这是 「MDH:前端周刊」 第 0011 期,发表于:2021/07/19。本期刊开源(GitHub: sorrycc/weekly),欢迎 issue 区投稿,推荐或自荐项目。

MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图1

封面图:dayee @ www.unsplash.com 。

❄️ TL;DR

👉 useContextSelector
👉 react-gui
👉 wrap
👉 Cancel Pending API Requests
👉 Webpack Federation SSR
👉 fre conf

⚡ 展开讲讲



应该不少人都在等这个 Context Selector 功能,@acdlite 实现了 仅限内部实验使用unstable_useContextSelector


  1. const context = useContext(Context);
  2. const whatIReallyNeed = context.selectedField;


  1. const whatIReallyNeed = useContextSelector(Context, c => c.selectedField);



MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图2

React-GUI: 来自 Facebook @necolas 的新实验项目,用于构建 React 设计系统的无障碍工具包。



MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图3

新出的 Terminal 工具,可以申请个 Early Access,

  1. 主打速度,基于 Rust,GPU 加速,Native 应用,非 Electron
  2. 支持 zsh 和 bash
  3. 支持扩展、自定义快捷键和主题
  4. 支持分享命令、sessions 和 history
  5. Real-time collaboration

MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图4

Cancel Pending API Requests


MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图5

  • 如果用户点击足够快,由于先前的网络请求已 resolve,短时间内会渲染不正确的过时数据
  • debounce 能缓解,但治标不治本
  • 解决方案是使用 AbortController,不仅可以取消请求,还可以取消 event listener
  1. const abortController = new AbortController();
  2. const signal = abortController.signal;
  3. fetch(url, { signal });
  4. // 然后可随时取消
  5. abortController.abort();

Webpack Federation SSR


Using Webpack we can easily generate a pre-render service for our federated components if we don’t have the ability to directly consume from a node build of the remote-entry. We can use this combined with React 18 lazy on the server to consume the latest deployed version of a remote at runtime with zero deployments of the host. This is all brought together with html-to-react to allow for recursive rendering and the children of the pre-rendered remote component to participate in the react tree and use things like context.

fre conf


MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图6

周三(7.21)晚,我会分享 MFSU 相关内容,《Webpack 提速 10 倍の秘密》。

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MDH 前端周刊第 11 期:useContextSelector、react-gui、wrap、fre conf - 图7
