Using the Websoft9 Magento (LAMP), you should have some skills for configure MySQL like below:

  • Manage MySQL by GUI tool phpMyAdmin
  • Manage MySQL by command
  • Modify password, create user, create database
  • Import and Export database
  • Don’t remember password, need to reset it
  • MySQL configuration
  • Enable MySQL remote connection

For the above content, we have prepared the MySQL Quik Start for users.

Top3 MySQL configuration you must use when using this Image

#1 Modify the MySQL root password

Using the Chrome or FireFox to visit http://Internet IP/phpmyadmin to login, change the password on the dashboard directly

MySQL - 图1

#2 Reset the MySQL root password

Using the SSH to connect Cloud Server, run the following command

  1. sudo git clone; cd linuxscript/Mysql_ResetPasswd_Script;sudo sh

#3 Import and Export database

In phpMyAdmin, Export is to back up the database, import and restore the database.


  1. Login to phpMyAdmin, select your database then click “Export” tab on the top menu

MySQL - 图2

  1. Select suitable Export method,Format for you, then click the “Go” button to start export
  2. After the database backup file (.sql suffix) is generated, save it to the local computer


  1. Restore the database, corresponding to the “Import” operation, refer to the following
    MySQL - 图3
  2. Import files should pay special attention to character set compatibility