1. 为什么使用radian


邓飞: radian | 一款21世纪的R语言编辑器

1. 安装radian


  1. pip install -U radian

2. radian初体验

R 语言数据处理基础 - 图1

2.R data frame 和 柱状图

1. Read excel files

  1. library(readxl)
  2. A <- read_xlsx("/media/yiran/52C3-E825/qPCR/HCT116-Doxo 24h-different day/Result_table.xlsx")


2. Date slice

  1. head(A[1:3,]) #数据处理前先看一下是否导入成功
  2. dim(A)
  3. colnames(A)
  4. rownames(A)


  1. # A tibble: 3 × 10
  2. ...1 gapdh rpl30 `b-actin` sat1 sat4 `sat13-21` D18Z1 D19Z5 D21Z1
  3. <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
  4. 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  5. 2 D-2d 8.95 0.755 132. 49.3 11.5 52.6 77.4 0.576 59.9
  6. 3 D-4d 0.504 1.04 0.000381 8.94 0.157 81.9 182. 0.650 8.44
  7. [1] 20 10
  8. [1] "...1" "gapdh" "rpl30" "b-actin" "sat1" "sat4"
  9. [7] "sat13-21" "D18Z1" "D19Z5" "D21Z1"
  10. [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15"
  11. [16] "16" "17" "18" "19" "20"

change colname

  1. colnames(A)[1]<-"time_points" #给第一列换个列名
  2. colnames(A)

[1] "time points" "gapdh" "rpl30" "b-actin" "sat1" [6] "sat4" "sat13-21" "D18Z1" "D19Z5" "D21Z1"

melt():wide 数据变long 数据

  1. library(reshape2)
  2. head(melt(A,id.vars =c( "time","time_points")))

time time points variable value 1 1 M gapdh 1.0000000 2 1 D-2d gapdh 8.9530795 3 1 D-4d gapdh 0.5041311 4 1 D-6d gapdh 1.0393755 5 1 D-7d gapdh 0.7326901 6 2 M gapdh 1.0000000

解释:如果只提供其中一个(id.var或measure.vars), melt将假定数据集中的未指定的其余变量属于另一个变量(即若只指定了id.var的对象,其余变量属于measure.vars),如果不提供,melt将假设因素和字符变量是id variables,并且所有其他的是measured variables


  1. head(melt(A))

Using time points as id variables time points variable value 1 M gapdh 1.0000000 2 D-2d gapdh 8.9530795 3 D-4d gapdh 0.5041311 4 D-6d gapdh 1.0393755 5 D-7d gapdh 0.7326901 6 M gapdh 1.0000000


  1. head(Raw_A<-melt(A,id.vars =c( "time","time_points"))
  2. )

time time points variable value 1 1 M gapdh 1.0000000 2 1 D-2d gapdh 8.9530795 3 1 D-4d gapdh 0.5041311 4 1 D-6d gapdh 1.0393755 5 1 D-7d gapdh 0.7326901 6 2 M gapdh 1.0000000

reshape():long 数据变wide 数据

  1. Raw_A_bar <- reshape(Raw_A,timevar="time",idvar=c("time points","variable"), direction="wide")
  2. head(Raw_A_bar)

time points variable value.1 value.2 value.3 value.4 1 M gapdh 1.0000000 1.000000 1.000000000 1.00000000 2 D-2d gapdh 8.9530795 652.125012 0.798110124 0.05478458 3 D-4d gapdh 0.5041311 10.855766 0.008592643 0.91906370 4 D-6d gapdh 1.0393755 99.793432 0.012264976 0.17010777 5 D-7d gapdh 0.7326901 2.698721 0.009385767 0.17321759 21 M rpl30 1.0000000 1.000000 1.000000000 1.00000000

