在 TS 的语句中,语句右边类型是语句左边类型的子类型时,才不会报错。


  1. // 无报错
  2. const value1: string | number = undefined as string
  3. // 有报错
  4. // Type 'string | number | boolean' is not assignable to type 'string | number'.
  5. // 因为右边不是左边的子类型,多了一个 boolean
  6. const value2: string | number = undefined as string | number | boolean

下面考虑 function 类型。function 可以抽象为 P->R 的类型。

通用的规则是:对你接受的东西要宽松,对你产生的东西要保守。be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you produce.

数学描述是:当 P2 >= P2,且 R2 <= R1 时,才有 (P1->R1) <= (P2->R2)


  1. // P2>P1, R2<R1 满足
  2. const function1: (p: string | number) => string | number = undefined as (p: string | number | boolean) => string
  3. // P2<P1,R2=R1 不满足
  4. const function2: (p: string | number) => string | number = undefined as (p: string) => string | number
  5. // P2=P1, R2>R1 不满足
  6. const function3: (p: string | number) => string | number = undefined as (p: string | number) => string | number | boolean
