title: grib_dump
weight: 2
显示 GRIB 文件内容
使用 grib_dump
显示包含一个或多个 GRIB 消息的文件内容。
- Octet mode: 提供 WMO 风格的输出
- Debug mode: 打印 GRIB 文件中所有的 key
- Octet 和 Debug 两种模式不能同时使用
- Octet 内容可以使用十六进制格式输出。
通过设置选项,还可以输出 key aliases 和 key 的类型信息(key type information)。
支持 JSON 格式输出,便于处理。
grib_dump [options] grib_file grib_file ...
参数 | 含义 | |||
-O | Octet 模式(WMO 文档风格) | |||
-D | Debug 模式 | |||
-a | 打印 key alias 信息 | |||
-t | 打印 key 类型信息 | |||
-H | 十六进制显示的 Octet 模式 | |||
-w key[:{s | i | d}]{= | !=}value,… | where 子句 |
-j | JSON 输出 | |||
-V | 打印 ecCodes 版本 |
以中国气象局数值预报中心的 GRAPES GFS 输出的 GRIB 2 产品为例
$ grib_dump gmf.gra.2018010300000.grb2
***** FILE: gmf.gra.2018010300000.grb2
#============== MESSAGE 1 ( length=356 ) ==============
# Meteorological products (grib2/tables/4/0.0.table)
discipline = 0;
editionNumber = 2;
# Beijing (RSMC) (common/c-11.table)
centre = 38;
subCentre = 0;
# Analysis (grib2/tables/4/1.2.table)
significanceOfReferenceTime = 0;
dataDate = 20180103;
dataTime = 0;
# Operational products (grib2/tables/4/1.3.table)
productionStatusOfProcessedData = 0;
# Analysis products (grib2/tables/4/1.4.table)
typeOfProcessedData = 0;
numberOfDataPoints = 1036800;
# There is no appended list (grib2/tables/4/3.11.table)
interpretationOfNumberOfPoints = 0;
# Latitude/longitude (Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree) (grib2/tables/4/3.1.table)
gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 0;
# Earth assumed spherical with radius of 6,371,229.0 m (grib2/tables/4/3.2.table)
shapeOfTheEarth = 6;
Ni = 1440;
Nj = 720;
iScansNegatively = 0;
jScansPositively = 0;
jPointsAreConsecutive = 0;
alternativeRowScanning = 0;
latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 89.875;
longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees = 0;
latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = -89.875;
longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees = 359.75;
iDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.25;
jDirectionIncrementInDegrees = 0.25;
gridType = regular_ll;
NV = 0;
# Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval (grib2/tables/4/4.0.table)
productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8;
# Moisture (grib2/tables/4/4.1.0.table)
parameterCategory = 1;
# Convective precipitation (kg m-2) (grib2/tables/4/
parameterNumber = 10;
#-READ ONLY- parameterUnits = kg m-2;
#-READ ONLY- parameterName = Convective precipitation ;
# Analysis (grib2/tables/4/4.3.table)
typeOfGeneratingProcess = 0;
generatingProcessIdentifier = 15;
# Hour (grib2/tables/4/4.4.table)
indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange = 1;
# Hour (stepUnits.table)
stepUnits = 1;
forecastTime = 0;
# Ground or water surface (grib2/tables/4/4.5.table)
typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1;
#-READ ONLY- unitsOfFirstFixedSurface = unknown;
#-READ ONLY- nameOfFirstFixedSurface = Ground or water surface ;
scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = MISSING;
scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = MISSING;
# Missing (grib2/tables/4/4.5.table)
typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255;
#-READ ONLY- unitsOfSecondFixedSurface = unknown;
#-READ ONLY- nameOfSecondFixedSurface = Missing;
scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING;
scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING;
level = 0;
endStep = 0;
stepRange = 0;
shortNameECMF = acpcp;
shortName = acpcp;
nameECMF = Convective precipitation (water);
name = Convective precipitation (water);
cfNameECMF = lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount;
cfName = lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount;
cfVarNameECMF = acpcp;
cfVarName = acpcp;
#-READ ONLY- modelName = unknown;
numberOfValues = 1036800;
packingType = grid_jpeg;
# A bit map does not apply to this product (grib2/tables/4/6.0.table)
bitMapIndicator = 255;
bitmapPresent = 0;
values(1036800) = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
... 1036700 more values
#-READ ONLY- maximum = 0;
#-READ ONLY- minimum = 0;
#-READ ONLY- average = 0;
#-READ ONLY- numberOfMissing = 0;
#-READ ONLY- standardDeviation = 0;
#-READ ONLY- skewness = 0;
#-READ ONLY- kurtosis = 0;
#-READ ONLY- isConstant = 1;
#-READ ONLY- getNumberOfValues = 1036800;
$ grib_dump -OtaH gmf.gra.2018010300000.grb2
***** FILE: gmf.gra.2018010300000.grb2
#============== MESSAGE 1 ( length=356 ) ==============
