- 采集的pcm可以播放,但是编码aac后不能播放
- 采用的是aac编码器编码,aac编码器需要的是AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP位深才能进行编码,windows下采集到的数据是AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,所以需要重采样
- 编码出来的aac数据没有adts头,在编码一帧的aac数据后,自己添加了adts头(adts头里包含采样率、编码格式、声道数)
- 因为在pcm采集声道数据的时候,每次从函数av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, pkt)读取到的pcm的大小都是88200,而编码器每次编码需要的数据大小是4096,所以在采集完数据后做了分包处理
#include <iostream>
//#include <WinBase.h>
extern "C"
#include "libavutil/avutil.h"
#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
#include "libavdevice/avdevice.h"
#include "libswscale/swscale.h"
#include "libswresample/swresample.h"
#include "libavutil\samplefmt.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <tchar.h>
#include <dshow.h>
#include <atlcomcli.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "Strmiids.lib")
using namespace std;
void Convert(const char* strIn, char* strOut, int sourceCodepage, int targetCodepage)
int len = lstrlen(pStr);
int unicodeLen = MultiByteToWideChar(sourceCodepage, 0, strIn, -1, NULL, 0);
wchar_t* pUnicode = NULL;
pUnicode = new wchar_t[unicodeLen + 1];
memset(pUnicode, 0, (unicodeLen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
MultiByteToWideChar(sourceCodepage, 0, strIn, -1, (LPWSTR)pUnicode, unicodeLen);
BYTE* pTargetData = NULL;
int targetLen = WideCharToMultiByte(targetCodepage, 0, (LPWSTR)pUnicode, -1, (char*)pTargetData, 0, NULL, NULL);
pTargetData = new BYTE[targetLen + 1];
memset(pTargetData, 0, targetLen + 1);
WideCharToMultiByte(targetCodepage, 0, (LPWSTR)pUnicode, -1, (char*)pTargetData, targetLen, NULL, NULL);
lstrcpy((LPSTR)strOut, (LPCSTR)pTargetData);
delete pUnicode;
delete pTargetData;
void Get_Capture_Audio_Devices_Info(char* name)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
CComPtr<ICreateDevEnum> pCreateDevEnum;
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICreateDevEnum, (void**)&pCreateDevEnum);
CComPtr<IEnumMoniker> pEm;
hr = pCreateDevEnum->CreateClassEnumerator(CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, &pEm, 0);
if (hr != NOERROR) {
ULONG cFetched;
IMoniker* pM = NULL;
while (hr = pEm->Next(1, &pM, &cFetched), hr == S_OK)
IPropertyBag* pBag = 0;
hr = pM->BindToStorage(0, 0, IID_IPropertyBag, (void**)&pBag);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
var.vt = VT_BSTR;
hr = pBag->Read(L"FriendlyName", &var, NULL); //还有其他属性,像描述信息等等...
if (hr == NOERROR)
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, var.bstrVal, -1, name, 128, "", NULL);
pCreateDevEnum = NULL;
pEm = NULL;
memcpy(name, "default", strlen("default") + 1);
// 判断编码器是否支持某个采样格式(采样大小)
static int check_sample_fmt(const AVCodec* codec, enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt)
const enum AVSampleFormat* p = codec->sample_fmts;
while (*p != AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE) {
printf("*p :%s\n", av_get_sample_fmt_name(*p));
if (*p == sample_fmt)
return 1;
return 0;
// 从编码器中获取采样率(从编码器所支持的采样率中获取与44100最接近的采样率)
static int select_sample_rate(const AVCodec* codec)
const int* p;
int best_samplerate = 0;
if (!codec->supported_samplerates)
return 44100;
p = codec->supported_samplerates;
while (*p) {
if (!best_samplerate || abs(44100 - *p) < abs(44100 - best_samplerate))
best_samplerate = *p;
return best_samplerate;
/* select layout with the highest channel count */
static int select_channel_layout(const AVCodec* codec)
const uint64_t* p;
uint64_t best_ch_layout = 0;
