Function qiyeguimo(hangye As Range, shouru As Range, zichan As Range, renshu As Range)
Select Case hangye
Case "农、林、牧、渔业"
Select Case shouru
Case Is >= 20000
qiyeguimo = "大型"
Case Is >= 500
qiyeguimo = "中型"
Case Is >= 50
qiyeguimo = "小型"
Case Else
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End Select
Case "工业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 1000, shouru >= 40000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 2000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 20, shouru >= 300) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "建筑业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(shouru >= 80000, zichan >= 80000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(shouru >= 6000, zichan >= 5000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(shouru >= 300, zichan >= 300) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "批发业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 200, shouru >= 40000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 20, shouru >= 5000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 5, shouru >= 1000) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "零售业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 20000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 50, shouru >= 500) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 10, shouru >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "交通运输业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 1000, shouru >= 30000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 3000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 20, shouru >= 200) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "仓储业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 200, shouru >= 30000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, shouru >= 1000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 20, shouru >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "邮政业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 1000, shouru >= 30000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 2000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 20, shouru >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "住宿业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 10000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, shouru >= 2000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 10, shouru >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "餐饮业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 10000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, shouru >= 2000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 10, shouru >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "信息传输业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 2000, shouru >= 100000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, shouru >= 1000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 10, shouru >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "软件和信息技术服务业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 10000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, shouru >= 1000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 10, shouru >= 50) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "房地产开发经营"
If WorksheetFunction.And(shouru >= 200000, zichan >= 10000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(shouru >= 1000, zichan >= 5000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(shouru >= 100, zichan >= 2000) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "物业管理"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 1000, shouru >= 5000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, shouru >= 1000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, shouru >= 500) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "租赁和商务服务业"
If WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 300, zichan >= 120000) Then
qiyeguimo = "大型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 100, zichan >= 8000) Then
qiyeguimo = "中型"
ElseIf WorksheetFunction.And(renshu >= 10, zichan >= 100) Then
qiyeguimo = "小型"
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End If
Case "其他未列明行业"
Select Case renshu
Case Is >= 300
qiyeguimo = "大型"
Case Is >= 100
qiyeguimo = "中型"
Case Is >= 10
qiyeguimo = "小型"
Case Else
qiyeguimo = "微型"
End Select
End Select
End Function
Public lian As String
Function startconn()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
lian = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Macro;" _
& "HDR=yes;" _
& "IMEX=1';" _
& "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName
'HDR=Yes,代表 Excel 档中的工作表第一行是标题栏,No,代表 Excel 档中的工作表无标题行
'IMEX 汇入模式 0 只读 1 只写 2 可读写
'Data Source 存储查询数据来源的工作薄名称
'Provider 连接方式或连接提供程序 Extended Properties 连接方式的扩展属性、证书
'Extended Properties='Excel 8.0 ---EXECL 2003
'Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 ---EXECL 2007及以上
'Extended Properties='Excel 8.0 ---EXECL 2003
'File Type (extension) Extended Properties
'Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) "Excel 8.0"
'Excel Workbook (.xlsx) "Excel 12.0 Xml"
'Excel Macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm) "Excel 12.0 Macro"
'Excel Non-XML binary workbook (.xlsb) "Excel 12.0"
cnn.Open lian
' ' 创建连接设置字符串,用ODBC方式打开连接.
' Dim lian As String
' lian = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver(*.xls,*xlsx,*.xlsm,*xlsb)};" _
' & "ReadOnly=False;" _
' & "DBQ=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName'
' 'driver ODBC连接驱动属性
' 'ReadOnly 相当于IMEX属性
' 'DBQ 连接数据源
' con.Open lian
' 检查是否完成连接
' If cnn.State = adStateOpen Then
' 'cnn.State -->adstratclosed 关闭状态 adstartopen 打开状态
' 'adstartconnecting 连接中 adstartexecuting 执行命令中
' MsgBox "Welcome to Pubs!"
' Else
' MsgBox "Sorry. No Pubs today."
