Representation learning is concerned with training machine learning algorithms to learn useful representations, e.g. those that are interpretable, have latent features, or can be used for transfer learning.
    Deep neural networks can be considered representation learning models that typically encode information which is projected into a different subspace. These representations are then usually passed on to a linear classifier to, for instance, train a classifier.
    Representation learning can be divided into:

    • Supervised representation learning: learning representations on task A using annotated data and used to solve task B
    • Unsupervised representation learning: learning representations on a task in an unsupervised way (label-free data). These are then used to address downstream tasks and reducing the need for annotated data when learning news tasks. Powerful models like GPT and BERT leverage unsupervised representation learning to tackle language tasks.

    More recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) is one of the main drivers behind unsupervised representation learning in fields like computer vision and NLP.