



    drop_na_dt(.data, …)

    replace_na_dt(.data, …, to)

    delete_na_cols(.data, prop = NULL, n = NULL)

    delete_na_rows(.data, prop = NULL, n = NULL)

    fill_na_dt(.data, …, direction = “down”)

    shift_fill(x, direction = “down”)


    .data data.frame
    Colunms to be replaced or filled. If not specified, use all columns.
    to What value should NA replace by?用什么值来代替缺失值
    prop If proportion of NAs is larger than or equal to “prop”, would be deleted.
    n If number of NAs is larger than or equal to “n”, would be deleted.
    direction Direction in which to fill missing values. Currently either “down” (the default) or “up”.
    x A vector with missing values to be filled.






    1. library(tidyfst)
    2. df <- data.table(x = c(1, 2, NA), y = c("a", NA, "b"))
    3. df %>% drop_na_dt()
    4. df %>% drop_na_dt(x)
    5. df %>% drop_na_dt(y)
    6. df %>% drop_na_dt(x,y)
    7. df %>% replace_na_dt(to = 0)
    8. df %>% replace_na_dt(x,to = 0)
    9. df %>% replace_na_dt(y,to = 0)
    10. df %>% replace_na_dt(x,y,to = 0)
    11. df %>% fill_na_dt(x)
    12. df %>% fill_na_dt() # not specified, fill all columns
    13. df %>% fill_na_dt(y,direction = "up")
    14. x = data.frame(x = c(1, 2, NA, 3), y = c(NA, NA, 4, 5),z = rep(NA,4))
    15. x
    16. x %>% delete_na_cols() #将全部为缺失值的列删除
    17. x %>% delete_na_cols(prop = 0.75)
    18. x %>% delete_na_cols(prop = 0.5)
    19. x %>% delete_na_cols(prop = 0.24)
    20. x %>% delete_na_cols(n = 2)
    21. x %>% delete_na_rows(prop = 0.6)
    22. x %>% delete_na_rows(n = 2)
    23. # shift_fill
    24. y = c("a",NA,"b",NA,"c")
    25. shift_fill(y) # equals to shift_fill(y,"down")
    26. shift_fill(y,"up")