
【点击链接可到达rust标准库 The Rust Standard Library下的特定章节】

SelfTy The implementing type within a trait or impl block, or the current type within a type definition.
as Cast between types, or rename an import.
async Return a Future instead of blocking the current thread.
await Suspend execution until the result of a Future is ready.
break Exit early from a loop.
const Compile-time constants and compile-time evaluable functions.
continue Skip to the next iteration of a loop.
crate A Rust binary or library.
dyn dyn is a prefix of a trait object’s type.
else What expression to evaluate when an if condition evaluates to false.
enum A type that can be any one of several variants.
extern Link to or import external code.
false A value of type bool representing logical false.
fn A function or function pointer.
for Iteration with in, trait implementation with impl, or higher-ranked trait bounds (for<'a>).
if Evaluate a block if a condition holds.
impl Implement some functionality for a type.
in Iterate over a series of values with for.
let Bind a value to a variable.
loop Loop indefinitely.
match Control flow based on pattern matching.
mod Organize code into modules.
move Capture a closure’s environment by value.
mut A mutable variable, reference, or pointer.
pub Make an item visible to others.
ref Bind by reference during pattern matching.
return Return a value from a function.
self The receiver of a method, or the current module.
static A static item is a value which is valid for the entire duration of your program (a 'static lifetime).
struct A type that is composed of other types.
super The parent of the current module.
trait A common interface for a group of types.
true A value of type bool representing logical true.
type Define an alias for an existing type.
union The Rust equivalent of a C-style union.
unsafe Code or interfaces whose memory safety cannot be verified by the type system.
use Import or rename items from other crates or modules.
where Add constraints that must be upheld to use an item.
while Loop while a condition is upheld.