3.direction选wide,即long sheet变为wide sheet

reshape 小练习

  1. head(A)
  2. colnames(A)
  3. A_melt <- melt(A, id.vars=c("time", "time points"))
  4. head(A_melt)
  1. # head(A)
  2. # A tibble: 6 × 11
  3. `time points` gapdh rpl30 `b-actin` sat1 sat4 `sat13-21` D18Z1 D19Z5
  4. <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
  5. 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  6. 2 D-2d 8.95 0.755 132. 49.3 11.5 52.6 77.4 0.576
  7. 3 D-4d 0.504 1.04 0.000381 8.94 0.157 81.9 182. 0.650
  8. 4 D-6d 1.04 1.33 0.000533 33.7 0.789 131. 84.5 0.633
  9. 5 D-7d 0.733 0.499 0.561 0.422 0.0106 17.0 209. 0.934
  10. 6 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  11. # colnames(A)
  12. # … with 2 more variables: D21Z1 <dbl>, time <dbl>
  13. [1] "time points" "gapdh" "rpl30" "b-actin" "sat1"
  14. [6] "sat4" "sat13-21" "D18Z1" "D19Z5" "D21Z1"
  15. [11] "time"
  16. Using time points as id variables
  17. # head(A_melt)
  18. time time points variable value
  19. 1 1 M gapdh 1.0000000
  20. 2 1 D-2d gapdh 8.9530795
  21. 3 1 D-4d gapdh 0.5041311
  22. 4 1 D-6d gapdh 1.0393755
  23. 5 1 D-7d gapdh 0.7326901
  24. 6 2 M gapdh 1.0000000

Now, let’s turn it back to raw A

  1. A_raw = reshape(A_melt, idvar=c("time", "time points"),
  2. timevar="variable", direction ="wide")
  3. head(A_raw)
  1. time time points value.gapdh value.rpl30 value.b-actin value.sat1
  2. 1 1 M 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000e+00 1.0000000
  3. 2 1 D-2d 8.9530795 0.7546758 1.322254e+02 49.3188413
  4. 3 1 D-4d 0.5041311 1.0409545 3.811148e-04 8.9385635
  5. 4 1 D-6d 1.0393755 1.3343924 5.333806e-04 33.6629802
  6. 5 1 D-7d 0.7326901 0.4987871 5.612642e-01 0.4223014
  7. 6 2 M 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000000e+00 1.0000000
  8. value.sat4 value.sat13-21 value.D18Z1 value.D19Z5 value.D21Z1
  9. 1 1.00000000 1.00000 1.00000 1.0000000 1.000000
  10. 2 11.52409058 52.56483 77.40971 0.5763165 59.937536
  11. 3 0.15710282 81.92012 181.57805 0.6499784 8.443364
  12. 4 0.78911529 130.57763 84.54757 0.6331612 7.416250
  13. 5 0.01055863 16.95505 209.12772 0.9342387 97.164788
  14. 6 1.00000000 1.00000 1.00000 1.0000000 1.000000

We can turn dataframe back to the origin format with reshap() after melt(). The only problem is the colnamesare a little different from original one

3.calculate the sd/sem

  1. library(plotrix)
  2. library(matrixStats)
  3. Raw_A_bar$Mean <- rowMeans(Raw_A_bar[,3:6])
  4. Raw_A_bar$sem <- std.error(t(Raw_A_bar[,3:6]))
  5. Raw_A_bar$sd <- rowSds(as.matrix(Raw_A_bar[,3:6]))
  6. head(Raw_A_bar)

time points variable value.1 value.2 value.3 value.4 Mean sem 1 M gapdh 1.0000000 1.000000 1.000000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 2 D-2d gapdh 8.9530795 652.125012 0.798110124 0.05478458 165.4827467 162.2266089 3 D-4d gapdh 0.5041311 10.855766 0.008592643 0.91906370 3.0718884 2.6012908 4 D-6d gapdh 1.0393755 99.793432 0.012264976 0.17010777 25.2537950 24.8475715 5 D-7d gapdh 0.7326901 2.698721 0.009385767 0.17321759 0.9035036 0.6181118 21 M rpl30 1.0000000 1.000000 1.000000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 0.0000000 sd 1 0.000000 2 324.453218 3 5.202582 4 49.695143 5 1.236224 21 0.000000

