hello and welcome to another episode in the GT script fundamental tutorial
你好,欢迎来到本集 GT 脚本基础教程
series in this episode we’ll be taking a look at arrays in memory address arrays
are a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations we know how
to manipulate and use arrays but let’s go ahead and take a look at how arrays
如何操作和使用数组,但是让我们开始吧 向前看一下数组
behave in memory so in Godot arrays are objects that are stored in memory the
在内存中的行为,因此在 Godot 中,数组是存储在内存中的对象,要记住的
key thing to keep in mind is that arrays are just objects now this is a basic
single dimension array as you can see here we’ve declared a variable and we’ve
单维数组,如您在此处看到的我们’ 已经声明了一个变量,并且我们已经
assigned it an array I like to call these simple arrays because they’re just
为它分配了一个数组 我喜欢将这些简单数组称为这些简单数组,因为
literal values before we begin I need to go over some shortcuts I’m going to be
在我们开始之前它们只是文字值 我需要回顾一下我将
doing in this slideshow this is because I just want to focus on the memory
在本幻灯片中使用的一些快捷方式 这是因为我 只想
address location over the whole picture but to preface when you create an empty
variable what you’re really doing is you’re taking that variable and you’re
pointing it to an area and memory address and this is what it would look
其指向一个区域和内存地址 这就是
like you would have a type in this case array and you would have a reference
count and it’s one because one item is pointing to it now let’s say you do
variable another array is equal to empty array well you’re really pointing to
变量另一个数组等于空数组你’ re 真的指向
this object so it’s reference count goes up to two that’s basically the basics of
how it looks like in memory now another shortcut I’m gonna do in this video is
the following I’m just going to put an integer inside a block to represent how
是下面我只是把一个整数放在一个里面 块来表示
it behaves in memory but in reality what we’re really doing is when we do have an
index we’re actually just pointing to another object in memory that of course
keeps count of its reference or reference count so when we go ahead and
会保持其引用或引用计数的计数,所以当我们去的时候 前进并
add so when we go ahead and add a value in this case 1 what we’re really doing
添加所以当我们继续并在这种情况下添加一个值 1 我们真正在做的
is we’re pointing to that same object in memory and we’re increasing the
reference count by 1 and of course when we go ahead and change that value we’re
引用计数增加 1 当然当我们继续时 并改变我们
just pointing to a different object in memory and changing its value adding a
只是指出的那个值 指向内存中的不同对象并更改其值,添加
reference count of 1 and decreasing the reference count of the other now this
引用计数 1 并减少另一个引用计数现在这一
episode we only really care about the reference count or rather the location
and address memory of the array rather than the address memory of the values so
是数组的位置和地址内存而不是地址 记住这些值,所以
that’s all I want to do is just preface but we’re not gonna pay any
attention to this all we care about is when I do short hands it’s really
representing this but even when I do shorthand our main focus for this
episode is just the memory address location of the array and not the memory
episode 只是数组的内存地址位置,而不是值的内存
address locations of the values this is what a simple array or rather our my
地址位置这是一个简单的数组,或者更确切地说,我们的 my
array variable would look like in memory as you can see here we have our variable
my array and it’s actually pointing to somewhere in our memory address keep in
my 数组,它实际上是 指向我们内存地址中的某个地方请
mind this is a basic simplification of how arrays behave in memory but
nonetheless this is how it would normally behave variable points to a
location memory address we have our indexes 0 1 2 and we have our values 1 2
位置的行为方式 我们有我们的索引 0 1 2 并且我们有我们的值 1 2
3 keep in mind that location memory address starts at the beginning of your
3 请记住,位置内存地址从数组的开头开始
array now let’s go ahead and take a look at what happens when we try to assign
that variable my array into a different variable in this case our new variable
在这种情况下,将我的数组放入不同的变量中,当我们使用 print 语句将其打印到控制台时,我们的新变量
copy array will be assigned the values from my array when we print this out
into console using the print statement it will return 1 2 & 3
same thing for copy array 1 2 & 3 but when you assign an array to another
为复制数组 1 2 和 3 返回 1 2 和 3 相同的东西,但是当您将数组分配给另一个
variable how does that look like in memory well as you can see here we have
a variable copy array and it actually references the same array in memory
location as the my array the specific reasons for this can get really deep and
it is considered its own topic however to keep things simple just remember when
you do direct manipulations such as copy array equals my array keep in mind we’re
not using a duplicate function what you’re really doing is you’re saying
没有使用重复函数您真正在做的是 说
wherever my variable my array is referencing in this case location 100
我的变量在这种情况下我的数组引用的位置 100