int best_nb_channels = 0;
if (!codec->channel_layouts)
p = codec->channel_layouts;
while (*p) {
int nb_channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(*p);
if (nb_channels > best_nb_channels) {
best_ch_layout = *p;
best_nb_channels = nb_channels;
return (int)best_ch_layout;
int main()
AVFormatContext* fmt_ctx = NULL;
AVDictionary* options = NULL;
int ret = 0;
char errors[1024] = { 0 };
char device_name[256] = {0};
char file_name[256] = "collection.aac";
char file_name_pcm[256] = "pltf_collection.pcm";
char name[128] = { 0 };
char name_utf8[128] = { 0 };
FILE* out_file = NULL;
/*音频重采样参数*/ //播放指令 ffplay -ar 44100 -f f32le -channels 2 -i collection.pcm
AVPacket* pkt = NULL;
int dst_rate = 44100, src_rate = 44100;
uint8_t** src_data = NULL, ** dst_data = NULL;
int64_t src_ch_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO, dst_ch_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO;
enum AVSampleFormat src_sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, dst_sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP;
int src_nb_channels = 0, dst_nb_channels = 0;
int src_linesize, dst_linesize;
int src_nb_samples = 1024, dst_nb_samples, max_dst_nb_samples;
int dst_bufsize = 0;
int got_output;
AVCodec* codec; // 编码器
AVCodecContext* codec_context = NULL; // 编码上下文环境
AVFrame* frame; // 原始帧
AVPacket enpkt; // 编码后的包数据
AVInputFormat* in_format = av_find_input_format("dshow");
if (in_format == NULL)
printf("av_find_input_format error\n");
//设置输入的字体,没有这部分会报错 //Immediate exit requested
Convert(name, name_utf8, CP_ACP, CP_UTF8);
sprintf(device_name, "audio=%s", name_utf8);
printf("device_name:%s\n", device_name);
if ((ret = avformat_open_input(&fmt_ctx, device_name, in_format, NULL)) != 0)
av_strerror(ret, errors, 1024);
printf("Failed to open video device, [%s][%d]\n", errors, ret);
return -1;
pkt = av_packet_alloc(); //pkt存放采集的pcm数据
out_file = fopen(file_name, "wb+");
SwrContext* swr_ctx = NULL;
//2.输出的channel, nunber/layout(一种布局参数,就是把扬声器放置在哪个位置)
swr_ctx = swr_alloc_set_opts(NULL,
dst_ch_layout, dst_sample_fmt, dst_rate,
src_ch_layout, src_sample_fmt, src_rate,
0, NULL);
if (!swr_ctx)
return -1;
/* initialize the resampling context */
if ((ret = swr_init(swr_ctx)) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize the resampling context\n");
return -1;
src_nb_channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(src_ch_layout);
printf("src_nb_channels:%d\n", src_nb_channels);
ret = av_samples_alloc_array_and_samples(
&src_data, //输入缓冲区地址
&src_linesize, //缓冲区大小
src_nb_channels, //通道个数
src_nb_samples, //单通道采样个数 number of samples per channel
src_sample_fmt, //采样格式
if (ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate source samples\n");
return -1;
printf("src_linesize:%d\n", src_linesize);
max_dst_nb_samples = dst_nb_samples = av_rescale_rnd(src_nb_samples, dst_rate, src_rate, AV_ROUND_UP);
dst_nb_channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(dst_ch_layout);
printf("max_dst_nb_samples:%d dst_nb_samples:%d\n", max_dst_nb_samples, dst_nb_samples);
ret = av_samples_alloc_array_and_samples(
&dst_data, //输出缓冲区地址
&dst_linesize, //缓冲区大小
dst_nb_channels, //通道个数
dst_nb_samples, //单通道采样个数 number of samples per channel
dst_sample_fmt, //采样格式
if (ret < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate destination samples\n");
return -1;
printf("src_linesize:%d dst_linesize:%d \n", src_linesize, dst_linesize);
