内容生成大场景下的第二个场景是化繁为简,这个场景其实很好理解,就是将复杂的内容,转为简单的内容,一般常遇到的场景有:- 信息总结:顾名思义,就是对一堆信息进行总结。
- 信息解释:这个跟改写内容有点像,但这个更偏向于解释与总结。下一章会给大家介绍更多的例子。
- 信息提取:提取信息里的某一段内容,比如从一大段文字中,找到关键内容,并分类。
- 使用技巧 2,增加总结示例,让 AI 总结符合你需求的内容
- 使用技巧 4,增加 role,让 AI 总结的内容具有一定的风格
技巧 5:使用特殊符号将指令和需要处理的文本分开
不管是信息总结,还是信息提取,你一定会输入大段文字,甚至多段文字,此时有个小技巧。 可以用“”“将指令和文本分开。根据我的测试,如果你的文本有多段,增加”“”会提升 AI 反馈的准确性(这个技巧来自于 OpenAI 的 API 最佳实践文档)信息
感谢 CraneHuang6 的提醒,这里还能用 ### 符号区隔,不过我一般会用“”“ ,因为我有的时候会用 # 作为格式示例,太多 # 的话 prompt 会看起来比较晕 😂
像我们之前写的 prompt 就属于 Less effective prompt。为什么呢?据我的测试,主要还是 AI 不知道什么是指令,什么是待处理的内容,用符号分隔开来会更利于 AI 区分。Better prompt:
Please summarize the following sentences to make them easier to understand.
OpenAI is an American artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory consisting of the non-profit OpenAI Incorporated (OpenAI Inc.) and its for-profit subsidiary corporation OpenAI Limited Partnership (OpenAI LP). OpenAI conducts AI research with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI. OpenAI systems run on the fifth most powerful supercomputer in the world.[5][6][7] The organization was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Peter Thiel and others,[8][1][9] who collectively pledged US$1 billion. Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but remained a donor. Microsoft provided OpenAI LP with a $1 billion investment in 2019 and a second multi-year investment in January 2023, reported to be $10 billion.[10]
另外,在吴恩达的 ChatGPT Prompt Engineering 课程中,还提到,你可以使用其他特殊符号来分割文本和 prompt,比如<>,
Please summarize the following sentences to make them easier to understand.
Text: """
OpenAI is an American artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory consisting of the non-profit OpenAI Incorporated (OpenAI Inc.) and its for-profit subsidiary corporation OpenAI Limited Partnership (OpenAI LP). OpenAI conducts AI research with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI. OpenAI systems run on the fifth most powerful supercomputer in the world.[5][6][7] The organization was founded in San Francisco in 2015 by Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, Peter Thiel and others,[8][1][9] who collectively pledged US$1 billion. Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but remained a donor. Microsoft provided OpenAI LP with a $1 billion investment in 2019 and a second multi-year investment in January 2023, reported to be $10 billion.[10]
如果你是在开发一款允许用户输入内容,并对内容进行总结的 AI 产品,那你就可以使用到这个技巧。
text = f"""
You should express what you want a model to do by \
providing instructions that are as clear and \
specific as you can possibly make them. \
This will guide the model towards the desired output, \
and reduce the chances of receiving irrelevant \
or incorrect responses. Don't confuse writing a \
clear prompt with writing a short prompt. \
In many cases, longer prompts provide more clarity \
and context for the model, which can lead to \
more detailed and relevant outputs.
prompt = f"""
Summarize the text delimited by triple backticks \
into a single sentence.