Data Science for Business Leaders
Nanodegree key: nd045
Version: 2.0.0
Locale: en-us
This course provides business leaders/managers with strategies and guidelines for how best to solve the human capital, technological, and management challenges of building data science into business
Part 01 : Welcome to the Data Science for Business Leaders Program
Module 01: Welcome to the Data Science for Business Leaders Program
- Lesson 01: Data Science for Business Leaders Program Introduction
- Lesson 02: Knowledge, Community, and CareersYou are starting a challenging but rewarding journey! Take 5 minutes to read how to get help with projects and content.
- Concept 01: What It Takes
- Concept 02: Getting Help
- Concept 03: Knowledge
- Concept 04: Student Hub
- Concept 05: Community Initiatives
- Concept 06: Career Services
Part 02 : Data Science for Business Leaders
The goal of the Data Science for Business Leaders Executive Program is to equip learners with the understanding of strategic, human capital, and technical requirements that power the ability of data science to deliver enhanced business outcomes, as well as the strategic execution skills to develop an organizational data science strategy that unlocks this potential. This program focuses on the unique knowledge and skills that business leaders need to unlock the value of data in their organizations, or enable a more data-driven department/organization that leverages data to inform strategic decisions for business operational improvement and growth.
Module 01: Data Science for Business Leaders
- Lesson 01: Introduction to Data Science for Business LeadersIn this lesson, you’ll meet your instructor and learn about what this course is going to cover.
- Concept 01: Meet Your Instructor
- Concept 02: Prerequisites
- Concept 03: Introduction to Data Science
- Concept 04: Data Science Is Important
- Concept 05: Business Stakeholders
- Concept 06: When to Use or Not Use Data Science
- Concept 07: History of Data Science
- Concept 08: Course Outline
- Concept 09: Tools, Environment & Dependencies
- Concept 10: Project: Build a Data Science Strategy
- Concept 11: Good Luck!
- Concept 12: Lesson Glossary and Additional Resources
- Lesson 02: Principles of Data ScienceIn this lesson, you’ll learn about the principles of data science to help you build a solid foundation.
- Concept 01: Introduction to Principles of Data Science
- Concept 02: Overview
- Concept 03: What are Data Science Skills
- Concept 04: What Is Data Science?
- Concept 05: Quizzes: What Is Data Science?
- Concept 06: Who is a Data Scientist?
- Concept 07: Quizzes: Who is a Data Scientist?
- Concept 08: Exercise: Who is a Data Scientist?
- Concept 09: Who is a Data Scientist? Exercise Solution
- Concept 10: Data Science Approaches
- Concept 11: Quizzes: Data Science Approaches
- Concept 12: Types of Data Science Problems
- Concept 13: Quizzes: Types of Data Science Problems
- Concept 14: Exercise: Types of Data Science Problems
- Concept 15: Solution: Types of Data Science Problems Exercise
- Concept 16: Data Science Process
- Concept 17: Quizzes: Data Science Process
- Concept 18: Why Data Science Initiatives Fail
- Concept 19: Quizzes: Why Data Science Initiatives Fail
- Concept 20: Exercise: Why Data Science Initiatives Fail
- Concept 21: Solution: Why Data Science Initiatives Fail
- Concept 22: Foundational Requirements for Data Science Success
- Concept 23: Quizzes: Foundational Requirements for Data Science
- Concept 24: Exercise: Foundational Requirements for Data Science Success
- Concept 25: Solution:Foundational Requirements for Data Science Success
- Concept 26: Lesson Conclusion
- Concept 27: Lesson Glossary and Additional Resources
- Lesson 03: The Business Case for Data ScienceIn this lesson, you’ll learn why data science is vital for any business and how to make the case for a solid business case to others.
- Concept 01: The Business Case for Data Science
- Concept 02: Big Picture
- Concept 03: The Business Case for DS
- Concept 04: Key Success Factors for Data Science Projects
- Concept 05: Quizzes: Key Success Factors for Data Science Projects
- Concept 06: Where Do We Start: Introduction
- Concept 07: Quizzes: Where Do We Start?
- Concept 08: Where Do We Start? Choosing Projects
- Concept 09: Exercise: Where Do We Start?
- Concept 10: Solution: Where Do We Start?
- Concept 11: How Do We Start?
- Concept 12: Quizzes: How Do We Start?
- Concept 13: Keys to Creating a Strategic Roadmap
- Concept 14: Quizzes: Keys to Creating a Strategic Roadmap
- Concept 15: Exercise: Keys to Creating a Roadmap Exercise
- Concept 16: Solution: Keys to Creating a Roadmap Exercise
- Concept 17: Setting Expectations
- Concept 18: Quizzes: Setting Expectations
- Concept 19: Exercise: Setting Expectations
- Concept 20: Solution: Setting Expectations Exercise
- Concept 21: Choosing a First Project
- Concept 22: Lesson Conclusion
- Concept 23: Lesson Glossary and Additional Resources
- Lesson 04: Human Capital of Data ScienceIn this lesson you’ll learn how to build a data driven culture and team.