4. 将time points列变成factor

  1. colnames(Raw_A_bar)[1]<-"time_points" # time points有空格,无法提取
  2. colnames(Raw_A_bar)[1]

[1] "time_points"


  1. Raw_A_bar$time_points # 不要自己打,要复制粘帖
  2. factor(Raw_A_bar$time_points, levels = c('M', 'D-2d', 'D-4d', 'D-6d')) #先看一下对不对,再进行赋值
  3. Raw_A_bar$time_points<-factor(Raw_A_bar$time_points, levels = c('M', 'D-2d', 'D-4d', 'D-6d', "D-7d"))
  4. class(Raw_A_bar$time_points)

[1] "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" [17] "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" [33] "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" "M" "D-2d" "D-4d" "D-6d" "D-7d" [1] M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d [23] D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d M D-2d D-4d D-6d [45] D-7d Levels: M D-2d D-4d D-6d D-7d [1] "factor"




  • stat:设置统计方法,有效值是count(默认值) 和 identity,其中,count表示条形的高度是变量的数量,identity表示条形的高度是变量的值;
  • position:位置调整,有效值是stack、dodge和fill,默认值是stack(堆叠),是指两个条形图堆叠摆放,dodge是指两个条形图并行摆放,fill是指按照比例来堆叠条形图,每个条形图的高度都相等,但是高度表示的数量是不尽相同的。
  • width:条形图的宽度,是个比值,默认值是0.9
  • color:条形图的线条颜色
  • fill:条形图的填充色




    R 语言数据处理基础 - 图2 ```r ggplot(Raw_A_bar, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) + geom_bar(stat=’identity’, position = ‘Dodge’) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean-sem, ymax= Mean+sem),
    1. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+
    theme_bw()+ scale_fill_brewer(palette=”BrBG”)
  1. <a name="oJ1qr"></a>
  2. ## ![summary.png](https://cdn.nlark.com/yuque/0/2022/png/691897/1646711096664-8834b1f3-11d4-4e16-baa4-01d545ee9b07.png#clientId=u2d122b08-acd4-4&crop=0&crop=0&crop=1&crop=1&from=drop&id=ube947ead&margin=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&name=summary.png&originHeight=1350&originWidth=2400&originalType=binary&ratio=1&rotation=0&showTitle=false&size=60108&status=done&style=none&taskId=u61a94309-ca5e-4873-b98e-870b3ba6508&title=)
  3. ```r
  4. ggplot(Raw_A_bar, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) +
  5. geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
  6. geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean-sem, ymax= Mean+sem),
  7. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+
  8. theme_bw()+scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+
  9. facet_wrap(~ variable, scale = "free", nrow = 3)



  1. Raw_A_bar$variable
  2. Raw_A_bar$variable=="sat1"
  3. Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="sat1",]
  4. sat1<-Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="sat1",]
  5. sat1

