
fantasyland extensions for immutablejs


npm install immutable-ext

What is this?

In addition to the Functor, Foldable, and Monad functions, we now have:

  • Monoid
  • Applicative (list only right now)
  • Traversable

Plus stuff that builds off of reduce like foldMap. Please contribute/complain as you want/need things.


We can now traverse without messing with Array or Object:

  1. const { List, Map } = require('immutable-ext')
  2. const Task = require('data.task')
  3. const IO = require('fantasy-io')
  4. // Given Http.get :: String -> Task Error Blog
  5. List.of('/blog/1', '/blog/2')
  6. .traverse(Task.of, Http.get)
  7. .fork(console.error, console.log)
  8. // List(Blog, Blog)
  9. Map({home: "<div>homepage</div>", faq: "<p>ask me anything</p>"})
  10. .traverse(IO.of, (v, k) => new IO(v => $('body').append(v)))
  11. // IO(Map({home: "[dom]", faq: "[dom]"})

We can fold stuff down

  1. const {Disjunction, Additive} = require('fantasy-monoids')
  2. List.of([1,2,3], [4,5,6]).fold([])
  3. //[1,2,3,4,5,6]
  4. Map({a: "hidy", b: "hidy", c: "ho"}).fold("")
  5. // "hidyhidyho"
  6. List.of(Map({a: Additive(1), b: Disjunction(true), c: "son", d: [1], e: 'wut'}),
  7. Map({a: Additive(2), b: Disjunction(false), c: "ofa", d: [2]}),
  8. Map({a: Additive(3), b: Disjunction(false), c: "gun", d: [3]})).fold(Map.empty),
  9. // Map({a: Additive(6), b: Disjunction(true), c: "sonofagun", d: [1,2,3], e: 'wut'})))

foldMap some things

  1. List.of(1,2,3,4).foldMap(Additive, Additive.empty)
  2. // Additive(10)
  3. Map({a: true, b: false}).foldMap(Disjunction, Disjunction.empty)
  4. // Disjunction(true)

We can ap to get us some list comprehensions

  1. List.of(x => y => x + y)
  2. .ap(List.of('a', 'b', 'c'))
  3. .ap(List.of('+', '-'))
  4. // List('a+', 'a-', 'b+', 'b-', 'c+', 'c-')