The Redux core library is deliberately unopinionated. It lets you decide how you want to handle everything, like store setup, what your state contains, and how you want to build your reducers.
    Redux 核心库是故意不被篡改的。它让你决定想要如何处理每件事,比如store设置,你的状态包含什么,和你想要的如何创建你的reducers。

    This is good in some cases, because it gives you flexibility, but that flexibility isn’t always needed. Sometimes we just want the simplest possible way to get started, with some good default behavior out of the box. Or, maybe you’re writing a larger application and finding yourself writing some similar code, and you’d like to cut down on how much of that code you have to write by hand.

    As described in the Quick Start page, the goal of Redux Toolkit is to help simplify common Redux use cases. It is not intended to be a complete solution for everything you might want to do with Redux, but it should make a lot of the Redux-related code you need to write a lot simpler (or in some cases, eliminate some of the hand-written code entirely).