1-4 ascii identifier = GRIB ( 0x47 0x52 0x49 0x42 )
5-6 unsigned reserved = MISSING ( 0xFF 0xFF )
7 codetable discipline = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Meteorological products (grib2/tables/4/0.0.table) ]
8 unsigned editionNumber = 2 ( 0x02 ) [ls.edition]
9-16 section_length totalLength = 356 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x64 )
====================== SECTION_1 ( length=21, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section_length section1Length = 21 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x15 )
5 unsigned numberOfSection = 1 ( 0x01 )
6-7 codetable centre = 38 ( 0x00 0x26 ) [Beijing (RSMC) (common/c-11.table) ] [identificationOfOriginatingGeneratingCentre, ls.centre, originatingCentre, centreForLocal]
8-9 unsigned subCentre = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 )
10 codetable tablesVersion = 4 ( 0x04 ) [Version implemented on 7 November 2007 (grib2/tables/1.0.table) ] [gribMasterTablesVersionNumber]
11 codetable localTablesVersion = 1 ( 0x01 ) [Unknown code table entry (grib2/tables/4/1.1.table) ] [versionNumberOfGribLocalTables]
12 codetable significanceOfReferenceTime = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Analysis (grib2/tables/4/1.2.table) ]
13-14 unsigned year = 2018 ( 0x07 0xE2 )
15 unsigned month = 1 ( 0x01 )
16 unsigned day = 3 ( 0x03 )
17 unsigned hour = 0 ( 0x00 )
18 unsigned minute = 0 ( 0x00 )
19 unsigned second = 0 ( 0x00 )
20 codetable productionStatusOfProcessedData = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Operational products (grib2/tables/4/1.3.table) ]
21 codetable typeOfProcessedData = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Analysis products (grib2/tables/4/1.4.table) ] [ls.dataType]
====================== SECTION_3 ( length=72, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section_length section3Length = 72 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x48 )
5 unsigned numberOfSection = 3 ( 0x03 )
6 codetable sourceOfGridDefinition = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Specified in Code table 3.1 (grib2/tables/4/3.0.table) ]
7-10 unsigned numberOfDataPoints = 1036800 ( 0x00 0x0F 0xD2 0x00 ) [numberOfPoints]
11 unsigned numberOfOctectsForNumberOfPoints = 0 ( 0x00 )
12 codetable interpretationOfNumberOfPoints = 0 ( 0x00 ) [There is no appended list (grib2/tables/4/3.11.table) ]
13-14 codetable gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 ) [Latitude/longitude (Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree) (grib2/tables/4/3.1.table) ]
15 codetable shapeOfTheEarth = 6 ( 0x06 ) [Earth assumed spherical with radius of 6,371,229.0 m (grib2/tables/4/3.2.table) ]
16 unsigned scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth = 0 ( 0x00 )
17-20 unsigned scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 )
21 unsigned scaleFactorOfEarthMajorAxis = 0 ( 0x00 ) [scaleFactorOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth]
22-25 unsigned scaledValueOfEarthMajorAxis = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) [scaledValueOfMajorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth]
26 unsigned scaleFactorOfEarthMinorAxis = 0 ( 0x00 ) [scaleFactorOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth]
27-30 unsigned scaledValueOfEarthMinorAxis = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) [scaledValueOfMinorAxisOfOblateSpheroidEarth]
31-34 unsigned Ni = 1440 ( 0x00 0x00 0x05 0xA0 ) [numberOfPointsAlongAParallel, Nx, numberOfColumns]
35-38 unsigned Nj = 720 ( 0x00 0x00 0x02 0xD0 ) [numberOfPointsAlongAMeridian, Ny, numberOfRows]
39-42 unsigned basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 )
43-46 unsigned subdivisionsOfBasicAngle = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 )
47-50 signed latitudeOfFirstGridPoint = 89875000 ( 0x05 0x5B 0x62 0x38 ) [La1]
51-54 signed longitudeOfFirstGridPoint = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) [Lo1]
55 codeflag resolutionAndComponentFlags = 48 [00110000] ( 0x30 )
56-59 signed latitudeOfLastGridPoint = -89875000 ( 0x85 0x5B 0x62 0x38 ) [La2]
60-63 signed longitudeOfLastGridPoint = 359750000 ( 0x15 0x71 0x59 0x70 ) [Lo2]
64-67 unsigned iDirectionIncrement = 250000 ( 0x00 0x03 0xD0 0x90 ) [Di, Dx]
68-71 unsigned jDirectionIncrement = 250000 ( 0x00 0x03 0xD0 0x90 ) [Dj, Dy]
72 codeflag scanningMode = 0 [00000000] ( 0x00 )
