原文 :https://lefred.be/content/mysql-innodb-cluster-consistency-levels/



Consistency during reads have been a small concern from the adopters of MySQL InnoDB Cluster (see this post and this one).

This is why MySQL supports now (since 8.0.14) a new consistency model to avoid such situation when needed.

Nuno Carvalho and Aníbal Pinto already posted a blog series I highly encourage you to read:

After those great articles, let’s check how that does work with some examples.

一致性读取已经成为MySQL InnoDB Cluster使用者的关心的话题(看这篇文章这篇文章

这就是为什么MySQL 8.0.14开始,当我们需要避免这些情况时,支持使用新的一致性模型。

我强烈建议你阅读Nuno Carvalho和Anibal Pinto的系列文章



This is how the environment is setup:

  • 3 members: mysql1, mysql2 & mysql3
  • the cluster runs in Single-Primay mode
  • mysql1 is the Primary Master
  • some extra sys views are installed


  • 3个成员:mysql1,mysql2 & mysql3
  • 集群运行模式为Single-Primary模式
  • mysql1为Primary Master
  • 预装了某些额外的sys views


This is the default behavior (group_replication_consistency='EVENTUAL'). The scenario is the following:

  • we display the default value of the session variable controlling the Group Replication Consistency on the Primary and on one Secondary
  • we lock a table on a Secondary master (mysql3) to block the apply of the transaction coming from the Primary
  • we demonstrate that even if we commit a new transaction on mysql1, we can read the table on mysql3 and the new record is missing (the write could not happen due to the lock)
  • once unlocked, the transaction is applied and the record is visible on the Secondary master (mysql3) too


  • 我们演示了控制Primary和其中一个Secondary间组复制一致性的session级变量的默认值
  • 我们在Secondary Master(mysql3)锁定了一张表来阻塞应用来自Primay的事务
  • 我们演示了即使我们在mysql1上提交了一个新的事务,我们在mysql3上读取表发现新的记录丢失了(由于锁的存在导致写入无法发生)
  • 一旦释放锁,事务被应用并且在Secondary Master(mysql3)也变得可见了


In this example, we will illustrate how we can avoid inconsistent reads on a Secondary master:

在这个例子中,我们将会说明我们如何在Secondary Master上避免非一致性读取。

As you could notice, once we have set the session variable controlling the consistency, operations on the table (the server is READ-ONLY) are waiting for the Apply Queue to be empty before returning the result set.


We could also notice that the wait time (timeout) for this read operation is very long (8 hours by default) and can be modified to a shorter period:


We used SET wait_timeout=10 to define it to 10 seconds.


When the timeout is reached, the following error is returned:


  1. ERROR: 3797: Error while waiting for group transactions commit on group_replication_consistency= 'BEFORE'


It’s also possible to return from commit on the writer only when all members applied the change too. Let’s check this in action too:


This can be considered as synchronous writes as the return from commit happens only when all members have applied it. However you could also notice that in this consistency level, wait_timeout has not effect on the write. In fact wait_timeout has only effect on read operations when the consistency level is different than EVENTUAL.

这可以被视为同步写入,只有当所有的成员已经应用了,commit才能发生。 然而你可以发现在该一致性级别下,wait_timeout在写入中并没有影响。事实上,wait_timeout只会影响读取操作并且一致性级别不是EVENTUAL的情况下。

This means that this can lead to several issues if you lock a table for any reason. If the DBA needs to perform some maintenance operations and requires to lock a table for a long time, it’s mandatory to not operate queries in AFTER or BEFORE_AND_AFTERwhile in such maintenance.



In the following video, I just want to show you the “scope” of these “waits” for transactions that are in the applying queue.


We will lock again t1 but on a Secondary master, we will perform a SELECT from table t2, the first time we will keep the default value of group_replication_consistency(EVENTUAL) and the second time we will change the consistency level to BEFORE :

我们将会在一个Secondary master上再次锁定t1表,然后在t2表上执行一个select,第一次测试我们会设置group_replication_consistency为默认值(EVENTUAL),第二次测试我们会调整一致性级别为BEFORE

We could see that as soon as they are transactions in the apply queue, if you change the consistency level to something BEFORE, it needs to wait for the previous transactions in the queue to be applied even if those events are related or not to the same table(s) or record(s). It doesn’t matter



Of course it’s possible to check what’s going on and if queries are waiting for something.



When group_replication_consistency is set to BEFORE (or includes it), while a transaction is waiting for the applying queue to be committed, it’s possible to track those waiting transactions by running the following query:


  1. SELECT * FROM information_schema.processlist
  2. WHERE state='Executing hook on transaction begin.';


When group_replication_consistency is set to AFTER (or includes it), while a transaction is waiting for the transaction to be committed on the other members too, it’s possible to track those waiting transactions by running the following query:


  1. SELECT * FROM information_schema.processlist
  2. WHERE state='waiting for handler commit';

It’s also possible to have even more information joining the processlist and InnoDB Trx tables:

通过关联processlist和InnoDB Trx表能够得到更多信息

  1. SELECT *, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(now(),trx_started)) lock_time_sec
  2. FROM information_schema.innodb_trx JOIN information_schema.processlist
  3. ON processlist.ID=innodb_trx.trx_mysql_thread_id
  4. WHERE state='waiting for handler commit' ORDER BY trx_started\G


This consistency level is a wonderful feature but it could become dangerous if abused without full control of your environment.


I would avoid to set anything AFTER globally if you don’t control completely your environment. Table locks, DDLs, logical backups, snapshots could all delay the commits and transactions could start pilling up on the Primary Master. But if you control your environment, you have now the complete freedom to control completely the consistency you need on your MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

如果你没有完全控制你的环境请避免设置为全局AFTER。表锁、DDL、逻辑备份、快照等都可能在Primary Master上造成延迟提交和事务。但是,如果控制了你的环境,你现在完全可以控制你的MySQL InnoDB集群一致性级别。