- Concept 01: Human Capital of Data Science
- Concept 02: Big Picture
- Concept 03: Human Capital
- Concept 04: Organizational models for Data Science
- Concept 05: Quizzes: Organizational models for Data Science
- Concept 06: Exercise: Organizational models for Data Science
- Concept 07: Solution: Organizational models for Data Science Exercise
- Concept 08: Who to involve? Identifying Stakeholders and Building Momentum
- Concept 09: Quizzes: Who to involve? Stakeholders and Momentum
- Concept 10: Building the Bench
- Concept 11: Quizzes: Building the Bench
- Concept 12: Exercise: Building the Bench
- Concept 13: Solution: Building the Bench Exercise
- Concept 14: Finding the Players
- Concept 15: Quizzes: Finding the Players Quizzes
- Concept 16: Configuring the Team
- Concept 17: Quizzes: Configuring the Team
- Concept 18: Managing the Process
- Concept 19: Quizzes: Managing the Process
- Concept 20: Structured Problem Solving Method
- Concept 21: Quizzes: Structured Problem Solving Method
- Concept 22: Synthesis with Actionable Insights and Storytelling with Data
- Concept 23: Quizzes: Synthesis and Storytelling with Data
- Concept 24: Fostering a Data-driven Culture
- Concept 25: Quizzes: Fostering a Data-driven Culture
- Concept 26: Exercise: Fostering a Data-driven Culture
- Concept 27: Solution: Fostering a Data-driven Culture Exercise
- Concept 28: Lesson Conclusion
- Concept 29: Lesson Glossary and Additional Resources
- Lesson 05: Data and Machine Learning InfrastructureIn this lesson you’ll learn about creating a strategy around Data and Machine Learning Infrastructure.
- Concept 01: Data and Machine Learning Infrastructure Strategy
- Concept 02: Big Picture
- Concept 03: Infrastructure
- Concept 04: Data and Data Architecture Strategy
- Concept 05: Quizzes: Data and Data Architecture Strategy
- Concept 06: Exercise: Data and Data Architecture Strategy
- Concept 07: Solution: Data and Data Architecture Strategy Exercise
- Concept 08: Training Data Bias
- Concept 09: Quizzes: Training Data Bias
- Concept 10: Machine Learning Architecture
- Concept 11: Quizzes: Machine Learning Architecture
- Concept 12: Exercise: Machine Learning Architecture
- Concept 13: Solution: Machine Learning Architecture Exercise
- Concept 14: Final Review Exercise
- Concept 15: Solution: Final Review Exercise
- Concept 16: Lesson/Course Recap
- Concept 17: Lesson Glossary and Additional Resources
- Lesson 06: Build a Data Science StrategyNow that you have completed all of the course material, it’s time to put it all together in the project
Project Rubric - Build a Data Science Strategy
- Concept 01: Build a Data Strategy Introduction
- Concept 02: What is a 100 Day Plan
- Concept 03: Project Instructions
- Concept 04: Good Luck
Part 03 : Career Services
The Careers team at Udacity is here to help you move forward in your career - whether it’s finding a new job, exploring a new career path, or applying new skills to your current job.
- Lesson 01: Introduction to Data Science for Business LeadersIn this lesson, you’ll meet your instructor and learn about what this course is going to cover.
Module 01: Career Services
- Lesson 01: Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedInFind your next job or connect with industry peers on LinkedIn. Ensure your profile attracts relevant leads that will grow your professional network.Project Description - Improve Your LinkedIn ProfileProject Rubric - Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
- Concept 01: Get Opportunities with LinkedIn
- Concept 02: Use Your Story to Stand Out
- Concept 03: Why Use an Elevator Pitch
- Concept 04: Create Your Elevator Pitch
- Concept 05: Use Your Elevator Pitch on LinkedIn
- Concept 06: Create Your Profile With SEO In Mind
- Concept 07: Profile Essentials
- Concept 08: Work Experiences & Accomplishments
- Concept 09: Build and Strengthen Your Network
- Concept 10: Reaching Out on LinkedIn
- Concept 11: Boost Your Visibility
- Concept 12: Up Next
- Lesson 01: Take 30 Min to Improve your LinkedInFind your next job or connect with industry peers on LinkedIn. Ensure your profile attracts relevant leads that will grow your professional network.Project Description - Improve Your LinkedIn ProfileProject Rubric - Improve Your LinkedIn Profile