SQL SERVER中聚合函数主要有:

  1. count:求数量
  2. max:求最大值
  3. min:求最小值
  4. sum:求和
  5. avg:求平均值



select COUNT(*) 数量 from People


select MAX(PeopleSalary) 最高工资 from People


select MIN(PeopleSalary) 最低工资 from People


select SUM(PeopleSalary) 工资总和 from People


select AVG(PeopleSalary) 平均工资 from People
select ROUND(AVG(PeopleSalary),2)  平均工资 from People
select Convert(decimal(12,2),AVG(PeopleSalary))  平均工资 from People


select ROUND(123.45454,3)  --123.45500
select ROUND(123.45454,3,1) --123.45400


select COUNT(*) 数量,MAX(PeopleSalary) 最高工资,MIN(PeopleSalary) 最低工资,SUM(PeopleSalary) 工资总和,AVG(PeopleSalary) 平均工资 from People


select '武汉' 地区,COUNT(*) 数量,MAX(PeopleSalary) 最高工资,MIN(PeopleSalary) 最低工资
,SUM(PeopleSalary) 工资总和,AVG(PeopleSalary) 平均工资 from People 


select * from People where PeopleSalary > (select AVG(PeopleSalary) 平均工资 from People)


select COUNT(*) 数量,
MAX(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 最高年龄,
MIN(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 最低年龄,
SUM(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 年龄总和,
AVG(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 平均年龄 
from People
select COUNT(*) 数量,
MAX(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 最高年龄,
MIN(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 最低年龄,
SUM(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 年龄总和,
AVG(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 平均年龄 
from People

(10)计算出月薪在10000 以上的男性员工的最大年龄,最小年龄和平均年龄

select '男' 性别,COUNT(*) 数量,
MAX(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 最高年龄,
MIN(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 最低年龄,
SUM(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 年龄总和,
AVG(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 平均年龄 
from People where PeopleSex = '男' and PeopleSalary >= 10000
select '男' 性别,COUNT(*) 数量,
MAX(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 最高年龄,
MIN(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 最低年龄,
SUM(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 年龄总和,
AVG(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 平均年龄 
from People where PeopleSex = '男' and PeopleSalary >= 10000


select '武汉或上海' 地区,'女' 性别,COUNT(*) 数量,
MAX(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 最高年龄,
MIN(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 最低年龄,
SUM(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 年龄总和,
AVG(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 平均年龄  
from People where PeopleSex = '女' and PeopleAddress in('武汉','上海')
select '武汉或上海' 地区,'女' 性别,COUNT(*) 数量,
MAX(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 最高年龄,
MIN(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 最低年龄,
SUM(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 年龄总和,
AVG(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 平均年龄  
from People where PeopleSex = '女' and PeopleAddress in('武汉','上海')


select * from People where 
year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth) > 
(select AVG(year(getdate())-year(PeopleBirth)) 
from People)
select * from People where 
DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate()) > 
(select AVG(DATEDIFF(year, PeopleBirth, getDate())) 
from People)


GETDATE() 返回当前的日期和时间

DATEPART() 返回日期/时间的单独部分

DATEADD() 返回日期中添加或减去指定的时间间隔

DATEDIFF() 返回两个日期直接的时间

DATENAME() 返回指定日期的指定日期部分的整数

CONVERT() 返回不同格式的时间


select DATEDIFF(day, '2019-08-20', getDate());    --获取指定时间单位的差值
SELECT DATEADD(MINUTE,-5,GETDATE())               --加减时间,此处为获取五分钟前的时间,MINUTE 表示分钟,可为 YEAR,MONTH,DAY,HOUR
select DATENAME(month, getDate());                --当前月份
select DATENAME(WEEKDAY, getDate());              --当前星期几
select DATEPART(month, getDate());                --当前月份
select DAY(getDate());                            --返回当前日期天数
select MONTH(getDate());                          --返回当前日期月数
select YEAR(getDate());                           --返回当前日期年数

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(22),GETDATE(),20)          --2020-01-09 14:46:46
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(24),GETDATE(),21)          --2020-01-09 14:46:55.91
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(22),GETDATE(),23)          --2020-01-09
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(22),GETDATE(),24)          --15:04:07
Select CONVERT(varchar(20),GETDATE(),14)          --15:05:49:330


名称 日期单位 缩写
year yyyy 或yy
季度 quarter qq,q
month mm,m
一年中第几天 dayofyear dy,y
day dd,d
一年中第几周 week wk,ww
星期 weekday dw
小时 Hour hh
分钟 minute mi,n
second ss,s
毫秒 millisecond ms