home: true heroImage: http://file.lotkk.com/form-create.png?3 description: Easily get the form form so you don’t bother with the form. actionText: Quick Start → actionLink: /en/v2/guide/ features:

    • title: Two-way data binding details: Once the rules are changed, the page is updated in real time
    • title: JSON details: Support for generating forms using json data
    • title: Grid details: Form layout through the grid system can make the page layout beautiful and comfortable
    • title: Partial update details: Built-in component caching to increase rendering speed
    • title: Rapid generation details: Built-in component generator to quickly generate corresponding component rules through chain operations
    • title: Custom component details: Support to generating any component, increasing the flexibility of the form, it can fulfill more complex forms footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present xaboy