stage. Here is an example of setting a JavaFX Scene on a Stage:

  1. VBox vBox = new VBox(new Label("A JavaFX Label"));
  2. Scene scene = new Scene(vBox);
  3. Stage stage = new Stage();
  4. stage.setScene(scene);

JavaFX Scene 一次只能附加到一个 Stage 上,Stage 一次也只能显示一个 Scene

A JavaFX Scene can be attached to only a single Stage at a time, and Stage can also only display one Scene at a time.

场景图(Scene Graph)

正如 JavaFX 概述 中提到的,场景图 由附加到给定 JavaFX Scene 对象的所有 节点 组成。每个 Scene 对象都有自己的场景图。

As mentioned in the JavaFX Overview, the scene graph consists of all the nodes which are attached to a given JavaFX Scene object. Each Scene object has its own scene graph.


The scene graph has a single root node. Other nodes can be attached to the root node in a tree-like data structure (a tree is a kind of graph).

Scene 光标样式

可以设置 JavaFX Scene 的光标样式。光标样式是显示在光标(指针)位置的小图标。您可以通过 setCursor() 方法设置 Scene 的光标样式。下面是设置 JavaFX Scene 的光标样式的示例:

It is possible to set the mouse cursor of a JavaFX Scene. The mouse cursor is the little icon that is being displayed at the location of the mouse cursor (pointer). You set the mouse cursor of a Scene via the setCursor() method. Here is an example of setting the mouse cursor of a JavaFX Scene:

  1. scene.setCursor(Cursor.OPEN_HAND);

javafx.scene.Cursor 类包含许多常量,可用于指定要显示的光标样式。其中一些常量是:

The javafx.scene.Cursor class contains a lot of constants you can use to specify which mouse cursor you want to display. Some of these constants are:

  • Cursor.OPEN_HAND
  • Cursor.CLOSED_HAND
  • Cursor.CROSSHAIR
  • Cursor.DEFAULT
  • Cursor.HAND
  • Cursor.WAIT
  • Cursor.H_RESIZE
  • Cursor.V_RESIZE
  • Cursor.MOVE
  • Cursor.TEXT

实际上还有更多的常量。欢迎自己尝试使用下在 Cursor 类中找到的常量。

There are a few more. Just play with the constants found in the Cursor class and see for yourself.