====================== SECTION_4 ( length=58, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section_length section4Length = 58 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3A )
5 unsigned numberOfSection = 4 ( 0x04 )
6-7 unsigned NV = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 ) [numberOfVerticalCoordinateValues, numberOfCoordinatesValues, numberOfVerticalGridDescriptors]
8-9 codetable productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 8 ( 0x00 0x08 ) [Average, accumulation, extreme values or other statistically processed values at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval (grib2/tables/4/4.0.table) ]
10 codetable parameterCategory = 1 ( 0x01 ) [Moisture (grib2/tables/4/4.1.0.table) ]
11 codetable parameterNumber = 10 ( 0x0A ) [Convective precipitation (kg m-2) (grib2/tables/4/ ]
12 codetable typeOfGeneratingProcess = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Analysis (grib2/tables/4/4.3.table) ]
13 unsigned backgroundProcess = 0 ( 0x00 ) [backgroundGeneratingProcessIdentifier]
14 unsigned generatingProcessIdentifier = 15 ( 0x0F )
15-16 unsigned hoursAfterDataCutoff = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 ) [hoursAfterReferenceTimeOfDataCutoff]
17 unsigned minutesAfterDataCutoff = 0 ( 0x00 ) [minutesAfterReferenceTimeOfDataCutoff]
18 codetable indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange = 1 ( 0x01 ) [Hour (grib2/tables/4/4.4.table) ]
19-22 signed forecastTime = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 )
23 codetable typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 1 ( 0x01 ) [Ground or water surface (grib2/tables/4/4.5.table) ] [levelType, mars.levtype]
24 signed scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = MISSING ( 0xFF )
25-28 unsigned scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = MISSING ( 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF )
29 codetable typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 ( 0xFF ) [Missing (grib2/tables/4/4.5.table) ]
30 signed scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING ( 0xFF )
31-34 unsigned scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING ( 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF )
35-36 unsigned yearOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 2018 ( 0x07 0xE2 )
37 unsigned monthOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 1 ( 0x01 )
38 unsigned dayOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 3 ( 0x03 )
39 unsigned hourOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 0 ( 0x00 )
40 unsigned minuteOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 0 ( 0x00 )
41 unsigned secondOfEndOfOverallTimeInterval = 0 ( 0x00 )
42 unsigned numberOfTimeRange = 1 ( 0x01 ) [n]
43-46 unsigned numberOfMissingInStatisticalProcess = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) [totalNumberOfDataValuesMissingInStatisticalProcess]
47 codetable typeOfStatisticalProcessing = 1 ( 0x01 ) [Accumulation (grib2/tables/4/4.10.table) ]
48 codetable typeOfTimeIncrement = 2 ( 0x02 ) [Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented (grib2/tables/4/4.11.table) ] [typeOfTimeIncrementBetweenSuccessiveFieldsUsedInTheStatisticalProcessing]
49 codetable indicatorOfUnitForTimeRange = 1 ( 0x01 ) [Hour (grib2/tables/4/4.4.table) ]
50-53 unsigned lengthOfTimeRange = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 )
54 codetable indicatorOfUnitForTimeIncrement = 255 ( 0xFF ) [Missing (grib2/tables/4/4.4.table) ]
55-58 unsigned timeIncrement = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ) [timeIncrementBetweenSuccessiveFields]
====================== SECTION_5 ( length=23, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section_length section5Length = 23 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x17 )
5 unsigned numberOfSection = 5 ( 0x05 )
6-9 unsigned numberOfValues = 1036800 ( 0x00 0x0F 0xD2 0x00 ) [numberOfCodedValues, numberOfEffectiveValues]
10-11 codetable dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 40 ( 0x00 0x28 ) [JPEG2000 Packing (grib2/tables/4/5.0.table) ]
12-15 ieeefloat referenceValue = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 )
16-17 signed binaryScaleFactor = 0 ( 0x00 0x00 )
18-19 signed decimalScaleFactor = 6 ( 0x00 0x06 )
20 unsigned bitsPerValue = 24 ( 0x18 ) [numberOfBits, numberOfBitsContainingEachPackedValue]
