Self-Consistency 自洽是对 Chain of Thought 的一个补充,它能让模型生成多个思维链,然后取最多数答案的作为最终结果。 按照 Xuezhi Wang 等人在 2022 年发表的论文 表明。当我们只用一个逻辑链进行优化时,模型依然有可能会算错,所以 XueZhi Wang 等人提出了一种新的方法,让模型进行多次运算,然后选取最多的答案作为最终结果:

    Self-Consistency - 图1

    就我目前使用下来,在 ChatGPT 上,其自洽性非常高,暂时没有遇到过出现多种答案的情况。查阅多份资料,我发现这个自洽性可能更多的用于评估模型的优劣,好的模型一般自洽性会比较高。


    1. Consider a multi-step reasoning problem like the following:
    2. Question: If a store has 10 apples and 8 oranges, and it sells 6 apples and 4 oranges, how many fruits are left in the store?
    3. Instead of directly answering the question, the chain-of-thought prompting would require the language model to produce a series of short sentences that mimic a human's reasoning process:
    4. The store has 10 apples.
    5. The store has 8 oranges.
    6. 6 apples are sold.
    7. 4 oranges are sold.
    8. There are 10 - 6 = 4 apples left.
    9. There are 8 - 4 = 4 oranges left.
    10. The store now has 4 apples + 4 oranges = 8 fruits.
    Using self-consistency, the language model generates multiple reasoning paths:
    1. Reasoning Path A:
    2. The store has 10 apples.
    3. The store has 8 oranges.
    4. 6 apples are sold.
    5. 4 oranges are sold.
    6. There are 10 - 6 = 4 apples left.
    7. There are 8 - 4 = 4 oranges left.
    8. The store now has 4 apples + 4 oranges = 8 fruits.
    9. Reasoning Path B:
    10. The store initially has 10 apples and 8 oranges.
    11. It sells 6 apples, so there are 10 - 6 = 4 apples left.
    12. It sells 4 oranges, so there are 8 - 4 = 4 oranges left.
    13. The store now has 4 apples + 4 oranges = 8 fruits.
    1. 问题:如果一家商店有 10 个苹果和 8 个橙子,此时店里卖出了 6 个苹果和 4 个橙子,那么店里还剩下多少水果?
    2. 思维链提示(chain-of-thought prompting)不是直接回答问题,而是要求语言模型生成一系列模仿人类推理过程的短句:
    3. 商店有 10 个苹果。
    4. 店里有 8 个橙子。
    5. 卖了 6 个苹果。
    6. 卖了 4 个橙子。
    7. 还剩下 10 - 6 = 4 个苹果。
    8. 剩下 8 - 4 = 4 个橙子。
    9. 商店现在有 4 个苹果 + 4 个橙子 = 8 个水果。
    使用 Self-consistency,语言模型生成多个推理路径:
    1. 推理路径A
    2. 商店有 10 个苹果。
    3. 店里有 8 个橙子。
    4. 卖了 6 个苹果。
    5. 卖了 4 个橙子。
    6. 还剩下 10 - 6 = 4 个苹果。
    7. 剩下 8 - 4 = 4 个橙子。
    8. 商店现在有 4 个苹果 + 4 个橙子 = 8 个水果。
    9. 推理路径 B
    10. 商店最初有 10 个苹果和 8 个橙子。
    11. 商店卖了 6 个苹果,所以还剩下 10 - 6 = 4 个苹果。
    12. 商店卖了 4 个橙子,所以还剩下 8 - 4 = 4 个橙子。
    13. 商店现在有 4 个苹果 + 4 个橙子 = 8 个水果。
    Self-consistency 从生成的多个推理路径中选择最一致的答案。在这个例子中,推理路径 A 和 B 都得出相同的答案(8 个水果)。可以看到这种做法增加了模型对最终答案正确的信心。