With fluentd v0.14 and fluent-plugin-s3 v1.0.0, use new buffer configuration to dynamic parameters.

    1. <match pattern>
    2. @type s3
    3. aws_key_id YOUR_AWS_KEY_ID
    4. aws_sec_key YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY
    5. s3_bucket YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME
    6. s3_region ap-northeast-1
    7. path logs/${tag}/%Y/%m/%d/
    8. s3_object_key_format %{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}.%{file_extension}
    9. # if you want to use ${tag} or %Y/%m/%d/ like syntax in path / s3_object_key_format,
    10. # need to specify tag for ${tag} and time for %Y/%m/%d in <buffer> argument.
    11. <buffer tag,time>
    12. @type file
    13. path /var/log/fluent/s3
    14. timekey 3600 # 1 hour partition
    15. timekey_wait 10m
    16. timekey_use_utc true # use utc
    17. </buffer>
    18. <format>
    19. @type json
    20. </format>
    21. </match>

    1. general.conf: |
    2. # Prevent fluentd from handling records containing its own logs. Otherwise
    3. # it can lead to an infinite loop, when error in sending one message generates
    4. # another message which also fails to be sent and so on.
    5. <match fluentd.**>
    6. @type null
    7. </match>
    8. # Used for health checking
    9. <source>
    10. @type http
    11. port 9880
    12. bind
    13. </source>
    14. # Emits internal metrics to every minute, and also exposes them on port
    15. # 24220. Useful for determining if an output plugin is retryring/erroring,
    16. # or determining the buffer queue length.
    17. <source>
    18. @type monitor_agent
    19. bind
    20. port 24220
    21. tag fluentd.monitor.metrics
    22. </source>
    23. system.conf: |-
    24. <system>
    25. root_dir /tmp/fluentd-buffers/
    26. </system>
    27. forward-input.conf: |
    28. <source>
    29. @type forward
    30. port 24224
    31. bind
    32. </source>
    33. output.conf: |
    34. <filter kube.**>
    35. @type record_transformer
    36. enable_ruby
    37. <record>
    38. kubernetes_tag ${"%s" % [record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["app"] || record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["k8s-app"] || record["kubernetes"]["labels"]["name"] || "unspecified-app-label"]}
    39. </record>
    40. </filter>
    41. <match kube.**>
    42. @type rewrite_tag_filter
    43. <rule>
    44. key kubernetes_tag
    45. pattern ^(.+)$
    46. tag $1
    47. </rule>
    48. </match>
    49. <match **>
    50. @type s3
    51. s3_bucket <k8s-logs-bucket>
    52. s3_region <ap-southeast-1>
    53. s3_object_key_format "${tag}/%{time_slice}-events_%{index}.%{file_extension}"
    54. time_slice_format %Y/%m/%d/%H
    55. time_slice_wait 10m
    56. path test-logs
    57. # if you want to use ${tag} or %Y/%m/%d/ like syntax in path / s3_object_key_format,
    58. # need to specify tag for ${tag} and time for %Y/%m/%d in <buffer> argument.
    59. <buffer tag,time>
    60. @type file
    61. flush_mode interval
    62. flush_interval 30s
    63. path /var/log/fluent/s3
    64. timekey 300 # 1 hour partition
    65. timekey_wait 1m
    66. timekey_use_utc true # use utc
    67. chunk_limit_size 100m
    68. </buffer>
    69. <format>
    70. @type json
    71. </format>
    72. </match>