' End If
Set cnn = Nothing
End Function
Function jilurecord(SqlCommandStr)
Dim jilu As ADODB.Recordset
Set jilu = New ADODB.Recordset
jilu.Open SqlCommandStr, lian
' open方法:open <SQL命令文本或数据源>,<activeconnection>,[cursortype],[locktype],[options 参数选项]
' <activeconnection> 指定用于查询的连接设置,可以OPEN方法以前将一个字符串赋值给Recordset的activeconnection属性,那么该记录集则自动产生
' 一个connection对像
' [cursortype] 打开记录集时的数据指针类型:默认值为adopenforwardonly
' adopenforwardonly-->只能向下移动且不能修改,常规查询
' adopenstatic -->静态指针,用于脱机记录集,允许完全操作
' 此参数不同于OPEN方法之前设置的Recordset的cursorlocation属性(规定recordset使用的数据指针类型:
' aduserclient --客户端数据指针
' aduseserver-- 服务器端数据指针,默认值)
' [locktype] 打开记录时的数据源锁定类型:
' adlockreadonly:常规查询使用,锁定源记录
' adlockbatchoptimistic:脱机记录集使用,开放式批量更新
' [options 参数选项] -- SQL命令类型 or 执行方式 connection对象的Execute方法设置相同
Do While Not jilu.EOF '如果指针不是未尾则表示记录内有数据
'EOF --指针位于记录集最后一条记录之后 BOF --指针位于记录集第一条记录之前(Recordset对象的属性)
jilurecord = jilu.Fields(0).Value
' MoveFirst:移动到第一条记录
' MoveLast: 移动最后一条记录
' MoveNext:移动到下一条记录
'jilu.Filter = "存货编码 like 'A0202*'"
'Do While Not jilu.EOF
' MsgBox jilu.Fields(0).Value
Set jilu = Nothing
End Function
Function myrzqimohushu(x As String, Optional y As String = 1) As Integer
'期末户数计算 参数y默认为1统计所有融资性期末在保户数
Dim SqlCommandStr, sss As String
SqlCommandStr = "select count(担保客户) as 担保户数 from(select distinct 担保人 as 担保客户 from(select [*被担保人] as 担保人 from"
'If z = 1 Then
sss = " [融资性$] where ([辅助列:实际解保日期] >" & "#" & x & "#" & ") and ([*担保责任发生日期] <= " & "#" & x & "#"
' sss = " [债券发行担保$] where ([实际解保日期] >" & "#" & x & "#" & ") and ([*担保责任发生日期] <= " & "#" & x & "#"
'End If
If y = 1 Then
SqlCommandStr = SqlCommandStr & sss & ")))"
SqlCommandStr = SqlCommandStr & sss & ") " & "AND [*企业规模]=" & "'" & "中型企业" & "'" & "))"
End If
'[主材汇总$]--连接数据源中的具体表名,可指定具体的range,直接跟在表名后即可 ,也可使用在表中定义的名称
'SqlCommandStr = "SELECT 存货名称 from [主材汇总$A1:M100] where 存货编码='A01020506001500200'"
'cnn.Execute SqlCommandStr
' Execute方法: Execute <SQL命令文本>,[recordsaffected 查询作用范围],[options 参数选项]
' [recordsaffected 查询作用范围] 如:1NumAffected 仅第一条记录
' [options 参数选项] -- SQL命令类型 or 执行方式
' SQL命令类型:
' adcomdtext: 原始 SQL字符串
' adcomdtable: 表的名称,向连接提供驱动提供类似 SELECT * from_name的语句
' adcmdstoreproc: 存储过程
' adcmdtabledirect:表名,不同于table的是不会产生类似 SELECT * from_name的SQL语句
' SQL命令执行方式:
' adasyncexecute: 异步执行命令,立即执行代码
' adexecutenorecords: 不构建recoredset对像
' 如:adcmdtext or adexecutenorecords
myrzqimohushu = jilurecord(SqlCommandStr)
End Function
Function myrzleijihushu(enddate As String, Optional y As Integer = 1) As Integer
Dim SqlCommandStr As String
SqlCommandStr = "select count(担保客户) as 担保户数 from(select distinct 担保人 as 担保客户 from(select [*被担保人] as 担保人 from [融资性$] where "
If y = 1 Then
SqlCommandStr = SqlCommandStr & "[*担保责任发生日期] between #" & [年度] & "-01-01# AND " & "#" & enddate & "#" & "))"
SqlCommandStr = SqlCommandStr & "[*担保责任发生日期] between #" & [年度] & "-01-01# AND " & "#" & enddate & "#" & " " & "AND [*企业规模]=" & "'" & "中型企业" & "'" & "))"
End If
myrzleijihushu = jilurecord(SqlCommandStr)
End Function