Welcome to Redux Toolkit ! This tutorial will show you the basic functions that are included with Redux Toolkit (also known as “RTK” for short).
欢迎使用Redux Toolkit!这个教程将展示给你Redux Toolkit包含的基础功能(简称RTK)。

This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the concepts of the core Redux library, as well as how to use it with React. If you aren’t, please take some time to read through the Redux docs and React-Redux docs first, as the explanations here focus on how RTK usage differs from “typical” Redux code.

Introduction: Writing a Counter Application


We’ll start by looking at the smallest Redux example: a simple counter application.

Redux “Counter-Vanilla” Example

Redux “香草计数器”案例

The Redux docs have a “counter-vanilla” example that shows how to create a simple Redux store with a reducer that stores a single number and responds to “INCREMENT” and “DECREMENT” action types. You can see the the complete code as a CodeSandbox here, but here’s the important section:
Redux文档有一个”香草计数器”展示如何使用存储一个数字和响应“INCREMENT”和“DECREMENT”的动作类型的reducer创建简单的Redux store。你可以在CodeSandbox看完整代码,但这是重点部分:

  1. function counter(state, action) {
  2. if (typeof state === 'undefined') {
  3. return 0
  4. }
  5. switch (action.type) {
  6. case 'INCREMENT':
  7. return state + 1
  8. case 'DECREMENT':
  9. return state - 1
  10. default:
  11. return state
  12. }
  13. }
  14. var store = Redux.createStore(counter)
  15. document.getElementById('increment').addEventListener('click', function() {
  16. store.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' })
  17. })

This section creates a reducer function called counter, ensures it uses a default state value of 0, listens for “INCREMENT” and “DECREMENT” action types, and dispatches the “INCREMENT” action type when the button is clicked.

A More Typical Counter Example


While this example is simple, it’s also somewhat unrealistic. Most Redux apps are written using ES6 syntax, including default arguments for function parameters that are undefined. It’s also common practice to write “action creator” functions instead of writing the action objects directly in the code, and to write out the action types as constants instead of plain strings each time.
虽然这个例子很简单,但也有些不切实际。更多的应用用ES6语法编写,包含未定义函数参数的默认参数。编写“action creator”函数也是一种惯例,而不是在代码中直接写操作对象, 并且每次将操作类型(action types)写为常量,而不是纯字符串。
Let’s rewrite the above example using those approaches to see what it would look like:


function increment() {
  return { type: INCREMENT }

function decrement() {
  return { type: DECREMENT }

function counter(state = 0, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case INCREMENT:
      return state + 1
    case DECREMENT:
      return state - 1
      return state

const store = Redux.createStore(counter)

document.getElementById('increment').addEventListener('click', () => {