.. currentmodule:: sklearn.grid_search
.. _grid_search:
网格搜索: 找到最好的估计器参数
Parameters that are not directly learnt within estimators can be set by
searching a parameter space for the best :ref:cross_validation
Typical examples include C
, kernel
and gamma
for Support Vector
Classifier, alpha
for Lasso, etc.
找到能够取得最高分数 :ref:cross_validation
, kernel
和 gamma
, Lasso 中的 alpha
Any parameter provided when constructing an estimator may be optimized in this manner. Specifically, to find the names and current values for all parameters for a given estimator, use (当构建一个估计器时,任何参数都可以使用这种方式来优化。特别的, 使用下面的方法来得到给定估计器所有参数的名称和当前的值)::
Such parameters are often referred to as hyperparameters (particularly in Bayesian learning), distinguishing them from the parameters optimised in a machine learning procedure. 这些参数通常称之为 超参数 (特别是在 Bayesian 学习中),这使得他们和 机器学习过程中红优化的参数区别开来。
A search consists of(一个搜索包括):
- an estimator (regressor or classifier such as
) 一个估计器 (回归或者分类器,例如sklearn.svm.SVC()
); - a parameter space (参数空间);
- a method for searching or sampling candidates (一个用于搜索和采样候选值的方法);
- a cross-validation scheme (交叉验证策略); and
- a :ref:
score function <gridsearch_scoring>
(一个分数计算函数 :ref:score function <gridsearch_scoring>
Some models allow for specialized, efficient parameter search strategies,
:ref:outlined below <alternative_cv>
Two generic approaches to sampling search candidates are provided in
scikit-learn: for given values, :class:GridSearchCV
exhaustively considers
all parameter combinations, while :class:RandomizedSearchCV
can sample a
given number of candidates from a parameter space with a specified
distribution. After describing these tools we detail
:ref:best practice <grid_search_tips>
applicable to both approaches.
一些模型允许使用特别的,高效的参数搜索策略,:ref:outlined below <alternative_cv>
在 scikit-learn 中给出了两种通用的用于搜索候选区间的方法:对于给定的值,
会搜索全部的参数组合,而 :class:RandomizedSearchCV
:ref:best practice <grid_search_tips>
穷尽网格搜索(Exhaustive Grid Search)
The grid search provided by :class:GridSearchCV
exhaustively generates
candidates from a grid of parameter values specified with the param_grid
parameter. For instance, the following param_grid
(由 :class:GridSearchCV
网格搜索方法会穷尽搜索由 param_grid
param_grid = [ {‘C’: [1, 10, 100, 1000], ‘kernel’: [‘linear’]}, {‘C’: [1, 10, 100, 1000], ‘gamma’: [0.001, 0.0001], ‘kernel’: [‘rbf’]}, ]
specifies that two grids should be explored: one with a linear kernel and C values in [1, 10, 100, 1000], and the second one with an RBF kernel, and the cross-product of C values ranging in [1, 10, 100, 1000] and gamma values in [0.001, 0.0001]. 特别的,两个网格会被搜索:一个拥有线性核而且 C 的值在 [1, 10, 100, 1000], 而另一个拥有 RBF 核,C 的值在 [1, 10, 100, 1000] 而 gamma 的取值在 [0.001, 0.0001] 中。
The :class:GridSearchCV
instance implements the usual estimator API: when
“fitting” it on a dataset all the possible combinations of parameter values are
evaluated and the best combination is retained.
实例实现了通常的估计器 API:
.. currentmodule:: sklearn.grid_search
.. topic:: Examples (例子):
- See :ref:`example_model_selection_grid_search_digits.py` for an example of
Grid Search computation on the digits dataset. (查看 :ref:`example_model_selection_grid_search_digits.py`
- See :ref:`example_model_selection_grid_search_text_feature_extraction.py` for an example
of Grid Search coupling parameters from a text documents feature
extractor (n-gram count vectorizer and TF-IDF transformer) with a
classifier (here a linear SVM trained with SGD with either elastic
net or L2 penalty) using a :class:`pipeline.Pipeline` instance. (查看 :ref:`example_model_selection_grid_search_text_feature_extraction.py`
是一个在文本特征提取器上使用网格搜索的例子 (n-gram 计数向量化和 TF_IDF 转换) 和一个分类器 (一个使用 SGD 训练、使用 elastic net 或者 L2 损失函数的线性 SVM),
使用 :class:`pipeline.Pipeline` 的实例)。
.. _randomized_parameter_search:
Randomized Parameter Optimization (随机参数优化)
While using a grid of parameter settings is currently the most widely used method for parameter optimization, other search methods have more favourable properties. 使用一个网格的参数设置并搜索是当前常用的参数优化手段,然而一些其他的搜索方法也有一些自己特有的性质。
implements a randomized search over parameters,
where each setting is sampled from a distribution over possible parameter values.