codec = avcodec_find_encoder_by_name("aac");
if (!codec)
fprintf(stderr, "Codec not found\n");
return -1;
codec_context = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec);
if (!codec_context)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate audio codec context\n");
codec_context->profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_SSR;
codec_context->bit_rate = 128000;
codec_context->sample_fmt = dst_sample_fmt;
if (!check_sample_fmt(codec, codec_context->sample_fmt))
fprintf(stderr, "Encoder does not support sample format %s",
return -1;
// 设置采样率,这里通过函数获取,也可以直接写具体值
codec_context->sample_rate = dst_rate;//select_sample_rate(codec);
// channel_layout为各个通道存储顺序,可以据此算出声道数。设置声道数也可以直接写具体值
codec_context->channel_layout = select_channel_layout(codec);
codec_context->channels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(codec_context->channel_layout);
//codec_context->frame_size = dst_nb_samples + 1024;
printf("codec_context->channels:%d \n", codec_context->channels);
if (avcodec_open2(codec_context, codec, NULL) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open codec\n");
int encode_nb_sample = codec_context->frame_size;
printf(" 1111 codec_context->frame_size:%d\n", codec_context->frame_size);
//4、 初始化原始帧
frame = av_frame_alloc();
if (!frame)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate audio frame\n");
printf("codec_context->frame_size:%d\n", dst_nb_samples);
frame->nb_samples = encode_nb_sample;
// frame的格式和声道信息
printf("codec_context->sample_fmt:%s\n", av_get_sample_fmt_name(codec_context->sample_fmt));
frame->format = codec_context->sample_fmt;
printf("codec_context->channel_layout:%d\n", codec_context->channel_layout);
frame->channel_layout = codec_context->channel_layout;
frame->sample_rate = dst_rate;
/* allocate the data buffers */
ret = av_frame_get_buffer(frame, 0);
if (ret < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate audio data buffers\n");
printf("frame->linesize[0]:%d\n", frame->linesize[0]);
//AVStream* st = avformat_new_stream(fmt_ctx, codec);
//avcodec_parameters_from_context(st->codecpar, codec_context);
//vformat_write_header(fmt_ctx, NULL);
printf("frame->linesize[0]:%d \n", frame->linesize[0]);
av_dump_format(fmt_ctx, 0, device_name, 0);
while (!av_read_frame(fmt_ctx, pkt))
printf("%d\n", pkt->size);
/*音频重采样 start*/
/* compute destination number of samples */
dst_nb_samples = av_rescale_rnd(swr_get_delay(swr_ctx, src_rate) +
src_nb_samples, dst_rate, src_rate, AV_ROUND_UP);
printf("------ src_nb_samples:%d \n", dst_nb_samples);
if (dst_nb_samples > max_dst_nb_samples)
ret = av_samples_alloc(dst_data, &dst_linesize, dst_nb_channels,
dst_nb_samples, dst_sample_fmt, 1);
if (ret < 0)
max_dst_nb_samples = dst_nb_samples;
printf("Size of collected data %d\n", pkt->size);
static int offset = 0;
int use_size = 0;
while (use_size < pkt->size)
if (offset)
if (use_size + src_linesize + offset > pkt->size)
offset = pkt->size - use_size;
memset(src_data[0], 0, src_linesize);
memcpy(src_data[0], pkt->data + use_size, offset);
if (offset)
printf("=====================use_size:%d src_linesize-offset:%d pkt->size:%d", use_size, src_linesize - offset, pkt->size);
memcpy(src_data[0]+offset, pkt->data + use_size, src_linesize-offset);
use_size += (src_linesize - offset);
offset = 0;
memset(src_data[0], 0, src_linesize);
printf("********************** use_size:%d pkt->size:%d src_linesize:%d\n\n", use_size, pkt->size, src_linesize);
