Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files

Preparing for Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 2.4 with Python 3

Notice: This is a personal learning note of DB105.

Reading Data - JSON Files

Technical Accomplishments:

  • Read data from:

    • JSON without a Schema
    • JSON with a Schema

JSON Lines

Much like the CSV reader, the JSON reader also assumes…

  • That there is one JSON object per line and…
  • That it’s delineated by a new-line.

This format is referred to as JSON Lines or newline-delimited JSON

More information about this format can be found at http://jsonlines.org.

Note: Spark 2.2 was released on July 11th 2016. With that comes File IO improvements for CSV & JSON, but more importantly, Support for parsing multi-line JSON and CSV files. You can read more about that (and other features in Spark 2.2) in the Databricks Blog.

Take a look at the data.
Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files - 图2

Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files - 图3

With our DataFrame created, we can now take a peak at the data.

But to demonstrate a unique aspect of JSON data (or any data with embedded fields), we will first create a temporary view and then view the data via SQL:

Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files - 图4

Notice the geocoding column has embedded data.

You can expand the fields by clicking the right triangle in each row.

But we can also reference the sub-fields directly as we see in the following SQL statement:

  1. SELECT channel, page, geocoding.city, geocoding.latitude, geocoding.longitude
  2. FROM wiki_edits
  3. WHERE geocoding.city IS NOT NULL

Review: Reading from JSON w/ InferSchema

While there are similarities between reading in CSV & JSON there are some key differences:

  • We only need one job even when inferring the schema.
  • There is no header which is why there isn’t a second job in this case - the column names are extracted from the JSON object’s attributes.
  • Unlike CSV which reads in 100% of the data, the JSON reader only samples the data.
    Note: In Spark 2.2 the behavior was changed to read in the entire JSON file.

Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files - 图5 Reading from JSON w/ User-Defined Schema

To avoid the extra job, we can (just like we did with CSV) specify the schema for the DataFrame.

Step #1 - Create the Schema

Compared to our CSV example, the structure of this data is a little more complex.

Note that we can support complex data types as seen in the field geocoding.

  1. # Required for StructField, StringType, IntegerType, etc.
  2. from pyspark.sql.types import *
  3. jsonSchema = StructType([
  4. StructField("channel", StringType(), True),
  5. StructField("comment", StringType(), True),
  6. StructField("delta", IntegerType(), True),
  7. StructField("flag", StringType(), True),
  8. StructField("geocoding", StructType([
  9. StructField("city", StringType(), True),
  10. StructField("country", StringType(), True),
  11. StructField("countryCode2", StringType(), True),
  12. StructField("countryCode3", StringType(), True),
  13. StructField("stateProvince", StringType(), True),
  14. StructField("latitude", DoubleType(), True),
  15. StructField("longitude", DoubleType(), True)
  16. ]), True),
  17. StructField("isAnonymous", BooleanType(), True),
  18. StructField("isNewPage", BooleanType(), True),
  19. StructField("isRobot", BooleanType(), True),
  20. StructField("isUnpatrolled", BooleanType(), True),
  21. StructField("namespace", StringType(), True),
  22. StructField("page", StringType(), True),
  23. StructField("pageURL", StringType(), True),
  24. StructField("timestamp", StringType(), True),
  25. StructField("url", StringType(), True),
  26. StructField("user", StringType(), True),
  27. StructField("userURL", StringType(), True),
  28. StructField("wikipediaURL", StringType(), True),
  29. StructField("wikipedia", StringType(), True)
  30. ])

That was a lot of typing to get our schema!

For a small file, manually creating the schema may not be worth the effort.

However, for a large file, the time to manually create the schema may be worth the trade off of a really long infer-schema process.

Step #2 - Read in the JSON

Next, we will read in the JSON file and once again print its schema.

  1. (spark.read
  2. .schema(jsonSchema)
  3. .json(jsonFile)
  4. .printSchema()
  5. )

Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files - 图6

Review: Reading from JSON w/ User-Defined Schema

  • Just like CSV, providing the schema avoids the extra jobs.
  • The schema allows us to rename columns and specify alternate data types.
  • Can get arbitrarily complex in its structure.!
    Apache Spark: Reading Data | JSON Files - 图7