select from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo and m.CheckDate >=’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and RealAmount >0 and RealPrice =0

    select BookPrice,
    from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >=’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and RealAmount >0 and RealPrice =0

    select distinct partno from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >=’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and RealAmount >0 and RealPrice =0

    drop table #t
    select d.rid into #t from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <’2021-08-03’ and RealAmount >0 and RealPrice =0

    drop table #abc1
    select distinct partno,stockno,convert(numeric(24,6),0.0) as amount,convert(numeric(24,6),0.0)as price,convert(numeric(24,6),0.0) as money,convert(varchar(20),’’) as location into #abc1 from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and RealAmount >0 and RealPrice =0 and stockno = ‘01’
    drop table #abc2
    select distinct partno,stockno,convert(numeric(24,6),0.0) as amount,convert(numeric(24,6),0.0) as price,convert(numeric(24,6),0.0) as money,convert(varchar(20),’’) as location into #abc2 from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and RealAmount >0 and RealPrice =0 and stockno = ‘001’
    alter table #abc1 add sIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) ,BookAmount numeric(24,6),BookPrice numeric(24,6),BookMoney numeric(24,6),DiffAmount numeric(24,6),DiffMoney numeric(24,6)
    alter table #abc2 add sIndex int IDENTITY(1,1) ,BookAmount numeric(24,6),BookPrice numeric(24,6),BookMoney numeric(24,6),DiffAmount numeric(24,6),DiffMoney numeric(24,6)
    update a1 set amount = b.amount,location = b.Location,bookamount = b.amount,bookprice = b.price,
    from #abc1 a1,PartsStock b
    where a1.partno = b.partno and a1.stockno = b.stockno

    update a2 set amount = b.amount,location = b.Location,bookamount = b.amount,bookprice = b.price,
    from #abc2 a2,PartsStock b
    where a2.partno = b.partno and a2.stockno = b.stockno

    update a1 set price = b.bookprice
    from #abc1 a1,(
    select partno,stockno,BookPrice from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and d.rid in (
    select max(d.rid) as rid from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and BookPrice > 0
    group by partno,stockno
    )) b
    where a1.partno = b.partno and a1.stockno = b.stockno

    update a2 set price = b.bookprice
    from #abc2 a2,(
    select partno,stockno,BookPrice from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and d.rid in (
    select max(d.rid) as rid from CheckPartDetail d, CheckPartMaster m where d.CheckNo = m.CheckNo
    and m.CheckDate >’2021-08-02’ and m.CheckDate <=’2021-08-03’ and BookPrice > 0
    group by partno,stockno
    )) b
    where a2.partno = b.partno and a2.stockno = b.stockno

    select from #abc1 where price=0
    from #abc2 where price=0
    update a1 set price = b.taxprice
    from #abc1 a1,(
    select partno,stockno,taxprice from PurchPartDetail
    where rid in (
    select max(rid) as rid from PurchPartDetail d where exists(
    select 1 from (
    select partno,stockno from #abc1 where price=0
    union all select partno,stockno from #abc2 where price=0) aaa where d.PartNo = aaa.PartNo and d.stockno = aaa.stockno
    group by partno,stockno
    ) b
    where a1.partno = b.partno and a1.stockno = b.stockno

    update a2 set price = b.taxprice
    from #abc2 a2,(
    select partno,stockno,taxprice from PurchPartDetail
    where rid in (
    select max(rid) as rid from PurchPartDetail d where exists(
    select 1 from (
    select partno,stockno from #abc1 where price=0
    union all select partno,stockno from #abc2 where price=0) aaa where d.PartNo = aaa.PartNo and d.stockno = aaa.stockno
    group by partno,stockno
    ) b
    where a2.partno = b.partno and a2.stockno = b.stockno