This has two main benefits over an exhaustive search(:class:RandomizedSearchCV
- A budget can be chosen independent of the number of parameters and possible values. (可以独立地控制计算代价,与参数空间的选择无关)
- Adding parameters that do not influence the performance does not decrease efficiency. (增加参数但不会影响结果或者降低性能)
Specifying how parameters should be sampled is done using a dictionary, very
similar to specifying parameters for :class:GridSearchCV
. Additionally,
a computation budget, being the number of sampled candidates or sampling
iterations, is specified using the n_iter
For each parameter, either a distribution over possible values or a list of
discrete choices (which will be sampled uniformly) can be specified (使用字典来设定如何进行参数采样,
和使用 :class:GridSearchCV
非常类似。此外,使用 n_iter
[{‘C’: scipy.stats.expon(scale=100), ‘gamma’: scipy.stats.expon(scale=.1), ‘kernel’: [‘rbf’], ‘class_weight’:[‘auto’, None]}]
This example uses the scipy.stats
module, which contains many useful
distributions for sampling parameters, such as expon
, gamma
or randint
. (这个例子使用了 scipy.stats
, gamma
, uniform
或者 randint
In principle, any function can be passed that provides a rvs
variate sample) method to sample a value. A call to the rvs
function should
provide independent random samples from possible parameter values on
consecutive calls. (实际上,给任意函数传入一个 rvs
(随机变量采样) 方法来采样获得一个值。调用 rvs
.. warning::
The distributions in ``scipy.stats`` do not allow specifying a random
state. Instead, they use the global numpy random state, that can be seeded
via ``np.random.seed`` or set using ``np.random.set_state``. (在 ``scipy.stats`` 中并不允许设定特有的随机状态,
而是使用全局的 numpy 的随机状态,可以使用 ``np.random.seed`` 获得对应的 seed,或者使用 ``np.random.set_state`` 来设定。)
For continuous parameters, such as C
above, it is important to specify
a continuous distribution to take full advantage of the randomization. This way,
increasing n_iter
will always lead to a finer search.
对于连续的参数,比如上面的 C
这种方式下,增加 n_iter
.. topic:: Examples:
* :ref:`example_model_selection_randomized_search.py` compares the usage and efficiency
of randomized search and grid search. (:ref:`example_model_selection_randomized_search.py` 比较了
.. topic:: References:
* Bergstra, J. and Bengio, Y.,
Random search for hyper-parameter optimization,
The Journal of Machine Learning Research (2012)
.. _grid_search_tips:
Tips for parameter search (参数搜索的技巧)
.. _gridsearch_scoring:
Specifying an objective metric (设定一个评估标准)
By default, parameter search uses the score
function of the estimator
to evaluate a parameter setting. These are the
for classification and
for regression. For some applications,
other scoring functions are better suited (for example in unbalanced
classification, the accuracy score is often uninformative). An alternative
scoring function can be specified via the scoring
parameter to
, :class:RandomizedSearchCV
and many of the
specialized cross-validation tools described below.
See :ref:scoring_parameter
for more details.
默认地,参数搜索使用 score
函数来评估估计器参数的取值效果。已经有用于分类的 :func:sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score
和用于回归的 :func:sklearn.metrics.r2_score
。一些其他的应用情况下,可能需要特有的函数来计算分数 (例如:在不均衡分类中,
精确度分数通常信息含量不高。) 可以通过给参数 scoring
设定特有的计算函数来定制 :class:GridSearchCV
, :class:RandomizedSearchCV
大部分上面提到的交叉验证工具。阅读 :ref:scoring_parameter
Composite estimators and parameter spaces (组合评估器和参数空间)
describes building composite estimators whose
parameter space can be searched with these tools.
