
图形学:1950年,美国麻省理工学院(MIT) 诞生了旋风I号(Whirlwind I)计算机及其显示器。该显示器用一个类似于示波器的阴极射线管 (CRT) 来显示一些简单的图形

计算机图形学一般包含几何(Geometry)、渲染(Rendering)、模拟(Simulation),也有人说计算机图形学主要包含建模(Modeling)、渲染(Rendering)、动画(Animation)、人机交互(Human-computer Interaction)


Even though modelling and rendering in computer graphics have been improved tremendously in the past 35 years, we are still not at the point where we can model automatically a tiger swimming in the river in all its glorious details. By automatically I mean in a way that does not need careful manual tweaking by an artist/expert.
The bad news is that we have still a long way to go.
The good news is that we have still a long way to go.



最主要的三个领域 1. Modeling (模型) 2. Rendering (渲染) 3. Animation (动画)
其他领域:1 、 User interaction (用户交互) 2、 Virtual reality (虚拟现实)3、 Visualization (可视化)
4、 Image processing (图像处理) 5、 3D scanning (三维扫描)6、 Computational photography (计算成像)


1、 Video games (电子游戏)2、 Cartoons (卡通动画)3、 Visual effects (视觉特效)4、 Animated films (动画电影)5、 CAD/CAM (计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造)6、 Simulation (模拟)7、 Medical imaging (医学成像)例如 computed tomography (CT) 8、 Information visualization (信息可视化)


The speed at which images can be generated depends strongly on the number of triangles being drawn. Because interactivity is more important in many applications than visual quality, it is worthwhile to minimize the number of triangles used to represent a model. In addition, if the model is viewed in the distance, fewer triangles are needed than when the model is viewed from a closer distance. This suggests that it is useful to represent a model with a varying level of detail (LOD).

数值问题 ( Numerical Issues )

three “special” values for real numbers in IEEE floating-point (IEEE浮点数中有三个“特殊”值):
1、 Infinity (∞)(无穷大) 2、 Minus infinity (−∞) (负无穷) 3.、Not a number (NaN) (不是数字)

对于任意正实数a, 和无穷大相关的除法有如下所示

  • +a/(+∞) = +0
  • −a/(+∞) = −0
  • +a/(−∞) = −0
  • −a/(−∞) = +0


  • ∞ + ∞ = +∞
  • ∞−∞ = NaN
  • ∞×∞ = ∞
  • ∞/∞ = NaN
  • ∞/a = ∞
  • ∞/0 = ∞
  • 0/0 = NaN


  1. 有效数都小于+∞。
  2. 有效数都大于−∞。
  3. −∞小于+∞。

1. 任何包含NaN的算术表达式结果也是NaN。
2. 任何涉及NaN的布尔表达式都是false。

  • +a/ +0 = +∞
  • −a/ +0 = −∞

  • 效率( Efficiency )

    1. Write the code in the most straightforward way possible. Compute intermediate results as needed on the fly rather than storing them.
    2. Compile in optimized mode.
    3. Use whatever profiling tools exist to find critical bottlenecks.
    4. Examine data structures to look for ways to improve locality. If possible, make data unit sizes match the cache/page size on the target architecture.
    5. If profiling reveals bottlenecks in numeric computations, examine the assembly code generated by the compiler for missed efficiencies. Rewrite source code to solve any problems you find.
    2. 以优化模式编译。
    4. 检查数据结构,寻找改善局部结构的方法。如果可能,让数据单元大小与目标结构上的缓存或者页面大小一致。
    5. 如果分析揭示了数值计算中的瓶颈,请检查编译器生成的汇编代码,以确定这段代码是否降低了程序的效率。重写源代码来解决您发现的问题。
    tips: 要注意来自以往的建议;一些经典的技巧,如使用整数代替实数,可能不再带来速度,因为现代cpu通常可以像执行整数操作一样快地执行浮点操作。


•vector3 一个类似于vector2的3D向量类。
•hvector 具有四个分量的齐次向量。
•rgb 一种RGB颜色,存储三项。您还应该包括RGB加法、RGB减法、RGB乘法、标量乘法和标量除法的操作。
•transform 一个用于变换的4 × 4矩阵。您应该包括一个矩阵乘法和一些成员函数,以应用于位置、方向和曲面的法向量。
•image: 一个可以输出RGB像素的2D数组。



(In many cases, the easiest channel by which to get debugging information out of a graphics program is the output image itself. If you want to know the value of some variable for part of a computation that runs for every pixel, you can just modify your program temporarily to copy that value directly to the output image and skip the rest of the calculations that would normally be done. For instance, if you suspect a problem with surface normals is causing a problem with shading, you can copy the normal vectors directly to the image (x goes to red, y goes to green, z goes to blue), resulting in a color-coded illustration of the vectors actually being used in your computation. Or, if you suspect a particular value is sometimes out of its valid range, make your program write bright red pixels where that happens. Other common tricks include drawing the back sides of surfaces with an obvious color (when they are not supposed to be visible), coloring the image by the ID numbers of the objects, or coloring pixels by the amount of work they took to compute.)

一种有用的方法是为bug“设置陷阱”。首先,确保您的程序 是确定性的,在单个线程中运行它,并确保所有随机数都是从固定种子计算出来的。然后,找出哪个像素或三角形显示了使用固定随机数种子的特殊调试模式。该bug并在您怀疑的代码之前添加一条语句,该语句不正确,将仅针对可疑情况执行。例如,如果您发现该像素(126,247)显示该错误,则添加:
if x = 126 and y = 247 then print “blarg!”


Often it is hard to understand what your program is doing, because it computes a lot of intermediate results before it finally goes wrong. The situation is similar to a scientific experiment that measures a lot of data, and one solution is the same: make good plots and illustrations for yourself to understand what the data means. For instance, in a ray tracer you might write code to visualize ray trees so you can see what paths contributed to a pixel, or in an image resampling routine you might make plots that show all the points where samples are being taken from the input. Time spent writing code to visualize your program’s internal state is also repaid in a better understanding of its behavior when it comes time to optimize it.