This is the installation wizard for your Magento

Domain Binding (not necessary)

  1. Complete Domain resolution on your Cloud console if you want to use domain for this application
  2. Use SFTP to modify the /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost.conf to binding your Domain

    1. <VirtualHost *:80>
    2. ServerName
    3. ServerAlias
    4. .....
    5. </VirtualHost>
  3. Use SSH to restart httpd service

    1. sudo systemctl restart httpd

Installation Wizard

  1. Using your local Chrome or Firefox to visit URL http://domain or http://Internet IP,you will enter the interface of installation


If you can’t see this interface, that means your TCP 80 port on your Security Group of Cloud Server is not allowed, then you must open the 80 port

  1. Click “Next” button to next stepMagento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图2

  2. Complete the check and go to next step

  3. Set database connection information

-Database Server Host: localhost
-Database Server Username: root
-Database Server Password: get password from file /credentials/password.txt or /root/password.txt on your Cloud Server-Database Name: magento (This Image has a create database instance magento)


  1. Select the language and go to next stepMagento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图5
  2. Set the administrator URLMagento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图6
  3. Set the administrator accountMagento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图7
  4. Click the “Install Now”Magento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图8
  5. Waiting for 2-3 minutes

  6. OK, it has been installed successfully, the page displays the installed site information. Click “Launch Magento Admin”.Magento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图10

  7. Login to backend of Magento
    Magento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图11

  8. You can see the console of Mangento now
    Magento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图12

  9. Magento frontpage likes belowMagento 入门 - 安装和设置 - 图13

Refers to the Magento Documentation to get start your Odoo tutorial