
【点击链接可到达rust标准库 The Rust Standard Library下的特定章节】

backtrace ExperimentalSupport for capturing a stack backtrace of an OS thread
intrinsics ExperimentalCompiler intrinsics.
lazy ExperimentalLazy values and one-time initialization of static data.
raw DeprecatedExperimentalContains struct definitions for the layout of compiler built-in types.
stream ExperimentalComposable asynchronous iteration.
alloc Memory allocation APIs.
any This module implements the Any trait, which enables dynamic typing of any 'static type through runtime reflection.
array Implementations of things like Eq for fixed-length arrays up to a certain length. Eventually, we should be able to generalize to all lengths.
ascii Operations on ASCII strings and characters.
borrow A module for working with borrowed data.
boxed A pointer type for heap allocation.
cell Shareable mutable containers.
char A character type.
clone The Clone trait for types that cannot be ‘implicitly copied’.
cmp Functionality for ordering and comparison.
collections Collection types.
convert Traits for conversions between types.
default The Default trait for types which may have meaningful default values.
env Inspection and manipulation of the process’s environment.
error Traits for working with Errors.
f32 Constants specific to the f32 single-precision floating point type.
f64 Constants specific to the f64 double-precision floating point type.
ffi Utilities related to FFI bindings.
fmt Utilities for formatting and printing Strings.
fs Filesystem manipulation operations.
future Asynchronous values.
hash Generic hashing support.
hint Hints to compiler that affects how code should be emitted or optimized. Hints may be compile time or runtime.
i8 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 8-bit signed integer type.
i16 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 16-bit signed integer type.
i32 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 32-bit signed integer type.
i64 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 64-bit signed integer type.
i128 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 128-bit signed integer type.
io Traits, helpers, and type definitions for core I/O functionality.
isize Deprecation plannedConstants for the pointer-sized signed integer type.
iter Composable external iteration.
marker Primitive traits and types representing basic properties of types.
mem Basic functions for dealing with memory.
net Networking primitives for TCP/UDP communication.
num Additional functionality for numerics.
ops Overloadable operators.
option Optional values.
os OS-specific functionality.
panic Panic support in the standard library.
path Cross-platform path manipulation.
pin Types that pin data to its location in memory.
prelude The Rust Prelude
primitive This module reexports the primitive types to allow usage that is not possibly shadowed by other declared types.
process A module for working with processes.
ptr Manually manage memory through raw pointers.
rc Single-threaded reference-counting pointers. ‘Rc’ stands for ‘Reference Counted’.
result Error handling with the Result type.
slice A dynamically-sized view into a contiguous sequence, [T].
str Unicode string slices.
string A UTF-8–encoded, growable string.
sync Useful synchronization primitives.
task Types and Traits for working with asynchronous tasks.
thread Native threads.
time Temporal quantification.
u8 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 8-bit unsigned integer type.
u16 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 16-bit unsigned integer type.
u32 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 32-bit unsigned integer type.
u64 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 64-bit unsigned integer type.
u128 Deprecation plannedConstants for the 128-bit unsigned integer type.
usize Deprecation plannedConstants for the pointer-sized unsigned integer type.
vec A contiguous growable array type with heap-allocated contents, written Vec<T>.