21 codetable typeOfOriginalFieldValues = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Floating point (grib2/tables/4/5.1.table) ]
22 codetable typeOfCompressionUsed = 0 ( 0x00 ) [Lossless (grib2/tables/4/5.40.table) ]
23 unsigned targetCompressionRatio = 255 ( 0xFF )
====================== SECTION_6 ( length=6, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section_length section6Length = 6 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x06 )
5 unsigned numberOfSection = 6 ( 0x06 )
6 codetable bitMapIndicator = 255 ( 0xFF ) [A bit map does not apply to this product (grib2/tables/4/6.0.table) ]
====================== SECTION_7 ( length=156, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 section_length section7Length = 156 ( 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x9C )
5 unsigned numberOfSection = 7 ( 0x07 )
6-156 data_jpeg2000_packing codedValues = (1036800,151) [data.packedValues] {
0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00,
0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00, 0.0000000000e+00,
... 1036700 more values
} # data_jpeg2000_packing codedValues
====================== SECTION_8 ( length=4, padding=0 ) ======================
1-4 ascii 7777 = 7777 ( 0x37 0x37 0x37 0x37 )
Debug 模式会显示 computed key。其中 ls.<key>
, mars.<key>
, time.<key>
表示 namespace 中的 key。
$ grib_dump -D gmf.gra.2018010300000.grb2
***** FILE: gmf.gra.2018010300000.grb2
#============== MESSAGE 1 ( length=356 ) ==============
======> section GRIB (356,356,0)
0-0 constant tablesVersionLatest = 20
0-0 constant one = 1 [defaultStepUnits]
0-0 constant million = 1000000
0-0 constant grib2divider = 1000000
0-4 ascii identifier = GRIB
4-6 unsigned reserved = MISSING
6-7 codetable discipline = 0 [Meteorological products (grib2/tables/4/0.0.table) ]
7-8 unsigned editionNumber = 2 [ls.edition]
8-16 section_length totalLength = 356
16-16 position startOfHeaders = 16
16-16 section_pointer section0Pointer = 0 {}
======> section core (336,336,0)
16-16 lookup sectionNumber = 1 [? 255 20-1]
16-16 position sectionPosition = 16
======> section section_1 (21,21,0)
16-16 position offsetSection1 = 16
16-20 section_length section1Length = 21
20-20 section_pointer section1Pointer = 0 {}
20-21 unsigned numberOfSection = 1
21-23 codetable centre = 38 [Beijing (RSMC) (common/c-11.table) ] [identificationOfOriginatingGeneratingCentre, ls.centre, originatingCentre, centreForLocal]
23-23 codetable_title centreDescription = Beijing
23-25 unsigned subCentre = 0
25-26 codetable tablesVersion = 4 [Version implemented on 7 November 2007 (grib2/tables/1.0.table) ] [gribMasterTablesVersionNumber]
26-26 transient masterDir = grib2/tables/[tablesVersion]
26-27 codetable localTablesVersion = 1 [Unknown code table entry (grib2/tables/4/1.1.table) ] [versionNumberOfGribLocalTables]
35-36 codetable productionStatusOfProcessedData = 0 [Operational products (grib2/tables/4/1.3.table) ]
36-37 codetable typeOfProcessedData = 0 [Analysis products (grib2/tables/4/1.4.table) ] [ls.dataType]
37-37 md5 md5Section1 = d7dda6eb5f368b9d23d941cc58c0124e
37-37 select_step_template selectStepTemplateInterval = 1
37-37 select_step_template selectStepTemplateInstant = 1
37-37 transient stepTypeInternal = instant
37-37 concept stepType = accum
37-37 transient setCalendarId = 0
37-37 transient deleteCalendarId = 0
37-37 concept is_uerra = 0
<===== section section_1
37-37 lookup sectionNumber = 3 [? 255 41-1]
37-37 transient grib2LocalSectionPresent = 0 [setLocalDefinition]
37-37 transient deleteLocalDefinition = 0
37-37 lookup sectionNumber = 3 [? 255 41-1]
37-37 position sectionPosition = 37
======> section section_3 (72,72,0)
37-37 constant gridDescriptionSectionPresent = 1
37-37 position offsetSection3 = 37
ecCodes 命名空间
ecCodes 命名空间(ecCodes namespace)在 grib_ls 工具中非常有用。
namespace | keys |
ls | centre, shortName, level etc. 被 grib_ls 工具使用 |
parameter | paramId, shortName, units etc. 与气象要素相关 |
statistics | maximum, minimum, average, standard deviation etc. 与数据值的统计有关 |
time | forecast date, validity date, steps etc. 描述预报运行情况 |
geography | bounding box of the grid, number of points along a parallel etc. 描述网格形状 |
vertical | type of the level, list of coefficients of the vertical coordinate etc. 描述层次(levels and layers) |
mars | class, stream, type etc. 用于描述 MARS 的内容,MARS 是 ECMWF’s Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System |