memcpy(src_data[0], pkt->data + use_size, src_linesize);
use_size += src_linesize;
printf("ffffffffffff dst_nb_samples:%d src_nb_samples:%d\n", dst_nb_samples, src_nb_samples);
//ret = swr_convert(swr_ctx, dst_data, dst_nb_samples, (const uint8_t**)src_data, src_nb_samples);
ret = swr_convert(swr_ctx, frame->data, frame->nb_samples, (const uint8_t**)src_data, src_nb_samples);
if (ret < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error while converting\n");
return -1;
// dst_bufsize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(&dst_linesize, dst_nb_channels,
// ret, dst_sample_fmt, 0);
// if (dst_bufsize < 0)
// {
// fprintf(stderr, "Could not get sample buffer size\n")
// return -1;
// }
//fwrite(dst_data[0], 1, dst_bufsize, out_file);
//fwrite(dst_data[1], 1, dst_bufsize, out_file);
printf("ssss dst_bufsize:%d frame->linesize[0]:%d\n", dst_bufsize, frame->linesize[0]);
/*音频重采样 end*/
enpkt.data = NULL;
enpkt.size = 0;
//memcpy(frame->data[0], dst_data[0], dst_bufsize/2);
//memcpy(frame->data[1], dst_data[0]+ dst_bufsize / 2, dst_bufsize / 2);
ret = avcodec_send_frame(codec_context, frame);
while (ret >= 0)
ret = avcodec_receive_packet(codec_context, &enpkt);
if (ret == -EAGAIN)
else if (ret < 0)
printf("avcodec_receive_packet error! [%d]\n", ret);
return -1;
printf("enpkt.size:%d\n", enpkt.size);
unsigned char aac_buffer[7] = { 0 };
printf("\n\n\ncodec_context->profile:%d\n", codec_context->profile);
int profile = codec_context->profile; // AAC LC
int freqIdx = 4; // 44100
//int channels = 2;// 声道数
int chanCfg = 1; // CPE
// // fill in ADTS data
// aac_buffer[0] = (byte)0xFF;
// aac_buffer[1] = (byte)0xF0;
// aac_buffer[2] = (byte)(((profile&0x3) << 6) + (freqIdx&0xf << 2) + (chanCfg >> 2));
// aac_buffer[3] = (byte)(((chanCfg & 3) << 6) + (enpkt.size >> 11));
// aac_buffer[4] = (byte)((enpkt.size & 0x7FF) >> 3);
// aac_buffer[5] = (byte)(((enpkt.size & 7) << 5) + 0x1F);
// aac_buffer[6] = (byte)0xFC;
aac_buffer[0] = (byte)0xFF;
aac_buffer[1] = (byte)0xF1;
//aac_buffer[2] = (byte)(((profile - 1) << 6) + (freqIdx << 2) + (chanCfg >> 2));
//aac_buffer[3] = (byte)(((chanCfg & 3) << 6) + (enpkt.size >> 11));
aac_buffer[2] = 0x50;
aac_buffer[3] = 0x80;
aac_buffer[4] = (byte)((enpkt.size & 0x7FF) >> 3);
aac_buffer[5] = (byte)(((enpkt.size & 7) << 5) + 0x1F);
aac_buffer[6] = (byte)0xFC;
fwrite(aac_buffer, 1, 7, out_file);
fwrite(enpkt.data, 1, enpkt.size, out_file);
printf("dst_nb_samples:%d src_nb_samples:%d frame->nb_samples:%d\n", dst_nb_samples, src_nb_samples, frame->nb_samples);
#if 0
ret = swr_convert(swr_ctx, dst_data, dst_nb_samples, (const uint8_t**)src_data, src_nb_samples);
if (ret < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error while converting\n");
return -1;
dst_bufsize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(&dst_linesize, dst_nb_channels,
ret, dst_sample_fmt, 1);
if (dst_bufsize < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not get sample buffer size\n");
return -1;
/*音频重采样 end*/
/*音频编码 start*/
enpkt.data = NULL;
enpkt.size = 0;
ret = avcodec_send_frame();
while (ret >= 0)
ret = avcodec_receive_packet(codec_context, &enpkt);
if (ret < 0)
printf("avcodec_receive_packet error!\n");
return -1;
ret = av_write_frame(fmt_ctx, &enpkt);
/*音频编码 end*/
printf("enpkt.size:%d\n", enpkt.size);
//fwrite(dst_data[0], 1, dst_bufsize, out_file);
// ffplay -video_size 640*480 -pixel_format yuyv422 -framerate 30 collection.yuv
return 0;