Have you been to these cafes in Hangzhou ? Well, if you’re a coffee lover and usually grab a cup of coffee with friends, I highly recommend this coffee market.
This is a coffee map you can get from the organizer, and ask the owners of the coffee stalls for stickers. If you’ve collected 10 stickers, you can have a gift from the organizer. But I won’t tell you what the gift is unless you find it out by yourselves.
No only coffee but also food chocolate flowers and even alcohol were served up. These are of Russian brands as the owner told me, I tasted some but it’s too bitter for me.
This is called Taiyaki (got from wiki, not for sure). But it’s so cute, isn’t it? I think it’s pretty sweet so no, I didn’t buy it. If you’re not interested in sweet bread either, definitely you will love the texture of the bread LuSong serves. We bought croissant for lunch.
Here it comes the best coffee I had today. Yes a cup of drip coffee from Drippers!!
I heard that the owner of this coffee shop (also the brista) really cares about coffee,and usually he works in Thailand and trains baristas. Today, I tasted a cup of Kenyan bean coffee that the boss made. The coffee beans were just opened on the same time, so it tastes so fresh and especially fragrant and full of flavor. It is said that the environment of this coffee shop is Japanese style, low-key and simple, and I must go to his coffee shop next time.
Add: No.102 Kaiyuan Lu Jianhengli 20# (near Dingan Lu metro station)
地址: 杭州市开元路鉴衡里20号楼102室
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:00-24:00
35mm Café
35mm Café, with storefront windows that on the first floor resemble a roll of film and on the second floor the lens of an SLR camera, definitely has a theme and sticks to it all the way through the well thought-out space. The first floor houses the coffee bar and several plush sofas, while the second floor provides a more intimate setting with smaller tables and chairs. The staff hangs out downstairs and only come upstairs when you ring the bell thoughtfully placed on every table.
Add: No.385-10 Gudun Lu, near Wen Er Lu, Hangzhou
地址: 杭州市西湖区古墩路385-10号
Tel: 0571 8535 6287
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 08:30-24:00
Getting there: Buses No. K221, K199, K194, 86/K86, 81/K81 all stop around the corner on Wen Er Lu
Cotton Cafe
Cotton is where our story begins. The owner of this cafe is a really nice girl. My friends love her cinnamon latte so much that they bought 4 cups and bought a bag of beans also. I forgot taking some pictures, so I found one from the internet.
Add: No.262 Huajing Street, near gaoshalu metro station
地址: 华景街262号(下沙龙湖天街)
Tel: +86 159 0666 1149
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-24:00
The market will close on April 1st, so would you like to go and have a leisurely afternoon-tea tomorrow?