AF Aggregate function (CLR)
    C CHECK constraint
    D Default or DEFAULT constraint
    F FOREIGN KEY constraint
    L Log
    FN Scalar function
    FS Assembly (CLR) scalar-function
    FT Assembly (CLR) table-valued function
    IF In-lined table-function
    IT Internal table
    P Stored procedure
    PC Assembly (CLR) stored-procedure
    PK PRIMARY KEY constraint (type is K)
    RF Replication filter stored procedure
    S System table
    SN Synonym
    SQ Service queue
    TA Assembly (CLR) DML trigger
    TF Table function
    TR SQL DML Trigger
    TT Table type
    U User table
    UQ UNIQUE constraint (type is K)
    V View
    X Extended stored procedure

    select from misa.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=’U’ and status>0 列出库misa中所有的**用户*建立的表名

    select from sysobjects where parent_obj=object_id(‘cs’) and xtype=’tr’ 列出表cs的*所有属性