
编写:AllenZheng1991 - 原文:http://developer.android.com/training/multiple-threads/run-code.html





  1. public class PhotoManager {
  2. public void handleState(PhotoTask photoTask, int state) {
  3. switch (state) {
  4. // The task finished downloading the image
  6. // Decodes the image
  7. mDecodeThreadPool.execute(
  8. photoTask.getPhotoDecodeRunnable());
  9. ...
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. }
  13. ...
  14. }




  1. class PhotoDecodeRunnable implements Runnable {
  2. // Defines the code to run for this task
  3. public void run() {
  4. /*
  5. * Stores the current Thread in the
  6. * object that contains PhotoDecodeRunnable
  7. */
  8. mPhotoTask.setImageDecodeThread(Thread.currentThread());
  9. ...
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. }

想要中断一个线程,你可以调用Thread.interrupt())。需要注意的是这些线程对象都被系统控制,系统可以在你的APP进程之外修改 他们。因为这个原因,在你要中断一个线程时,你需要把这段代码放在一个同步代码块中对这个线程的访问加锁来解决这个问题。例如:

  1. public class PhotoManager {
  2. public static void cancelAll() {
  3. /*
  4. * Creates an array of Runnables that's the same size as the
  5. * thread pool work queue
  6. */
  7. Runnable[] runnableArray = new Runnable[mDecodeWorkQueue.size()];
  8. // Populates the array with the Runnables in the queue
  9. mDecodeWorkQueue.toArray(runnableArray);
  10. // Stores the array length in order to iterate over the array
  11. int len = runnableArray.length;
  12. /*
  13. * Iterates over the array of Runnables and interrupts each one's Thread.
  14. */
  15. synchronized (sInstance) {
  16. // Iterates over the array of tasks
  17. for (int runnableIndex = 0; runnableIndex < len; runnableIndex++) {
  18. // Gets the current thread
  19. Thread thread = runnableArray[taskArrayIndex].mThread;
  20. // if the Thread exists, post an interrupt to it
  21. if (null != thread) {
  22. thread.interrupt();
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }
  27. ...
  28. }


  1. /*
  2. * Before continuing, checks to see that the Thread hasn't
  3. * been interrupted
  4. */
  5. if (Thread.interrupted()) {
  6. return;
  7. }
  8. ...
  9. // Decodes a byte array into a Bitmap (CPU-intensive)
  10. BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(
  11. imageBuffer, 0, imageBuffer.length, bitmapOptions);
  12. ...