[1] gapdh gapdh gapdh gapdh gapdh rpl30 rpl30 rpl30 rpl30 rpl30 b-actin b-actin [13] b-actin b-actin b-actin sat1 sat1 sat1 sat1 sat1 sat4 sat4 sat4 sat4 [25] sat4 sat13-21 sat13-21 sat13-21 sat13-21 sat13-21 D18Z1 D18Z1 D18Z1 D18Z1 D18Z1 D19Z5 [37] D19Z5 D19Z5 D19Z5 D19Z5 D21Z1 D21Z1 D21Z1 D21Z1 D21Z1 Levels: gapdh rpl30 b-actin sat1 sat4 sat13-21 D18Z1 D19Z5 D21Z1 [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE [20] TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE [39] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE time_points variable value.1 value.2 value.3 value.4 Mean sem sd 61 M sat1 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 1.000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 62 D-2d sat1 49.3188413 91.50323759 14.67014446 3.5031364 39.748840 19.81748932 39.6349786 63 D-4d sat1 8.9385635 3.35044854 0.01685515 2.0293786 3.583811 1.91196379 3.8239276 64 D-6d sat1 33.6629802 39.32021348 0.01137050 0.0445459 18.259778 10.58930135 21.1786027 65 D-7d sat1 0.4223014 0.01269202 0.12645709 0.3687417 0.232548 0.09753077 0.1950615 time_points variable value.1 value.2 value.3 value.4 Mean sem sd 61 M sat1 1.0000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 1.000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 62 D-2d sat1 49.3188413 91.50323759 14.67014446 3.5031364 39.748840 19.81748932 39.6349786 63 D-4d sat1 8.9385635 3.35044854 0.01685515 2.0293786 3.583811 1.91196379 3.8239276 64 D-6d sat1 33.6629802 39.32021348 0.01137050 0.0445459 18.259778 10.58930135 21.1786027 65 D-7d sat1 0.4223014 0.01269202 0.12645709 0.3687417 0.232548 0.09753077 0.1950615

  1. ggplot(sat1, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) +
  2. geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
  3. geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean, ymax= Mean+sem , color=time_points),
  4. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+ theme_bw()+
  5. scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+
  6. scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  7. scale_y_break(c(6,15), scales= .5)

1.若想只显示上部分error bar,只需要ymin=Mean

  1. Raw_A_bar$variable
  2. Raw_A_bar$variable=="gapdh"
  3. Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="gapdh",]
  4. gapdh<-Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="gapdh",]
  5. gapdh
  6. P1 <- ggplot(gapdh, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) +
  7. geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
  8. geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean, ymax= Mean+sem , color=time_points),
  9. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+ theme_bw()+
  10. scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+
  11. scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  12. scale_y_break(c(6,20,50,150), scales= .5)
  13. Raw_A_bar$variable
  14. Raw_A_bar$variable=="b-actin"
  15. Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="b-actin",]
  16. actin<-Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="b-actin",]
  17. actin # 无法用b-actin,原因同无法用空格一样
  18. P2 <- ggplot(actin, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) +
  19. geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
  20. geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean, ymax= Mean+sem , color=time_points),
  21. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+ theme_bw()+
  22. scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+
  23. scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  24. scale_y_break(c(0.3,0.9,1,38), scales= .5)
  25. Raw_A_bar$variable
  26. Raw_A_bar$variable=="sat4"
  27. Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="sat4",]
  28. sat4<-Raw_A_bar[Raw_A_bar$variable=="sat4",]
  29. sat4
  30. P3 <- ggplot(sat4, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) +
  31. geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
  32. geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean, ymax= Mean+sem , color=time_points),
  33. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+ theme_bw()+
  34. scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+
  35. scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  36. scale_y_break(c(1,8.9), scales= .5)



  1. ggplot(sat4, aes(variable, Mean, fill=time_points)) +
  2. geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
  3. geom_errorbar(aes(ymin= Mean, ymax= Mean+sem , color=time_points),
  4. width=0.2, position=position_dodge(.9))+ theme_bw()+
  5. scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")+
  6. scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  7. scale_y_break(c(1,8.9), scales= .5)+geom_text(aes(y=Mean*1,label=round(Mean,4)),position=position_dodge(.9))


  1. library(pathwork)
  2. GGlay = "AAB"
  3. P_1 <- P1 + P2 + P3 + plot_layout(design = GGlay)
  4. P_2 <- P4 + P5 + P6 + plot_layout(design = GGlay)
  5. P_3 <- P7 + P8 + P9 + plot_layout(design = GGlay)
  6. P_1/P_2/P3



  1. ggsave("summary.png", w= 8, h= 4.5)
