
image.png Power Indicator

The white indicator is stead on: Battery is almost fully charged.
Red flash slow:<30 min.
Red flash fast:<5 min.

image.png Wi-Fi Indicator

The white indicator is steady: Wi-Fi On.
The white indicator flashes: In transmission .
The white indicator is off: Wi-Fi Off.

image.pngUSB 1 & 2 Indicator

The white indicator is steady: USB connected.
The white indicator is off: USB disconnected.

image.png 4G USB Dongle Indicator

The white indicator is steady: 4G USB dongle is connected.
The white indicator is off: No 4G USB dongle or another device.

image.png Remote transmission indicator

The white indicator is steady: Remote network connection is connected.
The white indicator flashes: Data is transferring to the remote server.
The red indicator flashes: Remote network transmission error.
The light is off: The remote transfer mode is not set.