    update #abc1 set money = round(amountprice,2)
    update #abc1 set DiffAmount=amount-bookamount,DiffMoney=money-bookmoney
    update #abc2 set money = round(amount
    update #abc2 set DiffAmount=amount-bookamount,DiffMoney=money-bookmoney
    drop table #price1
    drop table #price2
    select into #price1 from #abc1 where price=0
    into #price2 from #abc2 where price=0
    select from #price1
    union select
    from #price2
    select into #price from #abc1 where price=0 and amount != 0
    from #abc2 where price=0and amount != 0

    select from #abc1 where price > 0
    from #abc2 where price > 0
    select from #abc2 where isnull(location,’’)=’’
    from Company
    select from stockinfo

    declare @Count int
    declare @ListCount int
    declare @Index int
    declare @PerCount int
    declare @ResultCode int
    declare @CheckNo varchar(50)
    declare @Msg varchar(200)
    declare @CompNo varchar(8)
    declare @StockNo varchar(20)

    set @ListCount = 0
    set @Count = 0
    set @Index = 1
    set @PerCount = 500
    set @CompNo = ‘G002’
    set @StockNo = ‘01’

    select @Count = Count(1) from #abc1
    set @ListCount = ceiling( convert(numeric(24,10),@Count) / @PerCount) + 1

    while(@Index < @ListCount)

    set @CheckNo = ‘’
    set @Msg = ‘’
    Exec @ResultCode = Sp_GetSerialNo ‘M4003’,@CompNo,@CheckNo output

    Insert into PartListDetail(ListNo,PartNo,Location,BookAmount,BookPrice,BookMoney,RealAmount,RealPrice,RealMoney,DiffAmount,DiffMoney, Remark)
    select @CheckNo, PartNo,Location,bookAmount,bookPrice,bookMoney,amount,Price,money,diffamount,diffmoney,’20210802批量盘点’
    from #abc1 where sindex >= 1+(@Index - 1)
    @PerCount and sindex <= @Index @PerCount order by sIndex

    Insert Into PartListMaster(ListNo, CompNo,ListCode,ListDate, CreateDate, StockNo, remark,AmountSum,MoneySum)
    select @CheckNo,@CompNo,’M4003’,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),@StockNo, ‘20210802批量盘点’,SUM(DiffAmount),SUM(DiffMoney)
    from PartListDetail where ListNo = @CheckNo

    exec Sp_CheckListFinish @CheckNo,’admin’,@Msg OutPut

    set @Index = @Index + 1

    declare @Count int
    declare @ListCount int
    declare @Index int
    declare @PerCount int
    declare @ResultCode int
    declare @CheckNo varchar(50)
    declare @Msg varchar(200)
    declare @CompNo varchar(8)
    declare @StockNo varchar(20)

    set @ListCount = 0
    set @Count = 0
    set @Index = 1
    set @PerCount = 500
    set @CompNo = ‘G001’
    set @StockNo = ‘001’

    select @Count = Count(1) from #abc2
    set @ListCount = ceiling( convert(numeric(24,10),@Count) / @PerCount) + 1

    while(@Index < @ListCount)

    set @CheckNo = ‘’
    set @Msg = ‘’
    Exec @ResultCode = Sp_GetSerialNo ‘M4003’,@CompNo,@CheckNo output

    Insert into PartListDetail(ListNo,PartNo,Location,BookAmount,BookPrice,BookMoney,RealAmount,RealPrice,RealMoney,DiffAmount,DiffMoney, Remark)
    select @CheckNo, PartNo,Location,bookAmount,bookPrice,bookMoney,amount,Price,money,diffamount,diffmoney,’20210802批量盘点’
    from #abc2 where sindex >= 1+(@Index - 1)
    @PerCount and sindex <= @Index * @PerCount order by sIndex

    Insert Into PartListMaster(ListNo, CompNo,ListCode,ListDate, CreateDate, StockNo, remark,AmountSum,MoneySum)
    select @CheckNo,@CompNo,’M4003’,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),@StockNo, ‘20210802批量盘点’,SUM(DiffAmount),SUM(DiffMoney)
    from PartListDetail where ListNo = @CheckNo

    exec Sp_CheckListFinish @CheckNo,’admin’,@Msg OutPut

    set @Index = @Index + 1