Model selection: development and evaluation (模型选择:开发和评估)
Model selection by evaluating various parameter settings can be seen as a way to use the labeled data to “train” the parameters of the grid. 通过评估不同的参数设定来选择模型可以看做是一种带标签的数据来训练 grid 参数的过程。
When evaluating the resulting model it is important to do it on
held-out samples that were not seen during the grid search process:
it is recommended to split the data into a development set (to
be fed to the GridSearchCV
instance) and an evaluation set
to compute performance metrics.
建议将数据划分为 开发集 (GridSearchCV
实例使用) 和 评估集 来衡量结果。
This can be done by using the :func:cross_validation.train_test_split
utility function.
这个可以通过 :func:cross_validation.train_test_split
Parallelism (并行化)
and :class:RandomizedSearchCV
evaluate each parameter
setting independently. Computations can be run in parallel if your OS
supports it, by using the keyword n_jobs=-1
. See function signature for
more details.
和 :class:RandomizedSearchCV
独立地评估每个参数。如果使用的 OS 允许,
计算可以并行地进行,设定参数 n_jobs=-1
Robustness to failure (失败的鲁棒性)
Some parameter settings may result in a failure to fit
one or more folds
of the data. By default, this will cause the entire search to fail, even if
some parameter settings could be fully evaluated. Setting error_score=0
(or =np.NaN
) will make the procedure robust to such failure, issuing a
warning and setting the score for that fold to 0 (or NaN
), but completing
the search.
一些参数的设定可能会引起一个或者多个 fold 拟合的失败。默认地,这将会引起整个搜索的失败,即使
一些参数设定能够被完全求值。设定 error_score=0
(或者 =np.NaN
) 将会使得过程遇到这种失败时
仍然保持鲁棒性,这会引起 warning,然后设定这个 fold 的分数为 0 或者 NaN
.. _alternative_cv:
Alternatives to brute force parameter search (暴力参数搜索的替代)
Model specific cross-validation (模型特定的交叉验证)
Some models can fit data for a range of value of some parameter almost as efficiently as fitting the estimator for a single value of the parameter. This feature can be leveraged to perform a more efficient cross-validation used for model selection of this parameter. (一些模型在一些参数取值为某个范围 内训练时其效率和仅训练某单个参数时大致相同。这个特征可以用于提升交叉验证的效率用于基于交叉验证的模型选择)
The most common parameter amenable to this strategy is the parameter encoding the strength of the regularizer. In this case we say that we compute the regularization path of the estimator. 这种策略常用于正则参数的编码强化。这种情况下,计算估计器的 regularization path 。
Here is the list of such models (这种模型的列表如下):
.. currentmodule:: sklearn
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: class.rst
linear_model.ElasticNetCV linear_model.LarsCV linear_model.LassoCV linear_model.LassoLarsCV linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV linear_model.MultiTaskElasticNetCV linear_model.MultiTaskLassoCV linear_model.OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV linear_model.RidgeCV linear_model.RidgeClassifierCV
Information Criterion (信息规范)
Some models can offer an information-theoretic closed-form formula of the optimal estimate of the regularization parameter by computing a single regularization path (instead of several when using cross-validation). 一些模型通过计算规则路径(而不是使用交叉验证) 可以给出提供在信息理论上可解析的最优规则参数计算公式。
Here is the list of models benefitting from the Aikike Information Criterion (AIC) or the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for automated model selection (这是一个可从 AIC 信息准则或者 BIC 信息准则中获益的模型列表):
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: class.rst
.. _out_of_bag:
Out of Bag Estimates 实用化的评估
When using ensemble methods base upon bagging, i.e. generating new training sets using sampling with replacement, part of the training set remains unused. For each classifier in the ensemble, a different part of the training set is left out. 当使用提升方法比如 bagging, 当使用可替代采样重新生成训练集合时,有一部分训练数据集仍然没有使用, 对于提升集合中的每个分类器,一个不同的训练集合被保留出来。
This left out portion can be used to estimate the generalization error without having to rely on a separate validation set. This estimate comes “for free” as no additional data is needed and can be used for model selection. 留出来的部分可以用于评估泛化误差,而不需要另外依赖于一个单独的验证集合。 这个估计不需要额外的数据,可以用于模型选择。
This is currently implemented in the following classes 在下面的类中实现了这个方法:
.. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :template: class.rst