linux executable file suffix
    elf Executable and Linkable Format

    1. Linux extension |Windows Equivalent |Short description
    2. ------------------------------------------------------------
    3. .so, .o | .dll | Object that can be loaded at runtime (Similar to DLL)
    4. .a | .lib | Static library
    5. [none], .elf(rare),| .exe, .com(rare) | Linux executables
    6. .bin(rare) | |
    7. .sh | .bat | Shell script
    8. .exe | .exe | Mono application, Wine application
    9. .deb | .msi | Installer package for Debian/Ubuntu releases
    10. | | (Though .deb is much more powerful with
    11. | | native support for dependencies and repos). Note that .deb is actually a .ar archive with a special control file, a special file order, and a different extension.
    12. .rpm | .msi | Installer package for RedHat/CentOS releases.
    13. .tar.gz, .tar, .gz | .zip | Compressed files that can contain a program or any other data, like images, documents, etc
    14. .ko | .sys | Drivers and kernel modules are loaded into the Linux kernel and have more hardware access than other programs.
    15. .sh, .php, .py, etc| .bat, .cmd, .vbs, | Linux is capable of running any file that it has an interpreter for.
    16. | .js | A line at the top of the file called the shebang specifies what interpreter to run the file with.
    17. | | Windows only supports .bat and .cmd files as Batch files, and .vbs (vbscript) and .js (JScript, not to be confused with JavaScript) via the Windows Script Host (WSH).