assigned that reference location to the variable copier what this means is that
将该引用位置分配给变量 copier 这意味着
if we were to change a value let’s say the value at index 0 which is 1 if we
如果我们要更改一个值,假设索引 0 处的值是 1 如果
were to change 1 into 100 what will happen is that copy array and my array
我们要将 1 更改为 100 将发生的情况是,复制数组和我的数组
will have their indexes changed to a hundred because they’re both pointing
to the same memory address location so to take a look at that we have our
assignment like in our previous slide my array at index 0 is equal to a hundred
分配,就像我们在上一张幻灯片中我的数组在 索引 0 等于 100
again notice how we’re using my array and we’re assigning it a hundred and
再次注意我们如何使用我的数组并且我们将其分配为 100 并
notice how when we’re printing copy array a different variable name it will
also change its value to a hundred even though my array and copy array both
也会将其值更改为 100,即使我的 数组和复制数组都
started with the values one two and three again this is because copy array
and my array both point to the same reference in address memory and so
changing the value of one will actually change the value of the other now let’s
更改一的值实际上会更改 t 的值 现在让我们
go ahead and take a look at how memory behaves with a 2d array and all 2d array
is is an array inside an array which can also be referred to as a sub array so
our variable 2d array has the value 0 and then a sub array with the values 1
我们的变量二维数组的值为 0,然后
and 2 when we create our variable 2d array and assign it a value what we do
当我们创建变量 2d数组并为其分配一个值时,具有值 1 和 2 的子数组我们所做的
is we reference a location in memory address and as you can see here our
index at 0 has the value 0 but notice how our value at index 1 is this
在 0 处的索引具有值 0,但请注意我们的 索引 1 处的值
reference in memory address that’s because this is how arrays behave in
memory for GT script when we create a sub array what we’re really doing is
GT 脚本在创建子数组时数组在内存中的行为方式我们真正要做的是
we’re calling a reference to another location and address memory and then
from there we continue our values in this case index 0 is 1 and index 1 is 2
从 在这种情况下,我们继续我们的值,索引 0 是 1,索引 1 是 2,
so you can see how this works if we want to call our sub array we call 2d array
所以如果我们要调用子数组,我们将调用 2d 数组
index 1 and then index 0 for the value 1 or index 1 for the value of 2 now if we
索引 1,然后索引 0 表示值 1或索引 1,您可以看到这是如何工作的 如果我们
take this 2d array and we assign it to a new variable in this case we’re calling
把这个二维数组赋值给一个 2 现在的值在这种情况下,新变量我们调用
our new variable copy 2d this is what it looks like what we’re doing is we’re
我们的新变量 copy 2d 这就是看起来我们正在做的是我们
taking the reference to location address memory we’re assigning that location to
our copy today’s so they both point to not only the first section of the array
but also the sub array so if I were to change a value here instead of 1 we turn
,还有子数组,所以如果我要在这里更改一个值而不是 1,我们会将
this into a hundred what happens is when we do a print statement to either copy
其变为 100,当我们执行打印语句以复制
to and even 2d array it’s gonna show zero
到甚至是 2d 数组时会发生 将显示零
new value and then - because we’re referencing the same location address
新值然后 - 因为我们为两个变量引用相同的位置地址
memory for both variables now this is where the duplicate function comes into
play many times when you create a variable you do not want to share the
values between two different variables the whole point of variables in most
cases is basically isolation isolation meaning when you change one variable you
should not be affecting other variables so the duplicate function comes with two
choices you can do a shadow copy or you can do a deep copy now if you do a
选择,您可以进行影子复制 o r如果你做一个浅拷贝,你现在可以做一个深拷贝,
shallow copy and keep in mind that shallow copies only makes a copy of the
surface of your array this means that all sub arrays will still point to a
reference in memory basically the same reference that your copied array is
内存中的引用,基本上相同的引用 你复制的数组
pointing to now a deep copy will make a copy of everything including sub arrays
so let’s go ahead and take a look at what that would look like in address
memory here’s an example of shallow copy we have a variable with a basic array
and then we use the arrays built-in method called duplicate and we pass in
然后我们使用名为 duplicate 的数组内置方法,我们
the value of false by passing the boolean value false we are telling this
通过传递布尔值 false 来传递 false 的值,我们告诉这个
method to make a shallow copy of our basic array and then pass that in to
copy array when you use a shallow copy what you’re saying to the system the
在你使用时将其传递给复制数组 使用浅拷贝你对系统说的
compiler is that you want to take just a shallow copy of the array and put it
into a different location in memory address my array has an array at
location memory address 100 by doing a shallow copy you say variable copy array
位置内存地址 100 b 处有一个数组 y 做一个浅拷贝,你说变量拷贝数组
take the values from this location and then put that in a different memory
address location we can point to instead so as you can see here we have our
