origin files:

developers’ discussion (temporarily in Chinese):


short introduction

dpdispatcher is a python package used to generate HPC(High Performance Computing) scheduler systems (Slurm/PBS/LSF/dpcloudserver) jobs input scripts and submit these scripts to HPC systems and poke until they finish.

dpdispatcher will monitor (poke) until these jobs finish and download the results files (if these jobs is running on remote systems connected by SSH).

the set of abstraction provided by dpdispatcher.

It defines Task class, which represents a command to be run on HPC and essential files need by the command.
It defines Job class, which represents a job on the HPC system. dpdispatcher will generate jobs’ submitting scripts used by HPC systems automatically with the Task and Submission
It define a Submission class, which represents a collection of jobs defined by the HPC system and there may be common used files between them. dpdispatcher will actually submit the jobs in them when a submission execute run_submission method and poke until the jobs in them finish and return.

How to contribute

dpdispatcher welcomes every people (or organization) to use under the LGPL-3.0 License.

And Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

If you want to contribute to dpdispatcher, just open a issue, submiit a pull request , leave a comment on github discussion, or contact deepmodeling team.

Any forms of improvement are welcome.

  • use, star or fork dpdispatcher
  • improve the documents
  • report or fix bugs
  • request, discuss or implement features

dpdispatcher is maintained by deepmodeling’s developers now and welcome other people.

ussage example

  1. machine = Machine.load_from_json_file(json_path='jsons/machine_local_shell.json')
  2. submission = Submission(work_base='parent_dir/', resources=machine.resources, forward_common_files=['graph.pb'], backward_common_files=[])
  3. task1 = Task(command='cat example.txt', task_work_path='dir1/', forward_files=['example.txt'], backward_files=['out.txt'], outlog='out.txt')
  4. task2 = Task(command='cat example.txt', task_work_path='dir2/', forward_files=['example.txt'], backward_files=['out.txt'], outlog='out.txt')
  5. task3 = Task(command='cat example.txt', task_work_path='dir3/', forward_files=['example.txt'], backward_files=['out.txt'], outlog='out.txt')
  6. task4 = Task(command='cat example.txt', task_work_path='dir4/', forward_files=['example.txt'], backward_files=['out.txt'], outlog='out.txt')
  7. submission.register_task_list([task1, task2, task3, task4, ])
  8. submission.generate_jobs()
  9. submission.bind_batch(batch=machine.batch)
  10. submission.run_submission(clean=False)

the machine_local_shell.json looks like:
(more machine examples, see: tests/jsons/*json)


        "batch_type": "shell",
        "context_type": "local",
        "local_root" : "./test_shell_trival_dir",
        "remote_root" : "./tmp_shell_trival_dir"
        "number_node": 1,
        "cpu_per_node": 4,
        "gpu_per_node": 0,
        "queue_name": "CPU",
        "group_size": 2