location at 200 now if we change the values of my array we will not affect
,如果我们改变值,我们现在的位置是 200我的数组我们不会影响
copy array and if we change a value and copy array we will not affect my array
let’s go ahead and take a look at what a shallow copy looks like when you’re
dealing with sub arrays so as you notice here we have a sub array one two sub
注意到这里 我们有一个子数组 1 2 子
array with three four and we’re also passing the false value letting the
数组和 3 4 并且我们还传递了 false 值,让
compiler know that we want to do a shallow copy of my array and pass that
into copy array so we have my array one two three four and it creates it sub
给复制数组,所以我们有我的数组 12 3 4,它
in location memory address 100 the values in index 0 and 1 are 1 & 2 and
在位置内存地址 100 中创建它,索引 0 和 1 中的值是 1 和 2,
just as we would expect our value in index 2 is just a reference to another
正如我们期望索引 2 中的值只是对另一个
address memory location where we continue the sub array index 0 3 & index
地址内存位置的引用,我们继续子数组索引 0 3 & index
1 4 so when we duplicate a rather when we when we do a shallow copy notice
1 4 所以当我们 d当我们进行浅拷贝时复制 a 而当我们进行浅拷贝时注意
we’re using the false value and our duplicate function when we do a shallow
copy and we pass it into a new variable this is what it looks like so when we do
a shallow copy notice how we copy everything in the first layer we we take
进行浅拷贝时 请注意我们如何在第一层复制所有内容我们获取
everything and we basically duplicate it we create another location in 300 and
所有内容并基本上复制它我们在 300 中创建另一个位置并
notice how we have 1 & 2 separated from location 100 when we change indexes 0 n
注意当我们更改数组中的索引 0 n 1 时我们如何将 1 和 2 与位置 100 分开
1 in my array we do not affect copy arrays values and vice versa however we
我们不影响 复制数组值,反之亦然,但是我们
also copied my arrays reference to memory address location for its sub
array so as you can see here our sub arrays are both pointing to location 200
因此您可以在此处看到我们的子数组都指向位置 200
and if you were to change a value in this sub array it will affect how my
,如果您要更改此子数组中的值,它将 影响我的
array works and it affects how copy array works so just keep that in mind
you are copying everything including the reference to location and address memory
now let’s go ahead and do a deep copy so we have the same values in my array but
现在让我们继续进行深度复制,以便我们在我的 数组,但
this time instead of passing the fossil in we’re passing the true value in to
our duplicate method and by doing this we’re telling the compiler to do a
basically deep copy take all the values take all the sub arrays and give them
their own separate memory address location so again when we create my
array we’re creating it in memory address location and we’re creating a
sub array in a different memory address location let’s go ahead and take a look
at a deep copy and how it looks like in memory address so when we use the
看看深拷贝以及它是如何 看起来像在内存地址中,所以当我们使用
duplicate method and pass in a true boolean what we’re telling the compiler
is we want to do a deep copy to my array and then we want to pass that value in
to copy array so what that does is we look at the memory address for my array
给复制数组,所以什么 那就是我们查看我的数组的内存地址,
and we say ok let’s copy this and put it into memory address 300 but when you do
然后我们说好的,让我们复制它并将其放入内存地址 300 但是当您
the copy you also look at its references and then you go to the references and
you say hey let’s go ahead and take the sub-array and we’ll add it to a new
并说嘿让我们 来吧,把潜艇 -array 我们会将它添加
address in memory location where we will then pass a new reference to our copy
array basically the array we want to do a deep copy for we pass the reference
value or the new reference to memory address location to the new array so
that’s how we get the value 400 there’s a lot going on but just know that at the
这就是我们如何获得值 400有很多事情发生,但只知道在
end of the day this is what it looks like in memory address so now when we
change the sub-array of copy array we will not affect my arrays sub array
because the sub array in my array is pointing or rather referencing an
address location that is not the address location our copy array is pointing to
so in this case we’re pointing to 200 copy raised pointing to 400 when we do
所以在这种情况下,我们指向 200复制指向 400 时 我们做
this copy we get the same exact values if we were to compare them for equality
they would be equal but if we were to compare them to their memory address
location they’ll come back false because everything in the deep copy is pointing
它们会返回 false,因为深拷贝中的所有内容都
to a different address in memory location versus our original array well
指向一个 不同的添加 在内存位置与我们的原始数组相比,
I hope you learned a lot today thank you to everyone who has subscribed to my
channel and thank you for clicking the like button there is no github project
for this episode so I hope to see you in the next episode have a wonderful day
这一集没有 github 项目,所以我希望在 下一集有美好的一天